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synced 2025-02-05 06:22:48 +00:00
Rewrites ability descriptions, adds ability instructions, adds getInstructions() method for abilities. (#673)
* Adds getInstructions() method - Addons will now have to add the getInstrucionts() method in their abilities, otherwise their abilities will display: “Usage: null” * Removes getInstructions() method from ComboAbility * Adds getInstructions() method for subelement abilities * Adds instructions to help command * Rewrites ability descriptions, adds instructions path Ability descriptions will now contain a brief description of abilities and the instructions path will explain how to individually do each feature of an ability. * Adds back languageConfig.save(); * Fix Ability#getInstructions() documentation
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 127 additions and 71 deletions
@ -101,8 +101,18 @@ public interface Ability {
* @return Returns the name of the ability
public String getName();
* Return's the instructions of an ability.
* ProjectKorra's help command will then use this method to display the instructions of an ability when the command is run.
* @return the instructions for this ability
* @see HelpCommand
* @see CoreAbility#getInstructions()
public String getInstructions();
* The description of an ability is a few sentences used to describe how the player can fully
* utilize the ability. In most cases the description will be specified in the config.yml file
* and will be retrieved by accessing the FileConfiguration via {@link CoreAbility#getConfig}.
@ -13,16 +13,7 @@ public interface ComboAbility {
* @return The steps for the combo.
public abstract String getInstructions();
* Creates a new instance of the combo from a specific player.
* ProjectKorra's ComboModuleManager will use this method once the combo
* steps have been used by the player.
* @return A new instance of the ability.
* @param player The player using the combo.
public abstract Object createNewComboInstance(Player player);
@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ public abstract class CoreAbility implements Ability {
if (combo.getCombination() != null) {
ComboManager.getComboAbilities().put(name, new ComboManager.ComboAbilityInfo(name, combo.getCombination(), combo));
ComboManager.getDescriptions().put(name, ability.getDescription());
ComboManager.getInstructions().put(name, combo.getInstructions());
ComboManager.getInstructions().put(name, ability.getInstructions());
String author = "";
if (ability instanceof AddonAbility) {
author = ((AddonAbility) ability).getAuthor();
@ -517,7 +517,7 @@ public abstract class CoreAbility implements Ability {
if (combo.getCombination() != null) {
ComboManager.getComboAbilities().put(name, new ComboManager.ComboAbilityInfo(name, combo.getCombination(), combo));
ComboManager.getDescriptions().put(name, coreAbil.getDescription());
ComboManager.getInstructions().put(name, combo.getInstructions());
ComboManager.getInstructions().put(name, coreAbil.getInstructions());
ComboManager.getAuthors().put(name, addon.getAuthor());
@ -594,6 +594,16 @@ public abstract class CoreAbility implements Ability {
public String getInstructions() {
String elementName = getElement().getName();
if (getElement() instanceof SubElement) {
elementName = ((SubElement) getElement()).getParentElement().getName();
return ConfigManager.languageConfig.get().getString("Abilities." + elementName + "." + getName() + ".Instructions");
public String getDescription() {
String elementName = getElement().getName();
@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ public class HelpCommand extends PKCommand {
ChatColor color = ability.getElement().getColor();
sender.sendMessage(color + ability.getName() + " - ");
sender.sendMessage(color + ability.getDescription());
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + usage + ability.getInstructions());
} else if (Arrays.asList(Commands.airaliases).contains(args.get(0))) {
sender.sendMessage(Element.AIR.getColor() + air.replace("/b help AirCombos", Element.AIR.getSubColor() + "/b help AirCombos" + Element.AIR.getColor()));
sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.YELLOW + learnMore + ChatColor.DARK_AQUA + "http://tinyurl.com/qffg9m3");
@ -223,23 +223,34 @@ public class ConfigManager {
config.addDefault("Abilities.Avatar.AvatarState.Description", "The signature ability of the Avatar, this is a toggle. Left click to activate to become " + "nearly unstoppable. While in the Avatar State, the user takes severely reduced damage from " + "all sources, regenerates health rapidly, and is granted extreme speed. Nearly all abilities " + "are incredibly amplified in this state. Additionally, AirShield and FireJet become toggle-able " + "abilities and last until you deactivate them or the Avatar State. Left click again with the Avatar " + "State selected to deactivate it.");
config.addDefault("Commands.Help.Elements.Air", "Air is the element of freedom. Airbenders are natural pacifists and great explorers. There is nothing stopping them from scaling the tallest of mountains and walls easily. They specialize in redirection, from blasting things away with gusts of winds, to forming a shield around them to prevent damage. Easy to get across flat terrains, such as oceans, there is practically no terrain off limits to Airbenders. They lack much raw damage output, but make up for it with with their ridiculous amounts of utility and speed.\nAirbenders can chain their abilities into combos, type /b help AirCombos for more information.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirBlast.Description", "AirBlast is the most fundamental bending technique of an airbender." + " To use, simply left click in a direction. A gust of wind will be" + " created at your fingertips, launching anything in its path harmlessly back." + " A gust of air can extinguish fires on the ground or on a player, can cool lava, and " + "can flip levers and activate buttons. Additionally, tapping sneak will change the " + "origin of your next AirBlast to your targeted location.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirBlast.Description", "AirBlast is the most fundamental bending technique of an airbender. It allows the bender to be extremely agile and possess great mobility, but also has many utility options, such as cooling lava, opening doors and flicking levers.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirBlast.Instructions", "\n" + "(Push) " + "Left click while aiming at an entity to push them back." + "\n" + "(Throw) " + "Tap sneak and left click in a direction to throw entities away from the origin location.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirBlast.DeathMessage", "{victim} was flung by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirBlast.HorizontalVelocityDeath","{victim} experienced kinetic damage by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirBubble.Description", "To use, the bender must hold down sneak. All water around the user in a small bubble will vanish, replacing itself once the user either gets too far away or selects a different ability.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirBurst.Description", "AirBurst is one of the most powerful abilities in the airbender's arsenal. " + "To use, press and hold sneak to charge your burst. " + "Once charged, you can either release sneak to release the burst in a sphere around you " + "or left click to launch a cone-shaped burst of air in front of you. " + "Additionally, having this ability selected when you land on the ground from a " + "large enough fall will create a burst of air around you.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirBubble.Instructions", "Hold sneak when in range of water to push the water back and create an air bubble." );
