• Moved all hardcoded combo instruction values to the language file config.
• Changed default getInstructions() method to change the path if it's a combo in order to get the correct configuration value.
## Additions
* Implements the Attribute annotation for all applicable fields in every ability class (some abilities have multiple classes)
## Fixes
* Fixes FireShield not dealing firetick (options weren't set as defaults in the config)
## Removals
* Removes all RPG references and the ProjectKorraRPG.jar from the libs folder in the project and as a maven dependency
* Removes all Items references and the ProjectKorraItems.jar from the libs folder in the project and as a maven dependency
* Removes all Spirits references and the ProjectKorraSpirits.jar from the libs folder in the project and as a maven dependency
## Misc. Changes
* Changes various config options and field names to be more self-explanatory
> * In AirStream: `EntityHeight` and `EntityDuration` were changed to be `EntityCarry.Height` and `EntityCarry.Duration` (also changed in AvatarState portion)
> * In IceSpike: `SlowPower` was changed to `SlowPotency` (also in the Blast portion) and `Field.Push` was changed to `Field.Knockup`
> * In WaterSpout.Wave: `FlightTimer` was changed to `FlightDuration`
> * In Bloodbending: `ThrowFactor` was changed to `Knockback` and `HoldTime` was changed to `Duration`
> * In HealingWaters: `Power` was changed to `PotionPotency` and `HealingDuration` was removed
> * In Surge.Wave: `HorizontalPush` was changed to `Knockback` and `VerticalPush` was changed to `Knockup`
> * In Torrent: `Push` was changed to `Knockback` and `MaxUpwardForce` was changed to `Knockup`
> * In WaterArms: `Punch.PunchDamage` was changed to `Punch.Damage` and `Grab.HoldTime` was changed to `Grab.Duration` and `Spear.Sphere` was changed to `Spear.SphereRadius`
> * In WaterManipulation: `Push` was changed to `Knockback`
> * EarthSmash has been separated better into portions of `Flight`, `Grab`, and `Shoot`
> * In EarthSmash: `RemoveTimer` was changed to `Duration`
> * MetalClips has been separated better into portions of `Crush` and `Magnet`
> * In EarthPillars: `Power` was changed to `Knockup`
> * In Combustion: `Power` was changed to `ExplosivePower`
> * In FireBlast: `Push` was changed to `Knockback`
> * Added separate cooldown option for Charged FireBlast
* Changed some abilities constructor to allow Attribute system to work
To better store instances of manager classes such as FlightHandler, DBCooldownManager, and more to come in the future, an abstract Manager class implementing Listener has added. This class serves to provide easy accessibility of Manager classes without needing to store individual variables everywhere or restoring to solely static classes.
To create a Manager class, simply extend `com.projectkorra.projectkorra.Manager`.
To register your Manager, simply call `Manager.registerManager(Class<? extends Manager>)`.
It is required that your manager has a constructor with no args as this is used to instantiate your class.
It is highly recommended to make this constructor private to prevent new unintentional instances being created.
To get the Manager throughout your code, simply call `Manager.getManager(Class<? extends Manager>)`.
Manager provides two overridable methods, onActivate, and onDeactivate. These methods are called when the Manager is activated and deactivated respectively.
A Manager is activated when `Manager.registerManager(Class<? extends Manager>)` is called, and deactivated when ProjectKorra is disabled on reload/restart.
As Manager implements Listener, any events related to this manager class should be contained within the class.
## Additions
* Added Statistics API
* Added cooldown database
* Added database cooldown to `AvatarState`
* Added code to try a reconnect if the database connection is lost
* Added a check to ensure an entity is an instance of `LivingEntity` before casting in `PKListener`
* Added `FireManipulation` and Combo permissions to `plugin.yml`
* Added an isBender method to `BendingPlayer`
* Added a getter for the player object stored in `BendingPlayer`
* Added `OFFHAND_TRIGGER` to `ClickType`
* Added `ElementalAbility#getEarthbendableBlocks()`, returns String list from config
* Added `GeneralMethods#getBlockFaceFromValue(int xyz, double value)`
* Added `GeneralMethods#checkDiagonalWall(Location location, Vector direction)`, to determine if there is a diagonal wall
* Added required variable to `ComboAbilityInfo`, Set of `CoreAbility` a `Player` must have active to use corresponding `ComboAbility`
* Added `PassiveAbility#isProgressable()`, checks for if the ability uses its progress() method
* Added overriding capabilities to `CollisionManager`
* Added `TempArmorStand` utility class
* Added new `EarthGrab`
* Added new Earth combo, `EarthPillars`.
