## Removals
* Removes `AirBurst#getAffectedEntities()`, shouldn't allow direct access to the list
## Misc. Changes
* Lowers "friction" in AirBlast knockback for entities on the ground
* Ignore "friction" in AirBlast when the AirBurst source isn't null
* Changes entity velocity comparison to only add vectors angled > pi/3 from push vector
* Increase default AirBurst push option
## Additions
Static Function that returns the slot id of the first water bottle found, -1 if none found. Used to not repeat code that should be the same (hasWaterBottle and emptyWaterBottle start finding this index, but they don't use the same code).
## Fixes
Fixes an error in hasWaterBottle function. In the former version of the WaterReturn.java file, hasWaterBottle only tests if the first item with Material.POTION in the inventory is of type PotionType.WATER. Having a random potion in the inventory in any slot before a Water Bottle makes this to return false, instead of checking all the potions in the Player Inventory. This causes the player to be unable to use the bottle as a water source. The new code checks all the potions.
## Misc. Changes
Since the items in an inventory aren't usually sorted (players don't sort items by id in their inventories), the "contains" method iterates all over the items on the inventory until it finds one with the specified material. The "first" method does the same, but instead of returning a boolean, it gives us the slot index of the item or -1 if not found. Since in "fillBottle" method we are going to calculate that index after checking whether the item is in the inventory or not, I've calculated this index with the "first" method and checking if it is greater or equals than 0 (not -1). Doing so we don't repeat the search task and we have a little improvement in efficiency terms.
## Fixes
* Fixes getClosestEntity to not rely on a distance check for if the entity is returned, but instead purely get the closest entity from getEntitiesAroundPoint
* Fixes SurgeWall to not do that new diagonal check, fixes Ice wall glitching out
## Misc. Changes
* Changes JetBlaze hitbox size, was way too big
* Changes FireJet, WallOfFire, and the FireJet Combos cooldowns to activate when the move completes
## Additions
* Adds logic for EarthBlast being used on ceilings
* Adds default cooldown to Suffocate
## Changes
* Fixes Suffocate being usable through walls
* Improves logic for EarthBlast pathing in general
## Removals
* `ALL_AFFECTED_BLOCKS` in RaiseEarth isn't actually used, removes it.
## Additions
* Adds self/others options for AirSuction
## Fixes
* Fixes AirBlast push self and others being mixed up
* Fixes AirBlast not using self push at all
* #1006
* Fixes EarthSmash using nonexistent AvatarState config options
## Removals
* Removes unnecessary arithmetic from AirBlast and AirSuction in determining knockback power
* Defaults in config have been changed to make up for removing the arithmetic
## Additions
* Adds HorizontalVelocityTracker to AirSweep
* Adds GeneralMethods#getMainHandLocation(final Player player)
## Changes
* Changed AirSweep and AirSwipe to originate from a Player's main hand location
* Changed the knockback caused by AirSweep more consistent in the air and on the ground
* Disable Lightning use when using FireJet
## Fixes
* Add null checks before several `CoreAbility.getAbility(someclass).isEnabled()`
## Misc. Changes
* Changes `CoreAbility.getAbility(..)` javadoc to describe when it returns null
* Changes cooldown DB table create query to use proper primary key
## Fixes
* Server crash with AirSwipe (or any move that can cause high velocity) on falling blocks or tnt
* Error with PhaseChange if you switch worlds while using
* Server crash with EarthGrab when used over void
## Misc. Changes
* Changes exception for WorldGuard bending flag
* Skip jukeboxes for TempBlocks to prevent invalid record type when trying to revert them