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirBurst.Description", "AirBurst is one of the most powerful abilities in the airbender's arsenal. It allows the bender to create space between them and whoever is close to them. AirBurst is extremely useful when you're surrounded by mobs, of if you're low in health and need to escape. It can also be useful for confusing your target also.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirBurst.Instructions", "\n" + "(Sphere) Hold sneak until particals appear and then release shift to create air that expands outwards, pushing entities back. If you fall from great height while you are on this slot, the burst will automatically activate." + "\n" + "(Cone) While charging the move with shift, click to send the burst in a cone only going in one direction.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirBurst.DeathMessage", "{victim} was thrown down by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirBurst.HorizontalVelocityDeath", "{victim} experienced kinetic damage by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirScooter.Description", "AirScooter is a fast means of transportation. To use, sprint, jump then left click with " + "this ability selected. You will hop on a scooter of air and be propelled forward " + "in the direction you're looking (you don't need to press anything). " + "This ability can be used to levitate above liquids, but it cannot go up steep slopes. " + "Any other actions will deactivate this ability.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.Tornado.Description", "To use, simply sneak (default: shift). " + "This will create a swirling vortex at the targeted location. " + "Any creature or object caught in the vortex will be launched up " + "and out in some random direction. If another player gets caught " + "in the vortex, the launching effect is minimal. Tornado can " + "also be used to transport the user. If the user gets caught in his/her " + "own tornado, his movements are much more manageable. Provided the user doesn't " + "fall out of the vortex, it will take him to a maximum height and move him in " + "the general direction he's looking. Skilled airbenders can scale anything " + "with this ability.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirShield.Description", "Air Shield is one of the most powerful defensive techniques in existence. " + "To use, simply sneak (default: shift). " + "This will create a whirlwind of air around the user, " + "with a small pocket of safe space in the center. " + "This wind will deflect all projectiles and will prevent any creature from " + "entering it for as long as its maintained.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirSpout.Description", "This ability gives the airbender limited sustained levitation. It is a " + "toggle - left click to activate and form a whirling spout of air " + "beneath you, lifting you up. You can bend other abilities while using AirSpout. " + "Left click again to deactivate this ability.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirSuction.Description", "To use, simply left click in a direction. A gust of wind will originate as far as it can in that direction and flow towards you, sucking anything in its path harmlessly with it. Skilled benders can use this technique to pull items from precarious locations. Additionally, tapping sneak will change the origin of your next AirSuction to your targeted location.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirScooter.Description", "AirScooter is a fast means of transportation. It can be used to escape from enemies or confuse them by using air scooter around them.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirScooter.Instructions", "Sprint, jump and left click while in the air to activate air scooter. You will then move forward in the direction you're looking." );
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.Tornado.Description", "Tornado is one of the most powerful and advanced abilities that an Airbender knows. If the tornado meets a player or mob, it will push them around. Tornado can also be used to push back projectiles and used for mobility. Use a tornado directly under you to propel yourself upwards.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.Tornado.Instructions", "Hold sneak and a tornado will form wherever you look." );
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirShield.Description", "Air Shield is one of the most powerful defensive techniques in existence. This ability is mainly used when you are low health and need protection. It's also useful when you're surrounded by mobs.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirShield.Instructions", "Hold sneak and a shield of air will form around you, blocking projectiles and pushing entities back." );
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirSpout.Description", "This ability gives the airbender limited sustained levitation. It allows an airbender to gain a height advantage to escape from mobs, players or just to dodge from attacks. This ability is also useful for building as it allows you to reach great heights.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirSpout.Instructions", "Left click to activate a spout beneath you and hold spacebar to go higher. If you wish to go lower, simply hold sneak. To disable this ability, left click once again." );
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirSuction.Description", "AirSuction is a basic ability that allows you to manipulation an entity's movement. It can be used to bring someone back to you when they're running away, or even to get yourself to great heights.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirSuction.Instructions", "\n" + "(Pull) Left click whilst aiming at a target to pull them towards you." + "\n" + "(Suck) Sneak to select a point and then left click at a target or yourself to send you or your target to the point that you selected with sneak." );
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirSuction.HorizontalVelocityDeath","{victim} experienced kinetic damage by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirSwipe.Description", "To use, simply left click in a direction. An arc of air will flow from you towards that direction, cutting and pushing back anything in its path. Its damage is minimal, but it still sends the message. This ability will extinguish fires, cool lava, and cut things like grass, mushrooms, and flowers. Additionally, you can charge it by holding sneak. Charging before attacking will increase damage and knockback, up to a maximum.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirSwipe.Description", "AirSwipe is the most commonly used damage ability in an airbender's arsenal. An arc of air will flow from you towards the direction you're facing, cutting and pushing back anything in its path. This ability will extinguish fires, cool lava, and cut things like grass, mushrooms, and flowers.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirSwipe.Instructions", "\n" + "(Uncharged) Simply left click to send an air swipe out that will damage targets that it comes into contact with." + "\n" + "(Charged) Hold sneak until particles appear, then release sneak to send a more powerful air swipe out that damages entity's that it comes into contact with." );
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.AirSwipe.DeathMessage", "{victim} was struck by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.Flight.Description", "Jump in the air, crouch (default: shift) and hold with this ability bound and you will glide around in the direction you look. While flying, left click to Hover. Left click again to disable Hovering.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.Description", "This ability is one of the most dangerous abilities an Airbender possesses. To use, simply look at an entity and hold sneak. The entity will begin taking damage as you extract the air from their lungs. Any bender caught in this sphere will only be able to use basic moves, such as AirSwipe, WaterManipulation, FireBlast, or EarthBlast. An entity can be knocked out of the sphere by certain bending arts, and your attention will be disrupted if you are hit by bending.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.Flight.Description", "Flight is one of the most advanced airbending abilities there is. It's used to escape from players or mobs or to confuse your enemy by flying around them, making you extremely hard to hit.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.Flight.Instructions", "\n" + "(Glide) Jump in the air and hold sneak to fly in the direction that you're looking." + "\n" + "(Hover) While flying with this ability, left click to hover in the air. Left click again to disable hovering");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.Description", "This ability is one of the most dangerous abilities an Airbender possesses. Although it is difficult to perform, it's extremely deadly once the ability starts, making it difficult for enemies to escape.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.Instructions", "Hold sneak whilst looking at a target to begin suffocating. If the target goes out of range, you get damaged or you release sneak, the ability will cancel." );
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.Suffocate.DeathMessage", "{victim} was asphyxiated by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.Combo.Twister.Description", "Create a cyclone of air that travels along the ground grabbing nearby entities.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.Combo.AirStream.Description", "Control a large stream of air that grabs onto enemies allowing you to direct them temporarily.");
@ -247,74 +258,111 @@ public class ConfigManager {
