Created an event that is called when a player either gets a cooldown or
loses one. This is made primarily for the sake of more utility-based
addon plugins.
- FireKick now works while standing on snow.
- Changed the default values of FireCombo Abilities to balance them
- Added the FireCombo configuration to the config.yml.
- Changed the JetBlaze sound.
We'll have to just change with the times, from this point forward,
ProjectKorra will only work with WorldGuard if you are using WorldGuard
6.0.0 or higher.
- Finished giving most firebending abilities sound
- Made combustion have its own sound
- Gave waterbending moves sound
- Made anything ice-related use a different sound
- Gave airbending moves sound
- Converted to the Methods way of using sounds
- Gave activating the Avatar State sound
The ComboManager records all the abilities that have been used within
the past 10 seconds and will check to see if a valid attack combination
has been used. As of right now the ComboManager only has abilities made
for FireCombo.
- Updated the PKListener to update the ComboManager
- Added a new command /b help FireCombo
- Updated the coolade developer name from creepermcaliens to
AirShield,FireShield: isWithinShield() checks if a location is within
the shield.
AirSpout,WaterSpout: Updated removeSpouts to return true if an instance
was removed.
AirSwipe: Added a method that removes AirSwipes around a location within
a radius.
Added a Method.blockAbilities that takes a player, list of ability
names, location, and a radius. Using the ability names, it tries to
remove any instances of each of the abilities at a specific location
using the radius. If AirShield or FireShield was included as an ability
they will not be removed, instead they will just return true.
Added a Methods.isWithinShields that checks if a location is within
either a FireShield or an AirShield.