* Added new `Flight` `MultiAbility`
* Added a "Sticky" feature to `TremorSense`
* Added “/b stats” command to display player statistics
* Added `TimeUtil` to convert millisecond times into human readable increments
* Added Dynamic Sourcing config option for Earth and Water
* Added enable/disable option to `FireManipulation`
* Added configurable duration values to `AirShield`, `AirSpout`, and `Tornado`, `WaterSpout`, `HealingWaters`, and `OctopusForm`
* Added `IceBlast` and `IceSpike` blast to collisions
* Added mechanics to `AirSuction` to close doors
* Added configurable cooldown to “/b choose” located at “Properties.ChooseCooldown”
* Added IRON_TRAPDOOR to `FerroControl` functionality
* Added new config option that can prevent the Updater from connecting to the website when disabled in the config
* Added more options to `AirSwipe` in `AvatarState` config portion
## Fixes
* Fixed “Abilities.Chi.Smokescreen.Instructions” spelling error in `ConfigManager.java`
* Fixed “Abilities.Water.Passive.HydroSink.Description” spelling error in `ConfigManager.java`
* Fixed “Commands.PermaRemove.Description” spelling error in `ConfigManager.java`
* Fixed “Extras.Fire.DayMessage” spelling error in `ConfigManager.java`
* Fixed `QuickStrike` causing an endless chain of itself that never stops chiblocking and does no damage
* Fixed `Paralyze` going indefinitely when it has a cooldown of 0
* Fixed damaging chi abilities not working in `WarriorStance`
* Fixed `WarriorStance` NPE
* Fixed `AcrobatStance` NPE when a user attempts to log out while the move is active
* Fixed paralyzing abilities canceling the sneak event if the player was sneaking
* Fixed `Passives` not being removed when a player has their bending changed
* Fixed `Passives` being activated in Spectator mode
* Fixed `DensityShift` softening your landing while you are an Airbender
* Fixed the passives that weren't working. This includes `FerroControl`, `FastSwim`, `AirAgility` and `ChiAgility`
* Fixed `MultiAbility` instances not being removed when a player has their bending changed
* Fixed player binds not being filtered properly if they are using a `MultiAbility`
* Fixed `FireWheel` going over air
* Fixed `AvatarState` sound causing the ability to not work
* Fixed bottlebending for `Surge`, `WaterManipulation`, and `OctopusForm`
* Fixed `Bloodbending` ConcurrentModificationException when attempting to bend non-living entities
* Fixed `PhaseChange` not working on blocks placed over already melted blocks
* Fixed `IceBlast` going on cooldown after sneaking after selecting a block
* Fixed `Surge` making `TempBlocks` revert
* Fixed `WaterArms` grapple ability not working
* Fixed `WaterArms` making `TempBlocks` revert
* Fixed `WaterArmsSpear` checking if a block is placeable after placing the block
* Fixed aiming bugs with `WaterArmsSpear`
* Fixed `LavaFlow` causing drop duplications when cooled by another move
* Fixed `EarthArmor` making people invincible
* Fixed `EarthTunnel` so that it will work through tall grass and other transparent blocks
* Fixed `EarthTunnel` not checking if a block it was trying to remove was in a protected region
* Fixed `EarthSmash` values being incorrect
* Fixed being able to remove the `EarthArmor` armor items from their slots
* Fixed `EarthTunnel` not being able to be used on fallen blocks
* Fixed `FireManipulation` being able to go through blocks
* Fixed `FireSpin` and `FireKick` not expanding to full size when hitting an entity
* Fixed `HeatControl` solidify not working on Minecraft version 1.9
* Fixed `Illumination` dropping a torch if water is placed on the user's feet via bucket
* Fixed `FireCombos` not working with `AvatarState`
* Fixed `FireWheel` not going down inclines
* Fixed `FireWheel` insane wall climbing
* Fixed `FireShield` duration
* Fixed `FireWheel` not always damaging due to an invalid entity selection range
* Fixed logic in `GeneralMethods#displayColoredParticle()` which caused random blips of other colors
* FIxed `ClassCastException` in `PKListener.java` caused by `MetalClips`
* Fixed typo in `GeneralMethods` which confused NETHER_WART_BLOCK with NETHER_STALK
* Fixed permission based limit on how many Presets players can create. `bending.command.preset.create.#`
* Fixed NPE in `WhoCommand` when performing offline lookups
* Fixed various bad `Map#contains()` checks throughout the plugin
* Fixed `BendingPlayer#addCooldown()` adding cooldowns even if their time is set to an invalid number.
* Fixed the `PlayerCooldownChangeEvent` being fired on an invalid case
* Fixed entity targeting methods in `GeneralMethods` registering dead players waiting to respawn as valid targets
* Fixed NPE caused by checking for Lunar Eclipse, Solar Eclipse, Full Moon or Sozins Comet when not in the Overworld
* Fixed `AirBlast`, `AirSweep`, `FireBlast` going through diagonal walls
* Fixed known fly glitches
* Fixed ability redirection breaking bottlebending for that player until server restart
## Misc. Changes
* Changed instructions in “/bending help <ability>” to `ChatColor.WHITE`
* Changed “/bending help earth” message to match others
* Improved check for exhaustion in move event
* Changed `CoreAbility#getDescription()` to pull combos from the lang config as well
* Renamed `Hydrosink.java` to `HydroSink.java`
* Reduced combo cleanup delay to one minute
* Improved `IceSpike` blast animation
* Improved code in `ProjectKorra.java`
* Improved `FireShield` animation
* Changed passive classes to be more functional than previously
* Changed `BendingPlayer#canBendPassive()` and `BendingPlayer#canUsePassive()` to have `CoreAbility` param instead of `Element`
* Changed `PassiveAbility#isInstantiable()` to be a check if the ability must be activated by the player, not if it uses the constructor
* Improved `CoreAbility#progressAll()`
* Improved `AirAgility` and `ChiAgility`
* Changed death messages that say “experienced kinetic damage” to “experienced a fatal collision”
* Changed `AirShield` to permit `AirSwipe` and `AirSweep` to pass through it
* Changed `FireShield` to permit `FireBlastCharged` to pass through it
* Changed `AirBlast`, `AirSuction`, `Blaze`, and `Combustion` so they do not collide with any other abilities
* Changed `AirSwipe` and `AirSweep` so they can respectively pass through other instances of themselves.
* Removed all active abilities for a given player when they quit the server
* Changed old `EarthGrab` to `EarthDome` combo
* Changed `AirSwipe` to cool lava temporarily instead of permanently
* Changed “/pk” to return the “/pk help” pages
* Changed `InvincibleCommand` to use `i` as an alias. “/pk i”
* Changed `Preset` bind command to use branding
* Changed `Preset` list command to use pages
* Changed bending preview to persist while on an ability slot
* Changed moves that cool lava (`AirBlast`, `AirBurst`, `AirSwipe`, `HeatControl`) so that they revert `LavaFlow` blocks
* Changed `LavaFlow` click to only produce particles on blocks it has affected
* Updated the `Updater` URL
* Updated “/pk help <element>” to support Avatar as an argument
* Updated “/pk help <element>” to prompt users to enter “/pk display <element>” instead of “/pk h <elementcombos>”
* Changed `FireWheel` default range in `AvatarState` config portion
* Changed `AirStream` default hold duration in `AvatarState` config portion
* Changed `WaterArms` to not go through tempblocks
* Changed `HealingWaters` previous duration value to “PotionDuration” in order to accurately represent what the setting changed
* Increased the default number of creatable presets to 5
* Disabled FireManipulation by default
## Removals
* Removed `ImportCommand`
* Removed `AirSwipes` capability to break blocks
* Removed metal ores (Iron, Gold, and Quartz) from the Earthbendable's list
* Removed `AirPassive.java` and `WaterPassive.java`, combos are in their own respective files.