config.addDefault("Abilities.Air.Combo.AirSweep.DeathMessage", "{victim} was swept away by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Commands.Help.Elements.Water", "Water is the element of change. Waterbending focuses on using your opponents own force against them. Using redirection and various dodging tactics, you can be made practically untouchable by an opponent. Waterbending provides agility, along with strong offensive skills while in or near water.\nWaterbenders can chain their abilities into combos, type /b help WaterCombos for more information.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Bloodbending.Description", "This ability was made illegal for a reason. With this ability selected, sneak while " + "targetting something and you will bloodbend that target. Bloodbent targets cannot move, " + "bend or attack. You are free to control their actions by looking elsewhere - they will " + "be forced to move in that direction. Additionally, left clicking while bloodbending will " + "launch that target off in the direction you're looking. " + "People who are capable of bloodbending are immune to your technique, and you are immune to theirs.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Bloodbending.Description", "Bloodbending is one of the most unique bending abilities that existed and it has immense power, which is why it was made illegal in the Avatar universe. People who are capable of bloodbending are immune to your technique, and you are immune to theirs.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Bloodbending.Instructions", "\n" + "(Control) Hold sneak while looking at an entity to bloodbend them. You will then be controlling the entity, making them move wherever you look." + "\n" + "(Throw) While bloodbending an entity, left click to throw that entity in the direction you're looking." );
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Bloodbending.DeathMessage", "{victim} was destroyed by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Bloodbending.HorizontalVelocityDeath","{victim} experienced kinetic damage by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.HealingWaters.Description", "To use, the bender must be at least partially submerged in water or have a water bottle. " + "Hold sneak to begin using the ability. " + "This will default to healing the user. To heal somebody else, right click while looking at them. Right click them again to begin healing yourself again. " + "This will channel the healing to their target in front of them. " + "In order for this channel to be successful, the target is in reach of the bender and the bender must continue to look at them.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.IceBlast.Description", "This ability offers a powerful ice utility for Waterbenders. It can be used to fire an explosive burst of ice at an opponent, spraying ice and snow around it. To use, simply tap sneak (Default: Shift) while targeting a block of ice to select it as a source. From there, you can just left click to send the blast off at your opponent.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.HealingWaters.Description", "HealingWaters is an advanced waterbender skill that allows the player to heal themselves or others from the damage they've taken. If healing another player, you must continue to look at them to channel the ability.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.HealingWaters.Instructions", "Hold sneak to begin healing yourself or right click while sneaking to begin healing another player. You or the player must be in water and damaged for this ability to work, or you need to have water bottles in your inventory." );
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.IceBlast.Description", "IceBlast is a powerful ability that deals damage to entities it comes into contact with. Because IceBlast's travel time is pretty quick, it's increddibly useful for finishing off low health targets.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.IceBlast.Instructions", "Tap sneak while looking at an ice block and then click in a direction to send an ice blast in that direction.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.IceBlast.DeathMessage", "{victim} was shattered by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.IceSpike.Description", "This ability has many functions. Left clicking while targetting ice, or an entity over some ice, " + "will raise a spike of ice up, damaging and slowing the target. Tapping sneak (shift) while" + " selecting a water source will select that source that can then be fired with a left click. Firing" + " this will launch a spike of ice at your target, dealing a bit of damage and slowing the target. " + "If you sneak (shift) while not selecting a source, many ice spikes will erupt from around you, " + "damaging and slowing those targets.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.IceSpike.Description", "This ability offers a powerful ice utility for Waterbenders. It can be used to fire an ice blast or raise an ice spike. If the ice blast or ice spike comes into contact with another entity, it will give them slowness and deal some damage to them..");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.IceSpike.Instructions", "\n" + "(Blast) Tap sneak on a water source and then left click in a direction to fire an ice blast in a direction. Additionally, you can left click to manipulate the ice blast while it's in the air to change the direction of the blast." + "\n" + "(Spike) While in range of ice, tap sneak to raise ice pillars around the ice. If a player is caught in these ice pillars they will be propelled into the air. You cannot be looking at ice or water or this feature will not activate. Alternatively, you can left click an ice block to raise a single pilar of ice.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.IceSpike.DeathMessage", "{victim} was impaled by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.OctopusForm.Description", "This ability allows the waterbender to manipulate a large quantity of water into a form resembling that of an octopus. " + "To use, left click to select a water source. Then, hold sneak to channel this ability. " + "While channeling, the water will form itself around you and has a chance to block incoming attacks. " + "Additionally, you can left click while channeling to attack things near you, dealing damage and knocking them back. " + "Releasing sneak at any time will dissipate the form.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.OctopusForm.Description", "OctopusForm is one of the most advanced abilities in a waterbender's aresenal. It has the possibility of doing high damage to anyone it comes into contact with.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.OctopusForm.Instructions", "Left click a water source and then hold sneak to form the OctopusForm. This ability will channel as long as you are holding sneak. Additionally, if you left click this ability will whip targets you're facing dealing damage and knockback, if they're in range.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.OctopusForm.DeathMessage", "{victim} was slapped by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.PhaseChange.Description", "This ability has 2 functions, Freeze and Melt. \n- Freeze: This function is activated by left clicking. It will freeze any water in a certain radius of where you are looking. \n- Melt: This function is activated by sneaking. It will melt ice in a radius of where you are looking. The melting isn't instant!"/*\n- Skate*/);
