Eliminate some bugs about font enumeration. CORE-15755
- Add "Microsoft Sans Serif" font substitution.
- Fix and improve the treatment of the nominal font names.
- Split IntGetFontFamilyInfo function from NtGdiGetFontFamilyInfo.
- Add DoFontSystemUnittest function for font system unittest to GDI32.
- Call DoFontSystemUnittest function at CreateFontIndirectW first call.
There is no need to compile our DLLs as shared libraries since we are
managing symbols exports and imports through spec files.
On my system, this reduces the configure-time by a factor of two.
On-Screen Keyboard has a manifest which is used for visual styles. However, the common controls aren't initialized and as a general rule the controls have to be loaded in the application's handle instance.
On-Screen Keyboard provides a mechanism to launch the application only once, to avoid multiple entry point instances. Such mechanism is based upon mutex objects, although it could happen that the program may end up creating two or more mutexes (a race condition).
- Enable "New Start Menu" control for all languages.
- Implement the "NoSimpleStartMenu" policy in shpolicy.c and its usage in explorer.
- Hide controls instead of disabling (as in Win XP/Vista).
Implement the coordination dialog data saver. This allows OSK to launch using the previous placement values. Such behaviour can be seen with the XP's part of On-Screen Keyboard.
- Fixed bug 12.37 13/06/2009 into multiprecision display (unicode only).
- Fixed bug when calculator was closed with statistics dialog open.
- Fixed bug in XrY operator.
- Fixed error into conversion unit.
- Do not append decimal separator if "ERROR" messages are printed.
- Remove call to _tcslen() and use return value of GetDlgItemText() where possible.
Configuration is read from WIN.INI under W32S/Win9x/Me and from the registry
for all NT platforms.
Although with INI file mapping the keys are still saved in the registry
even on NT, I added handling of different platforms for writing directly
the configuration in the right place.
- Fix errors if a theme api is missing.
- Add callback to functions for drawing themed transparent background.
- Fix drawing glitch when theming is applied.
- Redraw on theme change: automatically redraw the window if the
theme is changed while the application is active.
- Colours are now declared though RGB() macro.
- Removed safe DS_SHELLFONT declaration.
- Added support for average of squares and mean of squares into statistical functions.
- pop() and push() functions in RPN engines now work with nodes instead of stack units.
- Moved the POW and SQR operations near the operators.
- Fix number of digits for IEEE-754 constants.
- Show all available digits in exp notation.
- Update help correspondingly.
Nowadays more and more people try to install ReactOS from removable
drives (e.g. USB sticks) onto fixed HDDs, or try to install it into
USB sticks too.
Both fixed and removable drives, as well as partitions on these, are
represented in NT using the same device name format:
\Device\HarddiskM\PartitionN ,
with an increasing disk number M. Using this number for building the
corresponding firmware-specific ARC multi(x)disk(y)rdisk(z) path used
by the NT/ROS loader (FreeLdr, ...) is then prone to error since there
may have been removable drives inserted and accounted for in the
calculation of the disk number. These drives must be correctly
subtracted in order to generate the correct ARC path, valid once all
the removable drives have been ejected (which should also be the
situation seen from the BIOS when booting up, except of course if you
boot on a USB stick).
This problem is now solved. Note that it matters only for the disks
that have also been enumerated by the firmware (BIOS; Int 13h). We
don't have to care about the other drives, since the ARC path will be
of a different format and will not use the disk number (instead, the
SCSI coordinates are used).
We also try to enumerate all the disks found in all the possible disk
adapters and controllers enumerated in the Hardware registry tree
(and that are visible by FreeLdr) in order to cover all.
Finally, we detect whether a disk reports as a "super-floppy", i.e.
an unpartitioned disk with a valid VBR. This is indeed how a standard
floppy disk looks like, or how USB sticks are partitioned on Windows.
Such disk is reported has having only one single partition starting at
the beginning of the disk, with partition number == 0, its type being
FAT16 non-bootable.
