- Improved Italian translation for USETUP, WELCOME, REACTOS, EXPLORER.
- Completed translation in SYSSETUP.
- Correct some characters encoding and text alignment in USETUP.
- Introduce two small helpers to change and restore the console title.
- Console title can change even when internal commands are executed.
- Note that when commands are run from within batch files, title is unchanged.
- When "cmd.exe /c command" is run, the console title is unchanged; however
when "cmd.exe /k command" is run, the console title changes.
This allows to break commands such as:
C:\ReactOS\system32> for %f in (*.*) do dir
as one would expect: stop the currently running 'dir' and the 'for'.
"bCtrlBreak" doesn't need to be volatile too.
Using CTRL-C to cancel command line input would leave the prompt in
a state where the next command would be ignored. For example:
would cause cmd.exe to ignore the second dir command.
The standard Win32 Console Control Handler will give CTRL-C events to
processes spawned from cmd.exe. If cmd.exe calls GenerateConsolCtrlEvent()
then the child process will receive two CTRL-C events.
With these, we generate the WM_CONTEXTMENU and NIN_(KEY)SELECT
shell icon notifications that applications expect when they handle
shell notification icons with uVersion >= 3.
This fixes in particular the previously unresponsive icon of KVIrc 4.x,
and more generally *all* the notifiation icons of Qt applications.
CORE-10605 #resolve
* [BROWSEUI] Update German translation
* [SHELL32] Update German translation
* [COMCTL32] Update German translation
* [COMDLG32] Update German Translation
* [SETUPAPI] Update German translation
* [EXPLORER] Update German translation
WatchList is a set of array objects, initialized with "new[]", so it should be freed with "delete[]" to free all of its elements. Otherwise using only "delete" only frees the first variable but not its array. This would lead to an undefined behaviour.
To reflect recent changes in taskbar height, icon spacing,
clock x and y margins.
Also make sure all shots show the exact same time
and choose a more localization agnostic time.
- Introduce the TRAYNOTIFYDATAW structure, as documented by Geoff
Chappell in "WM_COPYDATA for Taskbar Interface", at
that is the data structure passed between shell32 and explorer for
communicating shell notify icon information.
- In Shell_NotifyIcon(), correctly capture the (ANSI and) UNICODE
structures provided by the caller, properly taking into account for
the different NOTIFYICONDATA structure sizes existing out there.
The different strings are now properly null-terminated (especially
szTip if it needs to be truncated out), and the flags validated.
- Remove the now unneeded "SHELL_NotifyIcon()" helper function.
[EXPLORER] Use TRAYNOTIFYDATAW and adjust the callers.
- Start to doxygenate the library, focusing in great details on the
functions of the "outstream" module.
- Add a K32LoadStringEx function that expands (K32)LoadString by
allowing a LanguageId parameter to be able to load strings from other
languages than the current one.
- Add "ConResMsg*" helper functions to be able to (format and) print
message strings with inserts that come *NOT* from a message table (as
usual) *BUT* from resource string tables.
Will be helpful for CORE-14265 in particular.
[CMD] Fix the call to ConMsgPrintfV().
MSDN says that these values are not used but apparently they are used as a padding around the buttons.
This helps to center the buttons in the notification area.
Apparently the indices provided in NMTBGETINFOTIP (TBN_GETINFOTIP data struct), are not reliable,
but since the lParam values are, and it saves us a lookup, we will be using those instead. Win-Win!
- uVersion will only be truly useful when Vista+'s V4 style notification icons are implemented.
- Balloon notifications do not yet support queuing and auto-closing.
- Force the notification icon tooltips to always show even if the taskbar isn't foreground.
[ROSCTRLS.H] Implement CTooltips class which manages a comctl32 tooltips window.
* Fix Simplified Chinese Translation of EXPLORER.
* Fix Simplified Chinese Translation of MSCONFIG_NEW.
* Fix Simplified Chinese Translation of MSPAINT.
* Fix Simplified Chinese Translation of SHELL32.
* Fix Simplified Chinese Translation of SYSDM.
* Fix Simplified Chinese Translation of SETUP/REACTOS.
The command should delete files in the specified directory and all of its
sub-directories, using any file pattern specified.
For example, the command:
del /S .\my_directory
should delete all the files inside my_directory and its sub-directories,
and as such should also detect that "my_directory" is indeed a directory,
while doing:
del /S .\my_file
should of course detect that "my_file" is indeed a file pattern, and thus,
delete all "my_file" files from the current directory and its sub-directories.
The command:
del /S some_directory\file_pattern
should delete "file_pattern" files from some_directory and its sub-directories.
CORE-10495 CORE-13672
- Fix the behaviour of the EXIT command, where it set the last errorlevel
value ONLY when it was called with the /b switch and otherwise kept the
ambient one, instead of always using the value that the user specified
on the command-line.
- When a batch file has terminated, make the Batch() helper returning the
errorlevel value so that, when the batch file has been started with the
CALL command, CALL can in turn set the correct errorlevel value.
Verified with respect to Windows' cmd.exe.
This should fix situations where (for example):
command_1 | command_2 && echo Succeeded
should *NOT* run "echo Succeeded" if any of the command_1 or command_2 has
This also makes the ExecutePipeline() function on par with the other
"ExecuteXXX()" helpers.
Problem diagnosed by Doug Lyons; patch inspired by contributor 'cagey45'.
- Rewrite the taskbar settings and start menu settings property sheets.
- All settings in the taskbar settings property sheet can be loaded and saved properly except for the quick launch one which will be implemented later.
- Implement toggling lock, autohide and always on top. The rest will be implemented later.
- Move CIFSBand to the shellbars static lib which is linked to browseui and rshell.
- Move CQuickLaunchBand to rshell.
- Make nescessary adjustments so that they can both be registered and instantiated.