* Removed redundant checks in `PKListener`
* Removed redundant Earthbendable checks in `Extraction`
* Removed redundant checks in `BendingPlayer`
* Removed unnecessary code from `GeneralMethods#getTargetedEntity()`
* Removed unnecessary SuppressWarnings for deprecation in various classes
* Removed unnecessary `SpiritPlayer` checks in `BendingPlayer#canBind(CoreAbility ability)`
## Errors and bugs corrected
* A `ClassCastException` in `PKListener.java:onEntityDamageEvent()` would occur when a non-Living Entity took damage.
* Ingots on the ground would disappear when their `ItemStack` merged with MetalClips', and the latter is removed upon colliding with an Entity.
## Improvements made
* A small vertical push was given to items affected by the *magnetize* functionality of MetalClips, so that they no longer get stuck when being pulled upwards.
## Other changes
* Added a `gitignore` entry to omit IntelliJ's out/ directory, which contains compiled code.
## Fixes
* Fixed Combos and possibly Passives appearing in `/pk b <Ability>` auto-tabbing.
* Fixed Combos not loading properly on certain servers.
* Fixed issue with `PreciousStones` by updating to the latest version to resolve API change issues.
* Fixed `RapidPunch` damage.
* Fixed incorrect summation of chiblocking chance.
* Fixed possible issue in PKListener#onPlayerInteraction()
* Fixed `Earth.LavaSound`.
* Fixed Chi attempting to chiblock targets with any move.
* Fixed hitting an entity with `TempArmor` not ignoring armor.
* Fixed `Immobilize` config path.
## Additions
* Added "Contributing" section to the `README` to help guide active community members.
* Added more detail to the `PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE` to allow for more uniform pull requests.
* Added many new blocks to our ability block interaction.
* Added check to combo collisions to discard dead entities.
* Added functionality to allow chiblocking abilities to affect all entities.
* Added exception handling to the configurable `Sound` options to prevent `IllegalArgumentExcpetions`.
* Added sounds and `ActionBar` messages to being Bloodbent, Electrocuted, Immobilized, MetalClipped, and Paralyzed. (Abilities: `Bloodbending`, `Lightning`, `Immobilize`, `MetalClips`, and `Paralyze`)
* Added sound and `ActionBar` message for being Chiblocked.
* Added interval config option to `RapidPunch`. (time between each punch)
## API Changes
* Updated to `Spigot 1.12.1`.
* Confirmed to be backward compatible with `Spigot 1.12` and `Spigot 1.11.2`.
* Renamed `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterial()` to `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterials()`.
* Converted most `byte`/`int` dependent `Material` logic to use `Material` instead.
* `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterialSet()` now returns a `HashSet<Material>` instead of a `HashSet<Byte>`.
* `ElementalAbility#getTransparentMaterials()` and `GeneralMethods.NON_OPAQUE` now return `Material[]` instead of `Integer[]`.
* `GeneralMethods#getTargetedLocation()` now takes a `varargs Material[]` instead of a `varargs Integer[]`.
* Removed `ElementalAbility.TRANSPARENT_MATERIAL`. It was outdated and became irrelevent after `GeneralMethods.NON_OPAQUE` was updated.
* Removed `Java 7` Travi-CI JDK check.
* Updated `pom.xml` to build in `Java 8`.
* Added new `MovementHandler` utility class to control entity movement. (currently only capable of stopping movement.
## Fixes
* Fixed odd interactions between `Bloodbending` and `AvatarState`.
* You can no longer be bloodbent while in `AvatarState` and going into the `AvatarState` while being bloodbent will break you free.
* Fixed various errors in `Bloodbending`.
* Fixed `SubElements` being saved incorrectly in the database.
* Fixed a few cases where `Surge` would cause flooding.
* Fixed various NoCheatPlus exemptions in our `DamageHandler`. (Thanks, RoboMWM)
* Fixed ProjectKorra fire tick damage overriding other plugins fire tick damage.
* Fixed `FireSpin` working underwater.
* Fixed `EarthArmor` not properly obeying its cooldown.
* Fixed `Combo Abilities` being displayed in `/pk display <Element>`.
* Fixed `Extraction` cooldown being applied when the ability couldn't start.
* Fixed `EarthTunnel` cooldown being applied when the ability couldn't start.
* Fixed `IceSpike` field functionality not activating on `PhaseChange` blocks.
* Fixed `FireWheel` hit location if used while looking down.
* Fixed `Lightning` paralyze functionality.
* Fixed `DensityShift` causing fall damage if used on other `DensityShift` blocks.
* Fixed `Flight` cooldown being applied when the ability couldn't start.
* Fixed `Flight` deactivating if used while on the ground.
* Fixed `RapidPunch` cooldown being applied when the ability couldn't start.
* Fixed `WaterArms` not returning water sources to bottles.
* Fixed `WaterArms` not grabbing sources correctly.
* Fixed `CollisionManager` attempting to detect collisions between abilities in different worlds. (Thanks, plushmonkey)
* Fixed `CollisionManager` not resetting when a new manager is created.
* Fixed `JetBlaze` and `JetBlast` not overriding `FireJet` duration.
* Fixed `PhaseChange` not being able to melt snow blocks.
* Fixed `FastSwim` being able to be used on a `Catapult` slot.
* Fixed `FireManipulation` cooldown.
* Fixed `Collapse` and `RaiseEarth`not working in `AvatarState`.
* Fixed Waterbending causing concrete powder to harden.
* Fixed `MetalClips` magnetize not pulling iron ingots if players had them in their hand.
* Fixed `MetalClips` not disabling passives such as `FastSwim` on its targets.
* Fixed `MetalClips` armor absorbing damage.