This allows us to forbid creating any new partitions on such disks.
Note that accessing either \Device\HarddiskN\Partition0 or Partition1
on such a disk returns the same data.
Note also that on the contrary, regular MBR-partitioned disks would
report at least four partitions entries, instead of just one.
The other improvements are:
- Do *NOT* write any MBR on a disk partitioned as "super-floppy".
- Fix the computed disk identifier, of format: %08x-%08x-%c .
The numbers are respectively the checksum of the first sector, and
the disk signature. The terminating letter is A or X, depending
whether the first sector ends with 0x55AA/0xAA55 or not (see also
commit 5053f1f5).
- Warn if the user attempts to install ReactOS on a disk that is not
visible by the firmware of his computer, because it may not be
- Add also some validation ASSERTs and simplify the code here and there.
- The installation partition is called "InstallPartition", while the
global "CurrentPartition" is the disk region currently selected in
the partition UI list, on which prtitioning operations are effectued.
- Extend CheckActiveSystemPartition() to use an optional alternative
disk or partition in case the actual system partition (present in the
first disk) cannot be used, e.g. because we don't support writes on it.
- Find or set the active system partition only once, when we start the
formatting stage. If the system partition is to be created in some
non-partitioned space, we create it.
- A file-system check is always scheduled for both the system and the
installation partitions.
- If the system partition was already formatted (which usually means
that it already existed on the system), don't ask for formatting it.
- For each partition to be formatted, the file-system menu list is
re-created, in order to display only the FSes that are compatible
with the selected partition, and allow to give the user the choice
to keep the existing file-system only if the selected partition was
already formatted.
- Check whether the user attempts to delete the partition on which
the installation source is present, only if it is not "new" and is
- Check first whether the current partition is the system partition,
- Make some partitioning functions not dependent on the selected "CurrentPartition".
- Add some sanity checks.
- Improve some of the "is-partitioned" checks.
Similarly to FMIFS this structure should be private. Instead file-system
names are passed to the helper functions, allowing to use the names
returned by the FS drivers. The names are then internally mapped to the
corresponding FS providers.
In particular this allows to handle the "RAW" file-system and to assign
the 'Unformatted' flag to partitions having this FS.
Finally this helps us refining the checks performed to see whether the
current "active" system partition uses a supported file-system.
This stub is responsible for providing the UUID seed to the kernel.
For now, it generates a purely random seed - MAC address support
is to be added.
Because it's purely random seed and local the machine (not tied
to the MAC address) it's made so that ExUuidCreate keeps returning
RPC_NT_UUID_LOCAL_ONLY. It won't fix failing test for now.
Nota: this service shouldn't exist as it. It should be implemented
though rpcss DLL for both rpcss service (network service) and
dcomlaunch service (local system service).
Because rpcss is EXE based and wine-synced for now, I prefered
stubbing a new service. This will have to be changed at some point.
- Implement the save/load handler for this feature
- Check the "Use Click Sound" item state accordingly depending if it's enabled or disabled
- Use PlaySoundW() to play the wave sound file from resource
- Add the WAV sound click file. The work is made thanks to Midori Mizuno
Prevent nslookup.exe from crashing when executed in a ROS VM with no network
interfaces. This is due to a NULL pointer dereference occurring if
`GetNetworkParams` in `main` fails with an error other than
`ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW`. In this case, `pNetInfo` remains initialized to
NULL, causing `strncpy` to crash.
- Within the function's body code, check the status values returned by the called functions.
- Change the BuildInstallPaths's function type to NTSTATUS instead of VOID (and check the status of InitDestinationPaths() as well.
- Add the respective standard keyboard resource.
- Implement the standard/enhanced keyboard dialog switcher.
- Implement save/load handler.
- Move the warning box conditinal check (bShowWarning) to wWinMain application entry point (this will prevent the modal welcome box from displaying each time the user switches into another dialog).
[CMDUTILS/AT] Fix missing translation strings in certain files.