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.PhaseChange.Description", "PhaseChange is one of the most useful utility moves that a waterbender possess. This ability is better used when fighting, allowing you to create a platform on water that you can fight on and being territorial by manipulating your environment. It's also useful for travelling across seas.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.PhaseChange.Instructions", "\n"+ "(Melt) To melt ice, hold sneak while looking at an ice block. You must be standing still to continue this ability." + "\n" + "(Freeze) To freeze water and turn it into ice, simply left click at water. This ice will stay so long as you are in range, otherwise it will revert back to water.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.PlantArmor.Description", "PlantArmor is a defensive ability in the arsenal of the plantbender. Clicking on leaves with this ability will temporarily clad you in strong armor made out of plants! You can use this defensively, but you can also use the armor as a source for other plantbending skills.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Surge.Description", "This ability has two distinct features. If you sneak to select a source block, you can then click in a direction and a large wave will be launched in that direction. If you sneak again while the wave is en route, the wave will freeze the next target it hits. If, instead, you click to select a source block, you can hold sneak to form a wall of water at your cursor location. Click to shift between a water wall and an ice wall. Release sneak to dissipate it.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Torrent.Description", "Torrent is one of the strongest moves in a waterbender's arsenal. To use, first click a source block to select it; then hold shift to begin streaming the water around you. Water flowing around you this way will damage and knock back nearby enemies and projectiles. If you release shift during this, you will create a large wave that expands outwards from you, launching anything in its path back. Instead, if you click you release the water and channel it to flow towards your cursor. Anything caught in the blast will be tossed about violently and take damage. Finally, if you click again when the water is torrenting, it will freeze the area around it when it is obstructed.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Surge.Description", "Surge offers great utility and is one of the most important defence abilities for waterbender's. It can be used to push entities back, used to push yourself in a direction, trap entities and protect yourself with a shield.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Surge.Instructions", "\n" + "(Shield) Left click on a water source and then hold sneak while looking up to create a water shield that will move wherever you look. Additionally, you can left click to turn this shield into ice. If you let go of sneak at any point, this ability will cancel." + "\n" + "(Surge) Tap sneak at a water source and click in a direction to fire a surge of water that will knock entities back. Additionally, if you tap sneak again before the surge reaches an entity, when it hits them it will freeze them in ice.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Torrent.Description", "Torrent is one of the strongest moves in a waterbender's arsenal. It has the potential to do immense damage and to be comboed with other abilities to perform a deal a large damage burst. Torrent is fundamental for waterbender's. ");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Torrent.Instructions", "\n" + "(Torrent) Left click at a water source and hold sneak to form the torrent. Then, left click and the torrent will shoot out, moving in the direction you're looking. If the torrent hits an entity, it can drag them and deal damage. Additionally, if you click before the torrent hits a surface or entity it will freeze on impact." + "\n" + "(Wave) Left click a water source and hold sneak to form a torrent around you. Then, left go of sneak to release a wave of water expanding outwards you that will push entities back.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Torrent.DeathMessage", "{victim} was taken down by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterArms.Description", "One of the most diverse moves in a Waterbender's arsenal, this move creates tendrils " + "of water from the players arms to emulate their actual arms. Each water arms mode will be bound to a slot, switch slots to change mode. " + "To deactive the arms, hold Sneak and Double left click." + "\nPull - Use your Arms to pull blocks, items, mobs or even players towards you!" + "\nPunch - An offensive attack, harming players or mobs!" + "\nGrapple - Scale walls and speed across battlefields, using your Arms as a grappling hook!" + "\nGrab - Grab an entity with your arm, and swing them about!" + "\nFreeze - Use your Arms to fire small blasts of ice in any direction!" + "\nSpear - Throw your Arms in any direction, freezing whatever it hits!");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterArms.Description", "One of the most diverse moves in a Waterbender's arsenal, this move creates tendrils " + "of water from the players arms to emulate their actual arms. It has the potential to do a variety of things that can either do mass amounts of damage, or used for mobility.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterArms.Instructions", "To activate this ability, tap sneak at a water source. Additionally, to de-activate this ability, hold sneak and left click." + "\n" + "(Pull) Left click at a target and your arms will expand outwards, pulling entities towards you if they're in range." + "\n" + "(Punch) Left click and your arms will expand outwards, punching anyone who comes into contact with them and dealing damage." + "\n" + "(Grapple) Left click to send your arms forward, pulling you to whatever surface they land on." + "\n" + "(Grab) Left click to grab an entity that's in range. They will then be controlled and moved in whatever direction you look. Additionally, if you left click again you can throw the target that you're controlling." + "\n" + "(Freeze) Left click to rapidly fire ice blasts at a target, damaging the target and giving them slowness." + "\n" + "(Spear) Left click to send an ice spear out, damaging and freezing whoever it hits in ice blocks.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterArms.SneakMessage", "Active Ability:");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterArms.Punch.Description", "{victim} was too slow for {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterArms.Freeze.Description", "{victim} was frozen by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterArms.Spear.Description", "{victim} was speared to death by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterBubble.Description", "To use, the bender must hold down sneak. All water around the user in a small bubble will vanish, replacing itself once the user either gets too far away or selects a different ability.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterManipulation.Description", "To use, place your cursor over a waterbendable object and tap sneak (default: shift). Smoke will appear where you've selected, indicating the origin of your ability. After you have selected an origin, simply left click in any direction and you will see your water spout off in that direction, slicing any creature in its path. If you look towards a creature when you use this ability, it will target that creature. A collision from Water Manipulation both knocks the target back and deals some damage. Alternatively, if you have the source selected and tap sneak again, you will be able to control the water more directly.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterArms.Punch.DeathMessage", "{victim} was too slow for {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterArms.Freeze.DeathMessage", "{victim} was frozen by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterArms.Spear.DeathMessage", "{victim} was speared to death by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterBubble.Description", "WaterBubble is a basic waterbending ability that allows the bender to create air pockets under water. This is increddibly useful for building under water.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterBubble.Instructions", "Hold sneak when in range of water to push the water back and create a water bubble.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterManipulation.Description", "WaterManipulation is a fundamental ability for waterbenders. Although it is a basic move, it allows for fast damage due to its rapid fire nature, which is incredibly useful when wanting to finish off low health targets.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterManipulation.Instructions", "Tap sneak on a water source and left click to send a water manipulation to the point that you clicked. Additionally, you can left click again to change the direction of this move. This includes other players' water manipulations.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterManipulation.DeathMessage", "{victim} was taken down by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterSpout.Description", "This ability provides a Waterbender with a means of transportation. To use, simply left click while in or over water to spout water up beneath you, experiencing controlled levitation. Left clicking again while the spout is active will cause it to disappear. Alternatively, tapping a Waterbendable block while not in Water will select a water block as a source, from there, you can tap sneak (Default:Shift) to channel the Water around you. Releasing the sneak will create a wave allowing you a quick burst of controlled transportation. While riding the wave you may press sneak to cause the wave to disappear.