- When I started I actually just wanted to make the 2 red lines the same length. see PR-pic
- Ultimately I was able to harmonize all ctrls sizes and position for all rc's.
- This does also fix text truncation and overflows in several rc's.
- Also this prevents the numbers (actual data) in some rc's to be cut off much earlier than in others,
e.g. hu-HU.rc had IDC_KERNEL_MEMORY_PAGED width just 33 which is very small and will lead to quick truncation.
Now all languages use width 45 for all data fields and width 57 for all text fields,
which means if truncation would ever happen with very large numbers in the 64bit era,
we will see that happen in all rc's at the same moment and not arbitrarily scattered over a century.
It will happen later after this PR is applied.
- After this PR the two red lines do have the same length. see PR-pic
- After this PR the two green lines do have the same length. see PR-pic
- After this PR the two yellow lines do have the same length. see PR-pic
- After this PR the four brown lines do have the same length. see PR-pic
- After this PR the five cyan lines do have the same length. see PR-pic
Display the class icons for the installed network components.
Also fixes a bug where the selection change whacked the checkbox of the first item.
Use 0x7fffffff to append the item at the end of the list, as optimization.
- Handling ADN_DEL_IF_EMPTY is critical to avoid data loss.
- SetFileAttributesW failing is not fatal, the delete might still succeed.
NOTE: Not in Wine yet.
- Fix TCHAR/WCHAR mis-usage,
- Fix as a result, a buffer overflow (GlobalAlloc takes the size in
bytes, but a number of characters was passed to it instead).
- Remove usage of unsafe string function. Now the item text is directly
retrieved within the allocated buffer.
- Adds support for registry controlled menu separators and the documented
values to turn off verbs.
Bugs fixed:
- A verb with "Extended" set in the registry could cause the menu to invoke
the incorrect command! This happened because skipping InsertMenuItemW
caused InvokeCommand to use the wrong index with m_StaticEntries.
- Uses IS_INTRESOURCE instead of HIWORD to check if something is a string
(only matters on 64-bit).
- TryToBrowse leaking a PIDL when calling ILCombine.
- This PR introduces the RosGetProcessEffectiveVersion() helper function
discussed in chat.
- Relaxed FAILED_UNEXPECTEDLY to FAILED in two places because IContextMenu
cannot assume that it has a site that leads to IShellBrowser.
This adds support for more of the FOLDERSETTINGS FOLDERFLAGS.
- Turned on LVS_EX_DOUBLEBUFFER even though there is no setting for it.
XP has it on for folders but not the desktop and this matches that.
Vista might turn it on for its shadow labels on the desktop, further
investigation required.
- Fixes a bug where LVS_EX_SNAPTOGRID was incorrectly assigned where
the WS_EX flags go.
- LVS_AUTOARRANGE seems to be incorrectly forced on but for compatibility
I decided to leave it but added a comment. The existing code already
has the check for FWF_AUTOARRANGE.
This finishes the 640x480-ification within [NETCFGX]. All dlgs addressed now.
- Allows the final 3 property sheets IDD_TCPIP_ADVIP_DLG, IDD_TCPIP_ADVDNS_DLG and IDD_TCPIP_ADVOPT_DLG to be displayed fine in 640x480 screen resolution by limiting their dlg unit height to 220
- tweaks a bit of the controls vertical positions to look better, e.g. LTEXT "interface metric:" was moved one pix upwards relative to IDC_METRIC to make that look more vertically centered
- IDC_AUTOMETRIC checkbox was moved slightly upwards in relation to the groupbox it was embedded into, which does it make look slightly better
- width of IDC_SUFFIX was enlarged for all languages to the value that was historically chosen for uk-UA.rc. (Only ru-RU.rc continues to do that differently, as it uses even longer text and therefore has to shift 2 controls towards the left to make that fit into the dlg. That part was there also before this PR)