[NOTEPAD] Fix SUBLANG code to brazillian.
[RAPPS] Fix missing translation strings in certain files.
[FDEBUG] Fix translation string ID.
[CPL/INPUT] Fix missing translation strings in certain files.
[ACPPAGE] Fix incorrect resource IDs.
[NETSHELL] Fix incorrect resource IDs.
[DEVMGR] Fix missing translation strings in certain files.
[LSASRV] Fix missing translation strings in certain files.
[RASDLG] Fix missing translation strings in certain files.
[SHELL32] Fix missing translation strings and incorrect resource IDs.
[TAPIUI] Fix missing translation strings in certain files.
[WINFILE] Fix incorrect resource IDs.
[NTVDM] Fix missing translation strings in certain files.
[USERSRV] Fix missing translation strings in certain files.
[BROWSEUI] One more missing string.
[FLTMC] Fix missing translation strings in certain files.
Detected using the TransDiffer tool (early alpha).
This doesn't include everything anymore, but I wanted to get the PR out of the way.
* [WIN32K] Fix handle calculation in DbgGdiHTIntegrityCheck
* [NOTEPAD] Fix MSVC warnings
* [PSDK] Simplify *PROC definitions in windef.h
* [VIDEOPRT] Don't try to use NtVdmControl on x64
* [FREELDR] Fix some macros
* [CRT] Make qsort 64 bit compatible
* [NTOS] Use #ifndef _WIN64 instead of #ifdef _M_IX86 around C_ASSERTs
* [FAST486] Fix 64 bit warnings and change DWORD to ULONG, so it can be used in kernel mode
* [APPHELP_APITEST] Fix 64 bit issue
This fixes services not being found.
With that commit and the previous one, I_QueryTagInformation is now fully
functionnal and properly returns service name for a specific tag
By default, we still fallback to FAT if nothing asked, or if there
is an invalid input.
0 is FAT, 1 is BtrFS. This can be grown as soon as we add more IFS.
Update Simplified and Traditional Chinese translations.
@Translators: Please start translating messages from netmsgmsg.mc and errorcodes.mc (located in sdk\include\reactos\mc). They will be used instead of local strings.
* [BROWSEUI] Update Traditional Chinese translation.
* [BROWSEUI] Update Simplified Chinese translation.
* [SHELL32] Update Traditional Chinese translation.
* [REGEDIT] Update Traditional Chinese translation.
* [BROWSEUI] Update Traditional Chinese translation.
- The converter is code7bit I made. code7bit: https://github.com/katahiromz/code7bit
- This converter converts non-clean characters in string literals.
- However I couldn't erase a ton of codepage C4819 warnings.
- CORE-15447
You can edit an European source file as follows:
- Right click the file in the Solution Explorer.
- Select "Open With...".
- Choose "C++ Source Code Editor (with encoding)".
- Choose "Central European (Windows) - Codepage 1260".
Using locked operations (insertion & removal) on the list of queued
devices installations is necessary, because these operations are done
concurrently by two different threads: PnpEventThread() and
Addendum to commit b2aeafca (r24365).
- Add checks for GPT disks and either fail or ignore the disk,
depending on the operation being executed.
[USETUP][REACTOS] Display the disk style more accurately.
- Correctly insert discovered partitions in sorted order of StartSector,
and verify that they do not overlap (-> check for broken partitioning).
May help for CORE-10898.
- Use the correct reported partition numbers that may be modified after
partitioning changes, and that need to be used when opening
\Device\Harddisk'M'\Partition'N' files. This is achieving by
retrieving the returned value of the IOCTL_DISK_SET_DRIVE_LAYOUT call.
Distinguish them from the "on-disk" partition numbers that are the ones
that enumerate the partition in partition-table order (and is the order
known by e.g. the BIOS), and that should be used to construct the
destination ARC path.
May help for CORE-4870, CORE-13205.
- Simplify a lot of duplicated code by using helper functions.