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterSpout.Description", "This ability provides a Waterbender with a means of transportation. It's the most useful mobility move that a waterbender possesses and is great for chasing down targets or escaping.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.WaterSpout.Instructions", "\n" + "(Spout) Left click to activate a spout beneath you and hold spacebar to go higher. If you wish to go lower, simply hold sneak. To disable this ability, left click once again." + "\n" + "(Wave) Left click a water source and hold sneak until water has formed around you. Then, release sneak to ride a water wave that transports you in the direction you're looking. To cancel this water wave, left click with WaterSpout.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Combo.IceBullet.Description", "Using a large cavern of ice, you can punch ice shards at your opponent causing moderate damage. To rapid fire, you must alternate between Left clicking and right clicking with IceBlast.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Combo.IceBullet.DeathMessage", "{victim}'s heart was frozen by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Combo.IceWave.Description", "PhaseChange your WaterWave into an IceWave that freezes and damages enemies.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Water.Combo.IceWave.DeathMessage", "{victim} was frozen solid by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Commands.Help.Elements.Earth", "Earth is the element of substance. Earthbenders share many of the same fundamental techniques as Waterbenders, but their domain is quite different and more readily accessible. Earthbenders dominate the ground and subterranean, having abilities to pull columns of rock straight up from the earth or drill their way through the mountain. They can also launch themselves through the air using pillars of rock, and will not hurt themselves assuming they land on something they can bend. The more skilled Earthbenders can even bend metal.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Catapult.Description", "To use, left-click while looking in the direction you want to be launched. " + "A pillar of earth will jut up from under you and launch you in that direction - " + "if and only if there is enough earth behind where you're looking to launch you. " + "Skillful use of this ability takes much time and work, and it does result in the " + "death of certain gung-ho earthbenders. If you plan to use this ability, be sure " + "you've read about your passive ability you innately have as an earthbender.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Collapse.Description", " To use, simply left-click on an earthbendable block. " + "That block and the earthbendable blocks above it will be shoved " + "back into the earth below them, if they can. " + "This ability does have the capacity to trap something inside of it, " + "although it is incredibly difficult to do so. " + "Additionally, press sneak with this ability to affect an area around your targetted location - " + "all earth that can be moved downwards will be moved downwards. " + "This ability is especially risky or deadly in caves, depending on the " + "earthbender's goal and technique.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Catapult.Description", "Catapult is the greatest mobility move in an earthbender's arsenal. It requires practice to be able to control yourself to land where you wish, but once mastered it's credibly useful for earthbenders.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Catapult.Instructions", "Left click while looking in the direction you want to be launched to be propelled forward. Additionally, you can hold sneak and left click to be propelled with less power.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Collapse.Description", "This ability is a basic earthbending ability that allows the earthbender great utility. It allows them to control earth blocks by compressing earth. Players and mobs can be trapped and killed if earth is collapsed and they're stuck inside it, meaning this move is deadly when in cave systems.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Collapse.Instructions", "Left click an earthbendable block. If there's space under that block, it will be collapsed. Alternatively, you can tap sneak to collapse multiple blocks at a time.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Collapse.DeathMessage", "{victim} was suffocated by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthArmor.Description", "This ability encases the Earthbender in temporary armor. To use, hold sneak while looking at an earthbendable block and that block will travel towards you and grant you temporary armor and resistance. Sneak and click while on the move's slot to manually remove it.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthBlast.Description", "To use, place your cursor over an earthbendable object (dirt, rock, ores, etc) " + "and tap sneak (default: sneak). The object will temporarily turn to stone, " + "indicating that you have it focused as the source for your ability. " + "After you have selected an origin (you no longer need to be sneaking), " + "simply left-click in any direction and you will see your object launch " + "off in that direction, smashing into any creature in its path. If you look " + "towards a creature when you use this ability, it will target that creature. " + "A collision from Earth Blast both knocks the target back and deals some damage. " + "You cannot have multiple of these abilities flying at the same time.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthArmor.Description", "This ability encases the Earthbender in armor, giving them protection. It is a fundamental earthbending technique that's used to survive longer in battles.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthArmor.Instructions", "Tap sneak while looking at an earthbendable block to bring those blocks towards you, forming earth armor. This ability will give you extra hearts and will be removed once those extra hearts have been removed. You can disable this ability by holding sneak and left clicking with EarthArmor.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthBlast.Description", "EarthBlast is a basic yet fundamental earthbending ability. It allows you to deal rapid fire damage to your target to finish low health targets off or deal burst damage to them. Although it can be used at long range, it's potential is greater in close ranged comat.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthBlast.Instructions", "Tap sneak at an earthbendable block and then left click in a direction to send an earthblast. Additionally, you can left click again to change the direction of the earthblast. You can also redirect other earthbender's earth blast by left clicking. If the earth blast hits an entity it will deal damage and knockback.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthBlast.DeathMessage", "{victim} was broken apart by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthGrab.Description", "To use, simply hold sneak and left click while targeting an entity. This ability will erect a circle of earth to trap the entity in. Alternatively, click the block below you to encase yourself.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthTunnel.Description", "Earth Tunnel is a completely utility ability for earthbenders. To use, simply sneak (default: shift) in the direction you want to tunnel. You will slowly begin tunneling in the direction you're facing for as long as you sneak or if the tunnel has been dug long enough. This ability will be interrupted if it hits a block that cannot be earthbent.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Extraction.Description", "This ability allows metalbenders to extract the minerals from ore blocks. To use, simply tap sneak while looking at an ore block with metal in it (iron, gold, quartz) and the ore will be extracted and drop in front of you. This ability has a small chance of doubling or tripling the loot. This ability has a short cooldown.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.LavaFlow.Description", "This ability allows an Earthbender to create lava using the Earth around them. To use, simply hold sneak (Default: Shift) to create a lava moat that surrounds you, press sneak again to remove the moat. Left click an Earthbendable block to create a pool of lava after a small delay. Additionally, you can left click at any time to turn lava back into its original state -- Earth.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthGrab.Description", "EarthGrab is one of the best defence abilities in an earthbender's aresenal. It allows you to trap someone who is running away so that you can catch up to someone, or quickly create a dome to protect yourself from incomming attacks. Although this ability is basic, it requires fast reactions to reach its full potential.