fault() now has an additional pc argument that is
used to detect fault on a non-executable segment.
that is, we check on read fault if the segment
has the SG_NOEXEC attribute and the program counter
is within faulting page.
a portable SG_NOEXEC segment attribute was added to allow
non-executable (physical) segments. which will set the
PTENOEXEC bits for putmmu().
in the future, this can be used to make non-executable
stack / bss segments.
the SG_DEVICE attribute was added to distinguish between
mmio regions and uncached memory. only matterns on arm64.
on arm, theres the issue that PTEUNCACHED would have
no bits set when using the hardware bit definitions.
this is the reason bcm, kw, teg2 and omap kernels use
arteficial PTE constants. on zynq, the XN bit was used
as a hack to give PTEUNCACHED a non-zero value and when
the bit is clear then cache attributes where added to
the pte.
to fix this, PTECACHED constant was added.
the portable mmu code in fault.c will now explicitely set
PTECACHED bits for cached memory and PTEUNCACHED for
uncached memory. that way the hardware bit definitions
can be used everywhere.
on the 2GB and 4GB raspberry pi 4 variants, there are two
memory regions for ram:
the framebuffer is somewhere at the end of the first
GB of memory.
to handle these, we append the region base and limit
of the second region to *maxmem= like:
*maxmem=0x3e600000 0x40000000 0xfc000000
the mmu code has been changed to have non-existing
ram unmapped and mmukmap() now uses small 64K pages
instead of 512GB pages to avoid aliasing (framebuffer).
the VIRTPCI mapping has been removed as we now have
a proper vmap() implementation which assigns vritual
addresses automatically.
according to the following linux change, BCM2711 uses a different
method for changing pullup/down mode:
abcfd09286 (diff-cf078559c38543ac72c5db99323e236d)
gpiomeminit() was broken, using virtual address for the gpio physseg
instead of the physical one.
cleanup the code, avoid repetition by declaring static u32int *regs
variable. make local variable names consistent.
the raspberry pi 4 has a new interrupt controller and
pci support, so get rid of intrenable() macro and
properly make intrenable function with tbdf argument.
the new raspberry pi 4 firmware for arm64 seems to have
broken atag support. so we now parse the device tree
structure to get the bootargs and memory configuration.
always clean AND invalidate caches before dma read,
never just invalidate as the buffer might not be
aligned to cache lines...
we have to invalidate caches again *AFTER* the dma
read has completed. the processor can bring in data
speculatively into the cache while the dma in in
we override atag memory on reboot, so preserve
the memsize learned from atag as *maxmem plan9
variable. the global memsize variable is not
needed anymore.
avoid trashing the following atag when zero
terminating the cmdline string.
zero memory after plan9.ini variables.
i'v been seeing the error condition described above in the
Slowbulkin comment. so i'm enabling the work arround which
seems to fix the lockup.
in the split transaction case where we want to start the
transaction at frame start, acquire the ctlr lock *before*
checking if we are in the right frame number. so the start
will happen atomically. checking the software ctlr->sofchan
instead of checking the interrupt mask register seems to
be quicker.
setting the haint mask bit for the chan under ctlr lock
in chanio() instead of chanwait() avoids needing to acquire
the ctlr lock twice.
mask wakechan bits with busychan bitmap in interrupt handlers
so we will not try to wake up released chans by accident.
sleep() and tsleep() might get interrupted so we have to
release the split qlock in the split transaction case and
in all cases, make sure to halt the channel before release.
add some common debug functions to dump channel and controller
all screen implementations use a Memimage* internally
for the framebuffer, so we can return a shared reference
to its Memdata structure in attachscreen() instead of
a framebuffer data pointer.
this eleminates the softscreen == 0xa110c hack as we
always use shared Memdata* now.
coproc.c generated the instrucitons anew each time,
requiering a i+d cache flush for each operation.
instead, we can speed this up like this:
given that the coprocessor registers are per cpu, we can
assume that interrupts have already been disabled by
the caller to prevent a process switch to another cpu.
we cache the instructions generated in a static append
only buffer and maintain separate end pointers for each
the cache flushes only need to be done when new
operations have been added to the buffer.
reference: https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/542
procsave(Proc* p)
uvlong t;
p->pcycles += t;
// TODO: save and restore VFPv3 FP state once 5[cal] know the new registers.
* Prevent the following scenario:
* pX sleeps on cpuA, leaving its page tables in mmul1
* pX wakes up on cpuB, and exits, freeing its page tables
* pY on cpuB allocates a freed page table page and overwrites with data
* cpuA takes an interrupt, and is now running with bad page tables
* In theory this shouldn't hurt because only user address space tables
* are affected, and mmuswitch will clear mmul1 before a user process is
* dispatched. But empirically it correlates with weird problems, eg
* resetting of the core clock at 0x4000001C which confuses local timers.
if(conf.nmach > 1)
- clean dcache before turning off caches and mmu (rebootcode.s)
- use WFE and inter-core mailboxes for cpu startup (rebootcode.s)
- disable SMP during dcache invalidation before enabling caches and mmu (in armv7.s)
- synchronize rebootcode installation
- handle the 1MB identity map in mmu.c (mmuinit1())
- do not overlap CONFADDR with rebootcode, the non boot
processors are parked there.
- make REBOOTADDR physical address
- disable local clock on interrupt to prevent accidents when reenabling
- always regitster local clock interrupt handler, even for cpu0
- simplify microdelay()
- don't mess with watchdog