Making the tests trustworthy.
JIRA issue: ROSTESTS-389
- Enable command line checking.
- Rewrite the tests for better tests.
- Remove dependency with shell32_apitest_sub.
- Close the newly opened windows by Alt+F4 at ending.
Fix Mouse Buttons Sticking Down causing unexpected window dragging.
This is a patch supplied by @I_Kill_Bugs and seems to work well as tested by @julenuri.
JIRA issue: CORE-11775 'GIMP 2.6.12: Sticky issue when dragging with the mouse'
JIRA issue: CORE-14998 'Google Chrome 40.0.2214.115, when moving window position by dragging at the titlebar, the drag-end is not detected, the window may stick with the mouse pointer'
Improves JIRA issue: CORE-18511
Proposed changes
Add extra code into nonclient.c procedure DefWndDoSizeMove to drop tracking.
If we get a mouse move with the mouse left button down, then break out of testing.
Fix a minor UI problem. IDC_SEARCH_COMBOBOX was border-less.
It was wrong.
JIRA issue: N/A
combo box in IDD_SEARCH_DLG dialog resource.
Fix checkboxed treeview selection display.
JIRA issue: CORE-19480
- Make the first argument of TREEVIEW_ToggleItemState non-const.
- Select the item by calling TREEVIEW_SelectItem in TREEVIEW_ToggleItemState.
Improve Start Menu usability.
JIRA issue: CORE-19477
- Add CSIDLFromID helper function.
- Return a context menu interface at CShellMenuCallback::OnGetContextMenu.
wrongly open My Computer.
Follow-up to #6596. Enable the Favorite menu setting.
JIRA issue: CORE-16956
- Use TreeView_GetRoot instead of TreeView_GetFirstVisible in
CustomizeClassic_OnOK function.
Granted, if the while-loop is not run, this means there is no memory
available at all on the computer where FreeLdr is running, which is
quite unexpected. But do the initialization anyways, in order to avoid
more obscure bugs down the line.
On the other hand, PageLookupTableMemAddress doesn't need to be
pre-initialized, since it gets initialized unconditionally afterwards.
Avoids dereferencing list entries to sections/items when these lists are empty.
IniParseFile(): Emit an error to the debug log when a candidate setting
is outside a section and skip it, instead of popping up an error on the UI.
Correct the details of Start Menu customization.
JIRA issue: CORE-16956
- Hide the setting item if the item is restricted.
- Don't change restriction in Explorer.
- Fix Start Menu settings for restriction and registry.
- Fix and simplify code.
Follow-up to #6594. Improve Start Menu customization.
JIRA issue: CORE-16956
- Check the "CascadeControlPanel", "CascadeNetworkConnections", and "CascadePrinters"
registry values.
- Modify Start Menu by using AddOrSetMenuItem and AddStartMenuItems helper
functions in CShellMenuCallback::OnGetSubMenu.
shell32!SHRestricted is necessary to make shell working well.
JIRA issue: CORE-11515
- Add dll/win32/shell32/wine/PolicyData.h to define the shell policy data.
- Define POLICYDATA structure and SHELL_NO_POLICY constant
in <shlwapi_undoc.h>.
- Fix shell32!SHRestricted, shell32!SHSettingsChanged,
shlwapi!SHGetRestriction, and shlwapi!SHRestrictionLookup functions.
The definitions in the NDK inline_ntcurrentteb.h and psfuncs.h files are
synced togther with those of winnt.h (in the winnt_old.h generator file).
See commits c1929445d (r49627) and 925c587c8 (r56318).
IMPORTANT NOTE: The ARM64 definition does not exist yet in our headers!
The official MS DDK/WDK does not expose KeGetPcr() for x86, so do
not expose it there as well. Use instead the private NDK definition.
If it were exposed in the DDK/WDK, it would have to be a
multiprocessor-compatible definition.
Note that the broken definition was working only in single-processor
mode, using the PCR static memory pointer value.
The official MS DDK/WDK exposes KeGetPcr() as an alias to such a
PCR value only for IA64, MIPS and PPC, which is of course not great.
Implementing the back-end of
the Language bar...
JIRA issue: CORE-19361
- Rename GetLocaleInfoString
as GetHKLName.
- Implement GetHKLSubstitute
helper function.
- Fix GetHKLDesctription function.
Unify the private IMM32 macro
definitions. Refactoring...
JIRA issue: CORE-19361
- Define IS_SPECIAL_HKL macro
in <imm32_undoc.h>.
- Use IS_IME_HKL and
IS_SPECIAL_HKL macros of
in kbswitch and input modules.
Implementing the back-end of
the Language bar...
JIRA issue: CORE-19361
- Add mlng.cpp and mlng.h.
- Modify msctf.spec.
- Implement MLNGINFO
structure and CStaticIconList
- Implement TF_InitMlngInfo,
TF_GetMlngIconIndex, and
TF_GetMlngHKL functions.
Make shell32:FindExecutable testcase stable and trustworthy.
JIRA issue: ROSTESTS-389
- Reduce dependency with sub-program (instead use copy of
- Simplify.