* Fixed `MetalClips` magnetize not pulling if the launching portion of the move is on cooldown.
* Fixed `MetalClips` not dropping iron ingots once a held target is killed.
* Fixed `MetalClips` duplicating iron ingots by repeatedly hitting and pulling entities.
* Fixed `MetalClips` duplicating iron ingots by hitting blocks.
* Fixed addon Passive abilities not registering.
* Fixed `/pk help <Element>` displaying incorrect/old links.
* Fixed `/pk help <Element/Combo>` being case sensitive.
* Fixed `/pk help` not allowing players to auto tab all non-hidden abilities.
* Fixed `IllegalArgumentException` being thrown if server owners put an incorrect `ChatColor` for the `Chat.Branding.Color` value in `language.yml`.
* Fixed `EarthArmor` allowing players to use `FastSwim` while the armor is activated.
* Fixed incorrect cancellation of `BlockBreakEvent` when players bending is toggled off.
* Fixed multiple instances of the same `CoreAbility` being present in auto tabbing due to certain move functionalities being split up between files.
* Fixed Passive abilities and Combo abilities showing up in `/pk bind <Ability>` auto tabbing.
* Fixed `WaterWave` and `WaterSpout` cohesive movement.
* Fixed `DamageHandler` applying `DamageModifier.ARMOR` where it is not applicable.
* Fixed `/pk check` command URL.
* Fixed Passive abilities breaking when choosing an element while bending is toggled.
* Fixed `WaterBubble` removing blocks placed by players while the ability is active.
* Fixed potential infinite loop in `EarthGrab`.
* Fixed `AirScooter` not disabling when a player would sneak.
## Additions
* Added cooldown capability to `AirShield`, `AirSpout`, `Tornado`, `FastSwim`, `WaterBubble`, `EarthTunnel`, `AcrobaticStance`, and `WarriorStance`.
* Added the clickable ProjectKorra branding message to the `/pk help` and `/pk who` commands.
* Added `radius` config option to `EarthGrab`.
* Added AvatarState configuration options for `IceSpike`, `IceBlast`, `Torrent`, `OctopusForm`, `WallOfFire`, `WaterSpout`, and all stock Combos.
* Added aesthetic donation perk servers can give to their players in the `/pk who <Player>` command via the `bending.donor` permission.
* Added config option for the lightning bending sound and lava bending sound.
* Added `Pitch` and `Volume` config options for all configurable sounds.
* Added identifiers on Addon Abilities in `/pk help <Ability>` and `/pk display`.
## General Changes
* Reduced default config values of `AvatarState` ability modifiers.
* Changed the way abilities display in `/pk help <Ability>`
* Abilities now display whether they are Addons or not.
* Abilities now display whether they are Combos or Passives.
* Addon Abilities display their author and version.
* Improved `AirScooter` behavior. It isn't perfect yet, but it is better.
* Changed `EarthArmor` so it now breaks when a player teleports.
* Changed cobblestone and obsidian created by `AirBlast` to `TempBlocks`.
* Changed `/pk add Avatar` to add all four main elements.
## API Changes
* Added `RevertTask` which runs whenever `TempBlock#revertBlock()` is called.
* Moved `BendingPlayer` creation to a separate thread.
* Changed initial `BendingPlayer` database storage to insert default values.
* Improved `CollisionManager` performance by removing unnecessary detections.
* Put logic in place to remove ability instances causing exceptions without breaking all other running abilities. (Thanks, PhanaticD)
* Changed `PassiveManager` storage so Passive abilities are be stored by name/class instead of by `Element`.
* Removed `PassiveManager#getPassivesByElement()`.
* Added `CoreAbility#unloadAbility(Class clazz)` to unload an ability from a server.
* Added `CoreAbility#getAddonPlugins()` to get the names and paths of all currently loaded addon plugins. Returned format: `<plugin name>::<abilities path>`
* Changed `/pk reload` to add support for addon plugin reloading.
## Removals
* Removed the Minecraft version from the `/pk version` command.
* Removed `SandSpout`.
* Removed `SandRun` remnant from `EarthPassive`.
* Removed `AirBlast` collisions with other basic moves.
* Fix OctopusForm (#734)
* Reload changes
* Catapult Fixes
* Catapult Adjustment
* Changes
* OctopusForm fix
* Attribute System + FireBlast example (#735)
* Attribute System + FireBlast example
* Removed PK jar 😃💃
* Fixes Chi Descriptions/Instructions, Removes Fire Passive (#737)
* Fixes missing Chi ability descriptions and instructions
* Removes FirePassive
Was discussed in CD chat
* Change Octoform freezing (#741)
* Reload changes
* Catapult Fixes
* Catapult Adjustment
* Changes
* OctopusForm fix
* Change Octoform Freezing
* Revert "Change Octoform Freezing"
This reverts commit d5745fe3171b0e24682631889322d81f153d73bd.
* Revert "Revert "Change Octoform Freezing""
This reverts commit 9a91730e0fec7c428f619ffca14e4ea467298b37.
* Changed attributes to use plain reflection rather than annotations (#743)
* should fix some issues with octopusform (#742)
when this .remove() is called nothing has happened with this instance, so the old tempblocks/phasechange never actually get removed, and we get nullpointers trying to remove the ones for this instance since they were never even created
* Fixed external elements, subelements and abilities not loading (#745)
Due to plugins that depend on ProjectKorra loading in AFTER pk, when a
BendingPlayer object is created, all the external elements, subelements
or abilities they may have are lost because they are caught in the null
To work around this, we will continuously loop every second for 30
seconds until the request times out. If any elements/abilities the user
has haven't loaded in, in that time (the side plugin has taken longer
than 30 seconds to load), then it will time out and report it in the
* New Attribute System (#746)
• New Attribute System (WIP)
• Fields should now be marked with @Attribute(Attribute.DAMAGE) or
whatever the relevant attribute is.
• If the Attribute you want is not there, you can provide a string
• At runtime, these Attributes can be changed with
Attributes.modify(ability/element, attribute, modifier)
• Air and Chi have all been marked with @Attribute annotations
• Updated Particlelib - Fixed bug with dragonbreath and endRod particles
being wrong. AND added new 1.11 particles.
