The ComboManager records all the abilities that have been used within
the past 10 seconds and will check to see if a valid attack combination
has been used. As of right now the ComboManager only has abilities made
for FireCombo.
- Updated the PKListener to update the ComboManager
- Added a new command /b help FireCombo
- Updated the coolade developer name from creepermcaliens to
AirShield,FireShield: isWithinShield() checks if a location is within
the shield.
AirSpout,WaterSpout: Updated removeSpouts to return true if an instance
was removed.
AirSwipe: Added a method that removes AirSwipes around a location within
a radius.
Added a Method.blockAbilities that takes a player, list of ability
names, location, and a radius. Using the ability names, it tries to
remove any instances of each of the abilities at a specific location
using the radius. If AirShield or FireShield was included as an ability
they will not be removed, instead they will just return true.
Added a Methods.isWithinShields that checks if a location is within
either a FireShield or an AirShield.
Owners can now decide if bending affects fallingsand, there are 2 types
of fallingsand:
TNT and fallingsand, for both there are 2 config options if bending
should affect it, and if it affects it, than what should be the strength
multiplier be? 1.0 is the default strength and 0.1 is 1/10 of the normal
For developers:
new Methods, Methods.setVelocity(entity, vector)
Check if there is already a stockability enabled or if there is one when
someone makes a new (fan made) ability. this allows you to create
ability with same name as default ones as long as you turn off the
default one. Also cleaned up some small parts, and will clean up the
command class in feature
WaterWave previously was not working with WaterPassive, now it does.
WaterWave was also removing the block of water that the user was using
as a source, which was causing currents to form in the water.
Fixed a bug where LavaFlow was not being removed if the user kept the
shift button held down. Now it cleans up regardless of whether they are
still trying to bend a LavaFlow.
Added a protective measure to check the amount of entities that are
about to have their velocities changed before moving them all. If there
are too many entities around it will damage them without changing their
velocity, that way we don't lag out and crash due to the firing of too
many EntityCollisionEvents.