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthGrab.Instructions", "\n" + "(Grab) To grab an entity, hold sneak and left click in the direction of the target. Earth will expand out and create an earth dome around the target, trapping them." + "\n" + "(Dome) To encase yourself in an earth dome, simply left click at an earthbendable block under you.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthTunnel.Description", "Earth Tunnel is a completely utility ability for earthbenders. It allows you to dig a hole that lowers players down while you continue the ability, create fast escape routes or just great for making your own cave systems.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthTunnel.Instructions", "Hold sneak while looking at an earthbendable block to tunnel the blocks away. If you release sneak or look at a block that isn't earthbendable, the ability will cancel.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Extraction.Description", "This ability allows metalbenders to extract the minerals from ore blocks. This ability is extremely useful for gathering materials as it has a chance to extract double or tripple the ores.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Extraction.Instructions", "Tap sneak while looking at an earthbendable ore to extract the ore.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.LavaFlow.Description", "LavaFlow is an extremely advanced, and dangerous ability. It allows the earthbender to create pools of lava around them, or to solidify existing lava. This ability can be deadly when comboed with EarthGrab.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.LavaFlow.Instructions", "\n" + "(Flow) Hold sneak and lava will begin expanding outwards. Once the lava has stopped expanding, you can release sneak. Additionally, if you tap sneak the lava you created will revert back to the earthbendable block." + "\n" + "(Lava Pool) Left click to slowly transform earthbendable blocks into a pool of lava." + "\n" + "(Solidify) Left click on lava to solidify it, turning it to stone.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.LavaFlow.DeathMessage", "{victim} was caught in by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Description", "To raise an EarthSmash hold sneak (default: shift) for approximately 1.5 seconds, " + "then release while aiming at dirt. To grab the EarthSmash aim at the center and hold sneak, " + "the EarthSmash will follow your mouse. You can shoot the EarthSmash by grabbing onto it and left clicking. " + "To ride the EarthSmash simply hop ontop of it and hold sneak while aiming in the direction that you wish to go. " + "Another way to ride an EarthSmash is to grab it with sneak and then right click it. " + "Use EarthSmash as a defensive shield, a powerful attack, or an advanced means of transportation.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Description", "EarthSmash is an advanced earthbending technique that has lots of utility. It can be comboed with abilities such as Shockwave, but also be used for mobility and to produce high damage. EarthSmash is great for escaping when at low health.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.Instructions", "\n" + "(Smash) Hold sneak until particles appear, then release sneak while looking at an earthbendable block which will raise an earth boulder. Then, hold sneak while looking at this boulder to control it. Left click to send the bounder in the direction you're facing, damanging entities and knocking them back." + "\n" + "(Ride) After you have created an earth boulder, hold sneak and right click on the boulder to ride it. You will now ride the boulder in whatever direction you look. Additionally, you can ride the boulder by going on top of it and holding sneak. If you come into contact with an entity while riding the boulder, it will drag them along with you. If you left go of sneak, the ability will cancel.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.EarthSmash.DeathMessage", "{victim} was crushed by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.MetalClips.Description", "MetalClips has the potential to be both an offensive and a utility ability. To start, you must carry smelted Iron Ingots in your inventory. To apply the clips onto an entity, simply click at them. If the entity is a Zombie, a Skeleton, or a Player, the clips will form armor around the entity, giving you some control over them. Each additional clip will give you more control. If you have permission to do so, you may crush the entity with a 4th clip by clicking, hurting them. Without explicit permissions, you will only be able to strap three clips on your target. If the entity is not one of the above, the clip will simply do damage and fall to the ground, to be collected. Another permission requiring action is throwing entities, which also needs to be configured to work. To do so, release sneak while controlling the entity. Throwing entities has varying degrees of power based on how many clips they have on them.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.MetalClips.Description", "MetalClips is an advanced metalbending ability that allows you to take control of a fight. It gives the metalbender the ability to control an entity, create space between them and a player and even added utility.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.MetalClips.Instructions", "\n" + "(Clips) This ability requires iron ingots in your inventory. Left click to throw an ingot at an entity, dealing damage to them. This ingot will form into armor, wrapping itself around the entity. Once enough armor pieces are around the entity, you can then control them. To control them, hold sneak while looking at them and then they will be moved in the direction you look. Additionally, you can release sneak to throw them in the direction you're looking." + "\n" + "(Magnet) Hold sneak with this ability to pull iron ingots towards you.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.MetalClips.DeathMessage", "{victim} was too slow for {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.RaiseEarth.Description", "To use, simply left-click on an earthbendable block. " + "A column of earth will shoot upwards from that location. " + "Anything in the way of the column will be brought up with it, " + "leaving talented benders the ability to trap brainless entities up there. " + "Additionally, simply sneak (default shift) looking at an earthbendable block. " + "A wall of earth will shoot upwards from that location. " + "Anything in the way of the wall will be brought up with it. ");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Shockwave.Description", "This is one of the most powerful moves in the earthbender's arsenal. " + "To use, you must first charge it by holding sneak (default: shift). " + "Once charged, you can release sneak to create an enormous shockwave of earth, " + "disturbing all earth around you and expanding radially outwards. " + "Anything caught in the shockwave will be blasted back and dealt damage. " + "If you instead click while charged, the disruption is focused in a cone in front of you. " + "Lastly, if you fall from a great enough height with this ability selected, you will automatically create a shockwave.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.RaiseEarth.Description", "RaiseEarth is a basic yet useful utility move. It has the potential to allow the earthbender to create great escape routes by raising earth underneath them to propell themselves upwards. It also offers synergy with other moves, such as shockwave. RaiseEarth is often used to block incoming abilities.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.RaiseEarth.Instructions", "\n" + "(Pillar) To raise a pillar of earth, left click on an earthbendable block." + "\n" + "(Wall) To raise a wall of earth, tap sneak on an earthbendable block.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Shockwave.Description", "Shockwave is one of the most powerful earthbending abilitis. It allows the earthbender to deal mass damage to everyone around them and knock them back. It's extremely useful when fighting more than one target or if you're surrounded by mobs.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Shockwave.Instructions", "Hold sneak until you see particles and then release sneak to send a wave of earth outwards, damaging and knocking entities back that it collides with. Additionally, instead of releasing sneak you can send a cone of earth forwards by left clicking. If you are on the Shockwave slot and you fall from a great height, your Shockwave will automatically activate.