* Adding blocks to the world async is not allowed (#744)
* Wip (#748)
* Fixed *abilitis* typo in Shockwave description
* fixed: WaterSpout not working on PACKED_ICE - cause was looking for nonexistent config boolean, instead of at Properties.Water.IceBlocks list
* Plant block removal and /b add all feature (#749)
* Fixed *abilitis* typo in Shockwave description
* fixed: WaterSpout not working on PACKED_ICE - cause was looking for nonexistent config boolean, instead of at Properties.Water.IceBlocks list
* Fixed: Surge and WaterArms not removing plant block
* New Feature: /bend add all [player]
* fixed passives not enabling on /bend toggle all (#751)
* fixed passives not enabling on /bend toggle all
* Correct/Update comment to act as a TODO note.
* Fix spectator target (#753)
* Don't target spectators
* Remove debug code
- Remove stick debug code that was causing a NullPointerException.
* Change block set order when moving earth (#754)
- Set the source block to air after setting the target block to the new
type. This will eliminate temporary holes, which minimizes major lighting
* Fix exceptions (#752)
* Fix world check when sending particles
- Check by World reference rather than string name comparison. The following
Location distanceSquared call will throw an exception if the World names
are the same but references aren't.
* Fix several exceptions
- Destroy LavaFlow instance when the Player leaves the World.
- Destroy Torrent instance when the Player leaves the World.
- Fix cooldown exception when Player is null.
* PhaseChange Speed option added (#756)
• Delay option changed to speed
• Fixed EarthArmor breaking when a player is paralyzed.
* FireManip, WaterBubble & 1.12 (#757)
• Added basic FireManipulation. Still needs lots of improving, but
that's for another commit.
• Redone WaterBubble. Now has a click version and an expand/shrink
• Removed AirBubble
• Updated Spigot to 1.12
• Fixed Octopus NPE
• Fixed EarthArmor remaining after TPs to other worlds
* EarthTunnel - DropLootIfNotRevert (#759)
* .gitignore - Added ignores for IntelliJ
* EarthTunnel: DropLootIfNotRevert - config & functionality
* .gitignore - Added ignores for IntelliJ
* EarthTunnel: DropLootIfNotRevert - config & functionality
* Bug Fixes (Catapult, Illumination, Config) (#760)
* Bug Fixes (Catapult, Illumination, Config)
* Finish Fixing Illumination
* Fix Catapult angle
* Fix Catapult bug
* Angle cancel option Catapult
* Fix Illumination on leaves, Fix water flooding
* Config stuff for Toby
* Fix LavaFlow (#755)
Fixed "AllowNaturalFlow"
* Updated to 1.12 with for days (#761)
• Redone the (core) ability load system - The old one broke with the
Guava update in 1.12
• Fixed some WaterBubble floods
• Fixed PhaseChange melting snow super duper fast
• Fixed some other misc bugs
• Added 1.12 Spigot to classpath
* 1.12 Bug Fixes (#762)
* Bug Fixes (Catapult, Illumination, Config)
* Finish Fixing Illumination
* Fix Catapult angle
* Fix Catapult bug
* Angle cancel option Catapult
* Fix Illumination on leaves, Fix water flooding
* Config stuff for Toby
* 1.12 fixes
* More 1.12 fixes (#763)
* Bug Fixes (Catapult, Illumination, Config)
* Finish Fixing Illumination
* Fix Catapult angle
* Fix Catapult bug
* Angle cancel option Catapult
* Fix Illumination on leaves, Fix water flooding
* Config stuff for Toby
* 1.12 fixes
* More 1.12 Fixes
* Collision fixes, Air sound change,
* Tried Fixing Collisions
Currently the loops in
CollisionInitializer#initializeDefaultCollisions() don't work
* 1.8.4 Fixes (#764)
* Small 1.8.4 fixes
• Fixed selecting snow blocks as a water source not working when they
are more than 3 blocks away
• Fixed DensityShift turning lava into sand when you land softly
• Fixed IceBlast not working on TempBlocks
* Added FireManip particle options to config
Also removed a sneaky debug message
* 1.8.4 Fixes (#765)
* Redone Fire Combos (#766)
* Finalize Fire Combo split (#767)
* 1.8.4 Fixes
* Correct Fire Combos
* Remove unused imports
* Fix chi abilities appearing to strike twice, implement catapult 2.0, and fix water sources being removed by breaking them
* Small changes for loony (visual and time)
* Completely rewrite catapult functions and repair water abilities allowing plant sources to be broken upon selection
* Increase length of moveEarth call in Catapult and add more configuration options
* Fix my dumb mistake of using a bitwise operator
* Allow tempblock usage for iceblast
• Fixed CoreAbility.getAbilities() not returning addon abilities
• Fixed errors spammed from /b w when the server can't fetch the staff
• Fixed /b d passives - now displays all possible passives
• Fixed /b t <sub> causing an internal error
• Fixed a lot of NPEs
* IceSpike + Water Fixes
• Fixed IceSpike not using TempBlocks
• Fixed IceWave not automatically thawing the ice that freezes people
• Fixed EarthPassive (Soft landing) dropping sand blocks when the sand
is broken
• Made HeatControl a harmless ability if it's the Cook ability
* Change isHarmless to use equals() rather than ==
* Fixes EarthSmash and LavaFlow not working
EarthSmash and LavaFlow wasn’t being activated when the player sneaked,
it’s now fixed.
* Fix WaterArms not working
Cod wasn’t being called because of a misplaced bracket
* Adds some more AvatarState config options
* Formating / Spelling and Grammar check
* Left out change
* Revert "Formating / Spelling and Grammar check"
This reverts commit 73b10ccca224e1c7af758e4587227f5612ef8364.
* Adds getInstructions() method
- Addons will now have to add the getInstrucionts() method in their
abilities, otherwise their abilities will display:
“Usage: null”
* Removes getInstructions() method from ComboAbility
* Adds getInstructions() method for subelement abilities
* Adds instructions to help command
* Rewrites ability descriptions, adds instructions path
Ability descriptions will now contain a brief description of abilities
and the instructions path will explain how to individually do each
feature of an ability.
