Strip the backslash to avoid GCC8.4.0 RosBE2.2.1 warning:
[104/108] Building RC object dll/win32.../CMakeFiles/cryptui.dir/cryptui.rc.obj
C:/ros/reactos/dll/win32/cryptui/lang/cryptui_En.rc:383: unrecognized escape sequence
The glitch was introduced yesterday
by 0.4.15-dev-3739-g ff9301e9db
- Added translation for:
- [W32TIME]
- [MODE]
- and more
- Updated existing translation
- [WINNLS] Update cht (zh-TW) and zhh (zh-HK)
- [DOC] Update rules in Chinese translation notes.txt
- Wine translation sync
Some of the punctuation use in WIne has been converted to half-width,
so the punctuation will no longer synced.
* [TRANSLATION] New PT translation to inetcpl
* [TRANSLATION] Fix SUBLANG in file cpl/joy/lang/pt-PT.rc to SUBLAG_NEUTRAL
* [TRANSLATION] New PT translation to cpl/mmsys/lang/pt-PT.rc
* [TRANSLATION] Fix SUBLANG in cryptui_Pt.rc file
There is no need to compile our DLLs as shared libraries since we are
managing symbols exports and imports through spec files.
On my system, this reduces the configure-time by a factor of two.