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Shockwave.DeathMessage", "{victim} was blown away by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.SandSpout.Description", "SandSpout is a core move for travelling, evasion, and mobility for sandbenders. To use, simply left click while over sand or sandstone, and a column of sand will form at your feet, enabling you to levitate. Any mobs or players that touch your column will receive damage and be blinded. Beware, as the spout will stop working when no longer over sand!");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.SandSpout.Description", "SandSpout is a core move for travelling, evasion, and mobility for sandbenders. It's extremely useful to gain a height advantage.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Sandspout.Instructions", "This ability will only work while you are stood over a sand block. Simply left click to create a sand spout underneath you. Then, hold spacebar to raise yourself upwards or hold sneak to go downwards. Left click again to disable this ability.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Tremorsense.Description", "This is a pure utility ability for earthbenders. If you are in an area of low-light and are standing on top of an earthbendable block, this ability will automatically turn that block into glowstone, visible *only by you*. If you lose contact with a bendable block, the light will go out as you have lost contact with the earth and cannot 'see' until you can touch earth again. Additionally, if you click with this ability selected, smoke will appear above nearby earth with pockets of air beneath them.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Earth.Tremorsense.Instructions", "Simply left click while stood on an earthbendable block.");
config.addDefault("Commands.Help.Elements.Fire", "Fire is the element of power. Firebenders focus on destruction and incineration. Their abilities are pretty straight forward: set things on fire. They do have a bit of utility however, being able to make themselves un-ignitable, extinguish large areas, cook food in their hands, extinguish large areas, small bursts of flight, and then comes the abilities to shoot fire from your hands.\nFirebenders can chain their abilities into combos, type /b help FireCombos for more information.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Blaze.Description", "To use, simply left-click in any direction. An arc of fire will flow from your location, igniting anything in its path. Additionally, tap sneak to engulf the area around you in roaring flames.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Blaze.Description", "Blaze is a basic firebending technique that can be extremely deadly if used right. It's useful to stop people from chasing you or to create space between you and other players..");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Blaze.Instructions", "Left click to send a blaze arc in the direction you're facing that will damage and burn entities in its path. Additionally, you can tap sneak to send a blaze all around you.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Blaze.DeathMessage", "{victim} was burned alive by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Combustion.Description", "Combustion is a powerful ability only known by a few skilled Firebenders. It allows the bender to Firebend with their mind, concentrating energy to create a powerful blast. To use, simply tap sneak (Default: Shift) to launch the blast. This technique is highly destructive and very effective, it also comes with a long cooldown.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Combustion.Description", "Combustion is a special firebending technique that's extremely deadly. It allows you to create a powerful blast to deal immense damage to players at long range.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Combustion.Instructions", "Tap sneak to send a combustion out in the direction you're looking. It will expload on impact, or you can left click to manually expload it. This deals damage to players who are in radius of the blast.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Combustion.DeathMessage", "{victim} was shot down by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.FireBlast.Description", "FireBlast is the most fundamental bending technique of a firebender. " + "To use, simply left-click in a direction. A blast of fire will be created at your fingertips. " + "If this blast contacts an enemy, it will dissipate and engulf them in flames, " + "doing additional damage and knocking them back slightly. " + "If the blast hits terrain, it will ignite the nearby area. " + "Additionally, if you hold sneak, you will charge up the fireblast. " + "If you release it when it's charged, it will instead launch a powerful " + "fireball that explodes on contact.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.FireBlast.Description", "FireBlast is the most fundamental bending technique of a firebender. It allows the firebender to create mass amounts of fire blasts to constantly keep damaging an entity. It's great for rapid fire successions to deal immense damage.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.FireBlast.Instructions", "\n" + "(Ball) Left click to send out a ball of fire that will deal damage and knock back entities that it comes into contact with. Additionally, this ability can refuel furnace power if the blast connects with a furnace." + "\n" + "(Blast) Hold sneak until you see particles and then release sneak to send out a powerful fire blast outwards. This deals damage and knocks back anyone it hits, whilst exploading on impact.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.FireBlast.DeathMessage", "{victim} was burnt by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.FireBurst.Description", "FireBurst is a very powerful firebending ability. " + "To use, press and hold sneak to charge your burst. " + "Once charged, you can either release sneak to release the burst in a sphere around you or " + "click to launch a cone-shaped burst of flames in front of you.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.FireBurst.Description", "FireBurst is a very powerful firebending ability. " + "FireBurst is an advanced firebending technique that has a large range and the potential to deal immense damage. It's incredibly useful when surrounded by lots of mobs, to damage them all at once.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.FireBurst.Instructions", "Hold sneak until you see particles and then release sneak to send out a sphere of fire expanding outwards, damaging anything it hits. Additionally, you can left click instead of releasing sneak to send the fire burst into one direction only.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.FireBurst.DeathMessage", "{victim} was blown apart by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.FireJet.Description", "This ability is used for a limited burst of flight for firebenders. Clicking with this " + "ability selected will launch you in the direction you're looking, granting you " + "controlled flight for a short time. This ability can be used mid-air to prevent falling " + "to your death, but on the ground it can only be used if standing on a block that's " + "ignitable (e.g. not snow or water).");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.FireShield.Description", "FireShield is a basic defensive ability. " + "Clicking with this ability selected will create a " + "small disc of fire in front of you, which will block most " + "attacks and bending. Alternatively, pressing and holding " + "sneak creates a very small shield of fire, blocking most attacks. " + "Creatures that contact this fire are ignited.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.FireJet.Description", "FireJet is a fundamental utility move for firebenders. It allows the firebender to blast fire behind them to propel them forward, which can prevent them from taking fall damage or to escape from deadly situations.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.FireJet.Instructions", "Left click to jet in the direction you're looking. Additionally, left click once more to cancel the jet.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.FireShield.Description", "FireShield is a basic defensive ability that allows a firebender to block projectiles or other bending abilities. It's useful while fighting off skeletons, or while trying to block bending abilities at low health.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.FireShield.Instructions", "Hold sneak to create a fire shield around you that will block projectiles and other bending abilities. Additionally, left click to create a temporary fire shield. If entities step inside this fire shield, they will be ignited.