* Adds back languageConfig.save();
* Fix Ability#getInstructions() documentation
* Fix metalclips
- Removed a check that was preventing metalclips from progressing past 1 clip on a target.
* Fix metalclips
- Fixed a bug limiting the metal clip count to one
* Improve MetalClips
- Fixed bug where shooting at a block spawned two clips
- Added ShootCooldown and CrushCooldown
- ShootCooldown only applies to shooting clips
- Changed how crushing works:
--- Removed old style and variables
--- When controlling an entity with 4 clips, the controller can click to
cause the armor to "crush" and damage the entity.
--- Has own cooldown, default of 2000 (2 seconds)
- Changed launching
--- Works with all clip amounts except 4
--- When the user releases sneak, the entity will be launched at varying
power depending on how many clips were attached.
- Changed ability cooldown to activate only after the ability is
* Add CrushDamage option to MetalClips
* New Damage Type, MetalClips changes
- Fixed MetalClips bug caused in magnetizing
- Added ignoreArmor option to damageEntity method, default true for most
abilities. If wanted to be changed, someone needs to go through and add
false as a parameter
- Changed default config option for MetalClips description
* PhaseChange recode
* Chris wanted changes
* Chris doesn't want bugs
* Only you can prevent bugs
- Added checks for worlds to prevent errors
* Remove unnecessary auto generated comments
* Loony didn't like the passive
* Added RegionProtection checks
* PhaseChange
* Revert "PhaseChange"
This reverts commit 761c73f5756771674719ffca52413cffa09243a8.
* Revert "Added RegionProtection checks"
This reverts commit b53a02a74d0276d4d1e773e1c197666cbcfab624.
* Revert "Loony didn't like the passive"
This reverts commit 6612bb7fa8eea3e26c01d0ef761c658447779e03.
* Revert "Remove unnecessary auto generated comments"
This reverts commit da9c45106d0b7e256c278e6a84d15f7a7340a140.
* Revert "Only you can prevent bugs"
This reverts commit 630161659ea89bfb106924c8ab1fbcdb8f6f1310.
* Revert "Chris doesn't want bugs"
This reverts commit eda2dee6b52dd38c73f35680c5e4484adc5b5b91.
* Revert "Chris wanted changes"
This reverts commit 30b76c10c4adc63784ea7115eb4f9c636650d6c5.
* Revert "PhaseChange recode"
This reverts commit f8f290dd8c57a3467a87de7e43b58ce635196c62.
* Conflicts
* Stupid conflicts
* I hope and pray
* Revert "Revert "Chris wanted changes""
This reverts commit e612607c8a16a735c92014714c00aa671954b4a5.
* Revert "Revert "Chris doesn't want bugs""
This reverts commit bd656b814d7ffa2d9c84fa304d3adb8f1535f782.
* Revert "Revert "Only you can prevent bugs""
This reverts commit 7772c95737130cf414ff1af49dcfb48865be5374.
* Revert "Revert "Remove unnecessary auto generated comments""
This reverts commit 69315dc7baa6cd237fbd89394e544913596ec6e3.
* Revert "Revert "Loony didn't like the passive""
This reverts commit ea397c6323e50d219395d5912850513afd6f2a7b.
* Revert "Revert "Added RegionProtection checks""
This reverts commit 8cb41709f65e4322e68b2f0e1792987f7fc214f2.
* Revert "Revert "PhaseChange""
This reverts commit da6b0e7071acf74df6447b15daf4ae6e39f057f6.
* Working PhaseChange finally
* Fix EarthGrab
* Air fixes, PhaseChange changes
* PhaseChange finalizing. Ready to go!
* Snow melting fix
* Fixes AirScooter Speed Glitch
Fixes being able to autorun with AirScooter (CTRL) to go insanely fast
* Adds golden tools
Fixes an issue that didn’t include golden tools in CanBendWithWeapons.
* Adds cooldown to QuickStrike, fixes QuickStrike and SwiftKick not activating
* Fixes HighJump cooldown activating when the ability hasn't worked
* Fixes SwiftKick and QuickStrike not working properly and RapidPunch not working half the time
* Fixes FireWheel and AirSwipe being stopped by snow on the ground
* Makes QuickStrike do one heart
* Fix metalclips
- Removed a check that was preventing metalclips from progressing past 1 clip on a target.
* Fix metalclips
- Fixed a bug limiting the metal clip count to one
* Improve MetalClips
- Fixed bug where shooting at a block spawned two clips
- Added ShootCooldown and CrushCooldown
- ShootCooldown only applies to shooting clips
- Changed how crushing works:
--- Removed old style and variables
--- When controlling an entity with 4 clips, the controller can click to
cause the armor to "crush" and damage the entity.
--- Has own cooldown, default of 2000 (2 seconds)
- Changed launching
--- Works with all clip amounts except 4
--- When the user releases sneak, the entity will be launched at varying
power depending on how many clips were attached.
- Changed ability cooldown to activate only after the ability is
* Add CrushDamage option to MetalClips
* New Damage Type, MetalClips changes
- Fixed MetalClips bug caused in magnetizing
- Added ignoreArmor option to damageEntity method, default true for most
abilities. If wanted to be changed, someone needs to go through and add
false as a parameter
- Changed default config option for MetalClips description
* PhaseChange recode
* Chris wanted changes
* Chris doesn't want bugs
* Only you can prevent bugs
- Added checks for worlds to prevent errors
* Remove unnecessary auto generated comments
* Loony didn't like the passive
* Added RegionProtection checks
* PhaseChange
* Revert "PhaseChange"
This reverts commit 761c73f5756771674719ffca52413cffa09243a8.
* Revert "Added RegionProtection checks"
This reverts commit b53a02a74d0276d4d1e773e1c197666cbcfab624.
* Revert "Loony didn't like the passive"
This reverts commit 6612bb7fa8eea3e26c01d0ef761c658447779e03.
