URLs are getting old. We have to
update URLs for documentation
JIRA issue: CORE-19963
- Refresh old URLs.
- Add " (DEAD_LINK)" labels
to dead links.
- Use MS Learn links rather
than MSDN ones.
- Some dead links revived by
Web Archive.
- Don't change Wine Tests
and Wine Sync.
- Don't change 3rd party libraries.
- Don't append "redirected" labels.
They are redundant when these are already present in the given module's
root resource file, from which the language-specific resource files are
being included.
Tweaks all AUTOCHECKBOXes in desk.cpl
no functional change intended, it seems to work well when testing it locally
Makes the rcs shorter
it also makes the binaries a few bytes smaller:
GCC8.4.0dbg RosBEWin2.2.2 DESK.CPL shrinks 650.240 bytes -> 647.168 bytes
it prettifies also the display in reshacker
We had a mixup between languages regarding WS_CHILD, CBS_SORT for some comboboxes.
Harmonize that by:
- Strip explicit WS_CHILD from all comboboxes (because it is implicitly available)
This fixes the wrong order in those controls
Each language had exactly one dlg which specified its font like that.
All other dialogs didn't use that style.
This doesn't fix anything. It also doesn't shrink the binary.
It just saves a few keystrokes in the rc's.
Shorter is better. Pure janitorial.
- Fix "icone" typo in French (must be "icône");
- Add missing trailing semicolons for options introducing a choice;
- Tweak the IDC_EFFAPPEARANCE_KEYBOARDCUES translation to make it
a little bit shorter and allowing to reduce the dialog a bit more
(not yet "perfect" but towards the goal).
- use _countof() consistently throughout the module instead of mixed ARRAYSIZE/countof.
In *.rc:
- the 3 AUTORADIOBUTTONS should not end with dots. In Windows 2k3sp2 ARB do never end with dots, I double-checked that here also in desk.cpl
- all 3 ARB should have an accel. I added the german ones, and added FIXMEs where I didn't know the correct accels
- the GROUPBOX IDC_SCREENS_DUMMY2 should not have an accel, but the only button in there PUSHBUTTON IDC_SCREENS_POWER_BUTTON should have an accel. This fixes a few existing accel collisions, e.g. in nl-NL.rc
- add a few additional FIXMEs for missing accels where I stumbled over them (most of them I fixed by guessing in the older branches, but I think it makes sense to let the actual native speakers fix them with the same accel that would be used in the 2k3sp2-version of *their* language)
- ro-RO.rc: Fix the forbidden characters according to the romanian-translation-rules
I noticed those glitches while porting back stuff, and acted on the FIXMEs in the backport instead of just fingerpointing to them (what I did on master).
Matches Turkish translation in the desk.cpl applet, except one string
that I borrowed from Windows 7 with Turkish localization.
Updated the latter in desk.cpl as well.
Fix wrong MAKEINTRESOURCEW() macro usage cases in LoadCursorW() system-wide.
MSDN documentation for this function states we need to use MAKEINTRESOURCEW() macro only for internal application-defined cursors (loaded from the app instance specified by hInstance parameter), but not for system-defined cursors (those begin with IDC_* prefix), in case when hInstance is NULL.
So get rid from MAKEINTRESOURCEW() macro usage for all cases when hInstance parameter is NULL. And on the contrary, when hInstance is valid and points to the application instance, then use it for the resource identifier.