linux will send small, unpadded arp packets which may arrive over
wifi, so allow small packets into the bridge and pad any packets that
are too small when going out.
touchscreens signal multiple contact points (X/Y) in
the hid descriptor separated by being nested in separate
collections. the contact point is identified by a
optional contact id. if omited, we use the collection
index and report id.
so we collect all the items (X/Y, buttons, wheel) from
separate collections in Hidslot structures and in the
end combine all the slots together.
buttons are or'ed together while absolute X/Y is applied
when it changed. relative X/Y deltas get added together.
thanks to kivik and Glats for testing.
as stated by rfc4254 when server wants a reply.
failing todo so breaks some proprietary keep-alive schemes.
coproc.c generated the instrucitons anew each time,
requiering a i+d cache flush for each operation.
instead, we can speed this up like this:
given that the coprocessor registers are per cpu, we can
assume that interrupts have already been disabled by
the caller to prevent a process switch to another cpu.
we cache the instructions generated in a static append
only buffer and maintain separate end pointers for each
the cache flushes only need to be done when new
operations have been added to the buffer.
- make frame base pointer variable
- in rwreg(), save/restore the interpreter state and allocate a Frame* on the stack
- add overflow checks for frame base pointer to xec() and amleval()
- gc() scans the whole stack from FP to the *real* bottom F0
procsave(Proc* p)
uvlong t;
p->pcycles += t;
// TODO: save and restore VFPv3 FP state once 5[cal] know the new registers.
* Prevent the following scenario:
* pX sleeps on cpuA, leaving its page tables in mmul1
* pX wakes up on cpuB, and exits, freeing its page tables
* pY on cpuB allocates a freed page table page and overwrites with data
* cpuA takes an interrupt, and is now running with bad page tables
* In theory this shouldn't hurt because only user address space tables
* are affected, and mmuswitch will clear mmul1 before a user process is
* dispatched. But empirically it correlates with weird problems, eg
* resetting of the core clock at 0x4000001C which confuses local timers.
if(conf.nmach > 1)
- clean dcache before turning off caches and mmu (rebootcode.s)
- use WFE and inter-core mailboxes for cpu startup (rebootcode.s)
- disable SMP during dcache invalidation before enabling caches and mmu (in armv7.s)
- synchronize rebootcode installation
- handle the 1MB identity map in mmu.c (mmuinit1())
- do not overlap CONFADDR with rebootcode, the non boot
processors are parked there.
- make REBOOTADDR physical address
- disable local clock on interrupt to prevent accidents when reenabling
- always regitster local clock interrupt handler, even for cpu0
- simplify microdelay()
- don't mess with watchdog