* Revert "Remove unnecessary auto generated comments"
This reverts commit da9c45106d0b7e256c278e6a84d15f7a7340a140.
* Revert "Only you can prevent bugs"
This reverts commit 630161659ea89bfb106924c8ab1fbcdb8f6f1310.
* Revert "Chris doesn't want bugs"
This reverts commit eda2dee6b52dd38c73f35680c5e4484adc5b5b91.
* Revert "Chris wanted changes"
This reverts commit 30b76c10c4adc63784ea7115eb4f9c636650d6c5.
* Revert "PhaseChange recode"
This reverts commit f8f290dd8c57a3467a87de7e43b58ce635196c62.
* Conflicts
* Stupid conflicts
* I hope and pray
* Revert "Revert "Chris wanted changes""
This reverts commit e612607c8a16a735c92014714c00aa671954b4a5.
* Revert "Revert "Chris doesn't want bugs""
This reverts commit bd656b814d7ffa2d9c84fa304d3adb8f1535f782.
* Revert "Revert "Only you can prevent bugs""
This reverts commit 7772c95737130cf414ff1af49dcfb48865be5374.
* Revert "Revert "Remove unnecessary auto generated comments""
This reverts commit 69315dc7baa6cd237fbd89394e544913596ec6e3.
* Revert "Revert "Loony didn't like the passive""
This reverts commit ea397c6323e50d219395d5912850513afd6f2a7b.
* Revert "Revert "Added RegionProtection checks""
This reverts commit 8cb41709f65e4322e68b2f0e1792987f7fc214f2.
* Revert "Revert "PhaseChange""
This reverts commit da6b0e7071acf74df6447b15daf4ae6e39f057f6.
* Working PhaseChange finally
* Fix EarthGrab
* Air fixes, PhaseChange changes
* PhaseChange finalizing. Ready to go!
• Fixed Bottlebending breaking (needs testing)
• Fixed CoreAbility not returning all abilities with
• Added new ability.setPlayer(...) method that is used for moves that
change who created the ability (used for redirection)
* Fix metalclips
- Removed a check that was preventing metalclips from progressing past 1 clip on a target.
* Fix metalclips
- Fixed a bug limiting the metal clip count to one
* Improve MetalClips
- Fixed bug where shooting at a block spawned two clips
- Added ShootCooldown and CrushCooldown
- ShootCooldown only applies to shooting clips
- Changed how crushing works:
--- Removed old style and variables
--- When controlling an entity with 4 clips, the controller can click to
cause the armor to "crush" and damage the entity.
--- Has own cooldown, default of 2000 (2 seconds)
- Changed launching
--- Works with all clip amounts except 4
--- When the user releases sneak, the entity will be launched at varying
power depending on how many clips were attached.
- Changed ability cooldown to activate only after the ability is
* Add CrushDamage option to MetalClips
* New Damage Type, MetalClips changes
- Fixed MetalClips bug caused in magnetizing
- Added ignoreArmor option to damageEntity method, default true for most
abilities. If wanted to be changed, someone needs to go through and add
false as a parameter
- Changed default config option for MetalClips description
* PhaseChange recode
* Chris wanted changes
* Chris doesn't want bugs
* Only you can prevent bugs
- Added checks for worlds to prevent errors
* Remove unnecessary auto generated comments
* Loony didn't like the passive
* Added RegionProtection checks
* PhaseChange
* Revert "PhaseChange"
This reverts commit 761c73f5756771674719ffca52413cffa09243a8.
* Revert "Added RegionProtection checks"
This reverts commit b53a02a74d0276d4d1e773e1c197666cbcfab624.
* Revert "Loony didn't like the passive"
This reverts commit 6612bb7fa8eea3e26c01d0ef761c658447779e03.
* Revert "Remove unnecessary auto generated comments"
This reverts commit da9c45106d0b7e256c278e6a84d15f7a7340a140.
* Revert "Only you can prevent bugs"
This reverts commit 630161659ea89bfb106924c8ab1fbcdb8f6f1310.
* Revert "Chris doesn't want bugs"
This reverts commit eda2dee6b52dd38c73f35680c5e4484adc5b5b91.
* Revert "Chris wanted changes"
This reverts commit 30b76c10c4adc63784ea7115eb4f9c636650d6c5.
* Revert "PhaseChange recode"
This reverts commit f8f290dd8c57a3467a87de7e43b58ce635196c62.
* Conflicts
* Stupid conflicts
* I hope and pray
* Revert "Revert "Chris wanted changes""
This reverts commit e612607c8a16a735c92014714c00aa671954b4a5.
* Revert "Revert "Chris doesn't want bugs""
This reverts commit bd656b814d7ffa2d9c84fa304d3adb8f1535f782.
* Revert "Revert "Only you can prevent bugs""
This reverts commit 7772c95737130cf414ff1af49dcfb48865be5374.
* Revert "Revert "Remove unnecessary auto generated comments""
This reverts commit 69315dc7baa6cd237fbd89394e544913596ec6e3.
* Revert "Revert "Loony didn't like the passive""
This reverts commit ea397c6323e50d219395d5912850513afd6f2a7b.
* Revert "Revert "Added RegionProtection checks""
This reverts commit 8cb41709f65e4322e68b2f0e1792987f7fc214f2.
* Revert "Revert "PhaseChange""
This reverts commit da6b0e7071acf74df6447b15daf4ae6e39f057f6.
* Working PhaseChange finally
* Fix EarthGrab
* Air fixes, PhaseChange changes
Firing this tricks other plugins into believing this entity was damaged.
In addition, Entity#damage also fires a damage event, so no need to fire a duplicate one.
• Fixed Bloodbending not working
• Fixed WaterArms spear not working when you set "Sphere" to 0 in the
• Fixed the "null" message that occurs when binding an ability from an
element that has been toggled
• Attempted to fix WaterSpout NPE (needs testing)
* Change AirFlight to use setFlying. Change remove command.