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.FireShield.DeathMessage", "{victim} scorched theirself on {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.HeatControl.Description", "While this ability is selected, the firebender becomes impervious " + "to fire damage and cannot be ignited. " + "HeatControl has four different functions available to the user.\n" + "Cook - Hold sneak while holding any raw food in your hand to cook it.\n" + "Extinguish - Hold sneak, and any fire within a configurable radius will be extinguished.\n" + "Melt - Left click while looking at ice in order to melt it.\n" + "Solidify - Hold sneak while looking at a body of lava to cool it, turning it into stone.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Illumination.Description", "This ability gives firebenders a means of illuminating the area. It is a toggle - clicking " + "will create a torch that follows you around. The torch will only appear on objects that are " + "ignitable and can hold a torch (e.g. not leaves or ice). If you get too far away from the torch, " + "it will disappear, but will reappear when you get on another ignitable block. Clicking again " + "dismisses this torch.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Lightning.Description", "Hold sneak while selecting this ability to charge up a lightning strike. Once charged, release sneak to discharge the lightning to the targeted location.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.HeatControl.Description", "HeatControl is a fundamental firebending technique that allows the firebender to control and manipulate heat. This ability is extremely useful for ensuring that you're protected from your own fire and fire from that of other firebenders. It's also offers utility by melting ice or cooking food.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.HeatControl.Instructions", "\n" + "(Melt) To melt ice, simply left click while looking at ice." + "\n" + "(Solidify) To solidify lava, hold sneak looking at lava while standing still and it will start to solidify the lava pool you're looking at." + "\n" + "(Extinguish) To extinguish nearby fire or yourself, simply tap sneak." + "\n" + "(Cook) To cook food, place the raw food on your HeatControl slot and hold sneak. The food will then begin to cook.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Illumination.Description", "Illumination is a basic firebending technique that allows firebenders to manipulate their fire to create a light source. This ability will automatically activate when you're in low light.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Illumination.Instructions", "Left click to enable. Additionally, left click to disable.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Lightning.Description", "Lightning is an advanced firebending technique. It allows you to create lightning and manipulate it towards a target to deal immense damage.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Lightning.Instructions", "\n" + "(Lightning) Hold sneak to create lightning until particles appear, then release sneak to send lightning in the direction you're looking. This deals damage to entities that it hits and stuns them for a short duration." + "\n" + "(Redirection) While someone has fired a lightning strike at you, you can hold sneak to absorb this lightning and then release sneak to fire it back.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Lightning.DeathMessage", "{victim} was electrocuted by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.WallOfFire.Description", "To use this ability, click at a location. A wall of fire will appear at this location, igniting enemies caught in it and blocking projectiles.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.WallOfFire.Description", "WallOfFire is an advanced firebending technique that can be used aggressively or defensively. It's incredibly useful when trying to block off opponents from chasing you or to back them into corners.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.WallOfFire.Instructions", "Left click to create a fire wall at the location you clicked. This fire wall will damage entities that run into it and deal knockback.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.WallOfFire.DeathMessage", "{victim} ran into {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Combo.FireKick.Description", "A short ranged arc of fire launches from the player's feet dealing moderate damage to enemies.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Combo.FireKick.DeathMessage", "{victim} was kicked to the floor with flames by {attacker}'s {ability}");
@ -327,19 +375,15 @@ public class ConfigManager {
config.addDefault("Abilities.Fire.Combo.FireWheel.DeathMessage", "{victim} was incinerated by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Commands.Help.Elements.Chi", "Chiblockers focus on bare handed combat, utilizing their agility and speed to stop any bender right in their path. Although they lack the ability to bend any of the other elements, they are great in combat, and a serious threat to any bender. Chiblocking was first shown to be used by Ty Lee in Avatar: The Last Airbender, then later by members of the Equalists in The Legend of Korra.\nChiblockers can chain their abilities into combos, type /b help ChiCombos for more information.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.AcrobatStance.Description", "AcrobatStance gives a Chiblocker a higher probability of blocking a Bender's Chi while granting them a Speed and Jump Boost. It also increases the rate at which the hunger bar depletes. To use, simply left click. Left clicking again will de-activate the stance.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.HighJump.Description", "To use this ability, simply click. You will jump quite high. This ability has a short cooldown.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.Paralyze.Description", "Paralyzes the target, making them unable to do anything for a short " + "period of time. This ability has a long cooldown.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.RapidPunch.Description", "This ability allows the chiblocker to punch rapidly in a short period. To use, simply punch. This has a short cooldown.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.RapidPunch.DeathMessage", "{victim} took all the hits against {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.Smokescreen.Description", "Smokescreen, if used correctly, can serve as a defensive and offensive ability for Chiblockers. To use, simply left click and you will toss out a Smoke Bomb. When the bomb hits the ground, it will explode and give all players within a small radius of the explosion temporary blindness, allowing you to either get away, or move in for the kill. This ability has a long cooldown.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.WarriorStance.Description", "WarriorStance gives a Chiblocker increased damage but makes them a tad more vulnerable. To activate, simply left click.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.WarriorStance.Description", "WariorStance is an advanced chiblocker technique that gives the chiblocker increased damage but makes them a tad more vulnerable. This ability is useful when finishing off weak targets.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.WarriorStance.Instructions", "Left click to activate the warrior stance mode. Additionally, left click to disable it.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.QuickStrike.Description", "QuickStrike enables a chiblocker to quickly strike an enemy, potentially blocking their chi.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.QuickStrike.Instructions", "Left click on a player to quick strike them..");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.QuickStrike.DeathMessage", "{victim} was struck down by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.SwiftKick.Description", "SwiftKick allows a chiblocker to swiftly kick an enemy, potentially blocking their chi. The chiblocker must be in the air to use this ability.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.SwiftKick.Description", "SwiftKick allows a chiblocker to swiftly kick an enemy, potentially blocking their chi.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.SwiftKick.Instructions", "Jump up and left click on a player to swift kick them.");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.SwiftKick.DeathMessage", "{victim} was kicked to the floor by {attacker}'s {ability}");
config.addDefault("Abilities.Chi.Combo.Immobilize.Description", "Immobilizes the opponent for several seconds.");
} else if (type == ConfigType.DEFAULT) {
config = defaultConfig.get();
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