* Tidy up pom.xml
* Update plugin.yml to use pom.xml version
* Remove non needed file
* Remove craftbukkit from pom.xml
* Fix acrobat stance removal
We should remove existing stance, not this activation
Also remove the Warrior Stance since Acrobat Stance is being activated
* Fix Warrior Stance removal
We should remove existing stance, not this activation
Also remove the Acrobat Stance since Warrior Stance is being activated
* New HeatControl & NPE fix
* Updated to latest
* Cleaned up HeatControl
* Updated PKListener to use HeatControlType instead of Function
* Cleaned up, cleaned up HeatControl
* Removed melt(...)
* Final changes
* Update the interactable materials array to remove unnecessary materials
* Remove shaded jsoup lib and change the remote staff fetcher to load and parse a txt file instead of an html file
* Update remote staff fetcher to translate...
...color codes, use proper link, and use multiline entry management
* Implement maven shading for external libraries and set up remote staff fetcher to appropriately handle html pages
* Use maven instead of ant with travis
* Changes to EarthGrab (PR Fixed, I hope.)
- Move now has travel time.
- Added particles that travel along the ground, to represent the travel
- Changed the functions of the move to be: Shift + click = grab other -
entity, left click ground = self-grab.
- Edited the default config for the description.
- Edited the default range of the move, changed from 14 to 20.
- Edited the default cooldown time, it is now set to 2 seconds by
* Fixed issues with Earthgrab.
* Add Changes to HealingWaters and Fix for Distance bug (#610)
* Add Changes to HealingWaters and Fix for Distance bug
* Fix conflicts in EarthGrab.java
* Fix conflicts in ConfigManager.java
* Fix conflicts in EarthGrab.java
* Fix for Distance Bug in EarthGrab
* Re-added Sorin's Changes
* Colored EarthArmor + Combo Fix (#608)
• Re-enabled colored EarthArmor, since it works now
• Combos are now created 1 tick later then before. Reason for this is
because if a combo requires the player to be shifting but the last combo
trigger was a shift trigger, the combo would be created BEFORE the
player actually changes shift states.
* Fix Earth Armor and improve Healing Waters (#616)
* Fix EarthArmor and HealingWaters
* Remove commented code.
* Update HealingWaters Description
* Changes to AirScooter
- Particles are now sphered
- Added comments to some areas to explain things
- Tweaked some variables
- Also removed the debug message for "PKListener"
Side note: I wasn't able to find a way to make the player "sit" on the
sphere of air without things getting super buggy. The issues I ran into
while trying to do so: The player's body wouldn't rotate, and the entity
they were riding wouldn't rotate, so their body direction wouldn't match
up with their head. The player was being displayed in a location that
wasn't actually coherent with where they actually where, making the
particles seem off centered. The move would also hesitate to go up and
down blocks sometimes. The player would also appear 4-5 blocks above the
move if they did go up a block a certain way.
* Add Changes to HealingWaters and Fix for Distance bug
* Fix conflicts in EarthGrab.java
* Fix conflicts in ConfigManager.java
* Fix conflicts in EarthGrab.java
• Re-enabled colored EarthArmor, since it works now
• Combos are now created 1 tick later then before. Reason for this is
because if a combo requires the player to be shifting but the last combo
trigger was a shift trigger, the combo would be created BEFORE the
player actually changes shift states.
* Changes to EarthGrab (PR Fixed, I hope.)
- Move now has travel time.
- Added particles that travel along the ground, to represent the travel
- Changed the functions of the move to be: Shift + click = grab other -
entity, left click ground = self-grab.
- Edited the default config for the description.
- Edited the default range of the move, changed from 14 to 20.
- Edited the default cooldown time, it is now set to 2 seconds by
* Fixed issues with Earthgrab.
- Move now has travel time.
- Added particles that travel along the ground, to represent the travel
- Changed the functions of the move to be: Shift + click = grab other -
entity, left click ground = self-grab.
- Edited the default config for the description.
- Edited the default range of the move, changed from 14 to 20.
- Edited the default cooldown time, it is now set to 2 seconds by
* 1.9.0 Changes
• Rewritten GeneralMethods.getEntitiesAroundPoint - Now more effecient
and less draining on the server
• Rewritten EarthArmor - Now gives gold hearts instead of resistance.
• Added TempArmor class - Self explanitory
• Changed bottlebending permission from bending.ability.WaterReturn to
• Fixed syntax when removing elements from youself
* More EarthArmor Changes
• Made the amount of gold hearts that EarthArmor gives configurable
• Changed default EarthArmor description
• Removed EarthArmor config options that are no longer used
• Converted more ConcurrentHashMaps to be generic map types
* Generi-size PhaseChangeFreeze
Make the ConcurrentHashMap in PhaseChangeFreeze Generic to allow for Java 7 / Java 8 compatibility.
* Add missing import to PhaseChangeFreeze
* Update PhaseChangeFreeze accessor
• Fixed Earth/PlantArmor potion effects blinking
• Fixed FallingDust particle having the wrong properties
• Fixed combos recording 2 right clicks when right clicking with nothing
in your hand (fixes FireWheel combo issue)
• Fixed all deprecated player.getItemInHand methods
• Death messages not working at all (only the default bending death
message would show)
• Fixed BLOCK_CRACK particles being unable to spawn block particles with
• Fixed bottlebending breaking in 1.9/1.10
Thanks to jedk1 for bottlebending fix as it was orignally his.
• Fixed Illumination dropping a torch when RaiseEarth is used bellow it
• Fixed Illumination having issues with Tremorsense (passive)
• Fixed not being able to thaw ice through water with phase change
• Fixed Shockwave making a mess of lava (with water?)
• Fixed select range for leaves being extremely short
• Fixed EarthTunnel making a mess of sand. Sand will no longer fall when
blocks beneath it are mined out with EarthTunnel (if it reverts)
• Fixed SurgeWall (frozen) not returning water to bottles
• Fixed WaterSpout not breaking when toggling bending
• Fixed EarthBlast not selecting sand correctly
• Fixed Passives not being toggled with bending when they should be
• Fixed the select range for water moves being in your face when you're
under water (again)