- Implement asynchronous and delayed close operations.
- Fix a logical bug in FatiClose code, which led to always closing the file object (and freeing respective FCB/VCB/CCB), and then checking flags and queuing a delayed close. Instead, it should only try to close if it's not marked as a delayed close.
- Support stuff added (queues, mutex for closing lists, etc).
- Misc cleanup, debug silencing.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48525
- Update lpcbBytesReturned when FIONREAD is called
- Fix the value inside lpErrno when XxxSocketInformation() fails
- Pass the unrecognized IOCTLs to the winsock helper (no behavior change for this yet because wshtcpip's WSHIoctl is unimplemented)
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48522
- Plug in a commented out notification call in case of cleanup.
- Implement a case of device info query.
- Implement lock control.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48518
Stop using the new paged pool code, before ExpLoadInitialProcess is called. For so far unknown reasons, it causes evil things to happen. Fixes "Assertion NewSize < pool->UserSize failed"
See issue #5551 for more details.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48517
Pierre Schweitzer
- Fix volume opening on FAT volume. Commented out a directory check as it doesn't match realized tests, in spite of what's in WDK.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48513
- Introduce some _ANONYMOUS_STRUCT and NONAMELESSUNION based definitions.
- Update XDK generated headers to reflect the recent changes.
- Update some header guards.
- Add some missing new lines at the end of files.
- Introduce some _ANONYMOUS_STRUCT and NONAMELESSUNION based definitions.
- Update some header guards.
- Add missing new line at the end of driverspecs.h
- Update the ndis header guard.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48511
- Implement opening an existing DCB.
- Add a bunch of useful macros and helper functions and use them throughout the code.
- Implement in-memory setendoffile set information class. On-disk to be done.
- Implement user fs ctrl wrapper with stubs.
- Fill up QueryVolumeInfo with classes it should handle. Silence up a warning about classes it should reject.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48498
- Move several headers to PSDK where they belong.
- De-duplicate __GNU_EXTENSION definition from several headers.
- Remove semicolons after the closing bracket of extern "C"
- Add a missing one in ioaccess.h
- Apply a consistent formatting.
- De-duplicate __GNU_EXTENSION definition from several headers.
- Add missing extern "C" opening bracket in ddkernel.h and remove the semicolon from the closing one.
- Add __GNU_EXTENSION definition to ddraw.h and remove the semicolon after the closing bracket of extern "C"
- Add missing extern "C" closing bracket in ddrawi.h
- Remove semicolons after the closing brackets of extern "C" in dinput.h, dmemmgr.h and sti.h
- Apply a consistent formatting.
- Move ddraw.h to PSDK.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48497
- Set the SO_BROADCAST option to 1 before we send data to the broadcast address so we don't get stonewalled by mswsock
- DHCP is now compatible with mswsock_new
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48493
PciScanBus second pass enabled: PciProcessBus, most stubs now until VGA/ISA system tested
PciClassifyDeviceType implement as helper function
PCI Enumeration 100% complete!
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48492
- Check the return value of WSPSelect instead of the error number because the error number doesn't have to be initialized if the function doesn't return SOCKET_ERROR
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48491
- Implement close and cleanup infrastructure.
- Add necessary FCB and VCB counters.
- Add missing op and file locks initialization.
- A lot of small cleanups, improvements, and other things, bringing fastfat_new much closer to a minimally working state.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48487
- Implemented CdfsIsNameLegalDOS8Dot3 and use it to check filenames. It avoids
calling Rtl* functions that need NLS. (Modified merge of 35501).
See issue #2404 for more details.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48486
- Use messages instead of events to notify the update threads
- Fixes a handle leak
- Fix some typos
- Patch by Carlo Bramini (carlo.bramix at libero dot it)
See issue #3104 for more details.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48484
[SHLWAPI] Fix some comments (As usual: "should be sent to wine")
Patch by Rafal Harabień, <rafalh1992 AT o2 DOT pl>
See issue #5557 for more details.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48482
Make functions in ntstrsafe.h static, so they can be used in more than one file. Maybe that encourages people using it instead of unsafe and banned apis.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48481
As an additional feature on top of the "allow non-existing functions to be exported" "feature", because rbuild generates and links STDCALL function names without the proper decoration (vs. enforcing decoration at linking, but only removing it at export-time), this allows the definition (as an export) of a STDCALL function that is completely different from the actual function itself.
For example, the 5-parameter Foo function is normally Foo@20, while the 3-parameter Foo function woudl be Foo@12. Linking one against the other would fail (say, 2 parameters were added to Foo in a newer version). However, under RBUILD, both of these would appear as "Foo", and the linker/compiler would happilly connect the caller of Foo@3 (that has pushed 3 parameters) to the receiving side of Foo@5 (that is about to pop 5 parameters).
Even -if- decorations WERE to be applied, Foo@12 would STILL succeed, because of the first feature, which would enable the export of Foo@12 even though no such function exist.
In a further, bizare, twist of fate, the behavior of this RBUILD "feature", when the target function is not found, is to link the exported DLL TO ITSELF.
Therefore, one can see how, previously to this patch, kernel32.dll would import a dozen functions from itself (all the non-existing functions).
To really seal the deal, the behavior of exported functions used by kernel32, but that are actually forwarded to another DLL deserves a special mention.
GetLastError, for example, merely forwards to RtlGetLastWin32Error, so it is normal behavior to use a #define in the C code so that all internal calls to the function are routed correctly.
This did not happen, so instead, kernel32 tried importing/linking/exporting GetLastError, but this symbol is not found in the binary, because it is only a forwarder.
This caused kernel32 to import from itself (the behavior when an exported symbol is not found). When importing from itself, the loader would now find the _forwarded_ for GetLastError, and correctly link with ntdll.
What should be a one-liner of assembly (inline TEB access) thus became a triple-call indirection (GetLastError@0->StubLastError@0->__impGetLastError@0->__impRtlGetLastWin32Error->RtlGetLastWin32Error.
While analyzing these issues, we also realized a strange macro SetLastErrorByStatus that manually tried to perform what there already exists a function for: RtlSetLastNtStatusFromWin32Error.
And, in an exciting coda, we also realized that our Server 2003 Kernel32 exports more than a dozen Windows 95 APIs, through an auto-stub generation mechanism within winebuild, that gets linked as an object behind the scenes.
[KERNEL32]: Removed all Win95 exports, cleaned up exports.
[KERNEL32]: Fixed up set/get error macros by making them inline and/or calling the correct ntdll function.
[KERNEL32]: Removed bizare calls to Wine-internal/specific APIs from our core Win32 DLL.
[KERNEL32]: Wrote stubs for all functions which should be exported, and set the correct number of parameters for them.
[KERNEL32]: Kernel32 is smaller, loads faster, does not export Windows 95 functions, does not export non-existing functions, and does not import from itself anymore.
Note: This is one of the many failings of RBUILD the CMAKE system has helped us discover. I believe these issues are serious enough to warrant an immediate sync with trunk, but rest assured, there are many more completely broken, infinitely-regressing things that we discovered while switching to CMAKE.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48475
- Remove "implementations" of __lc_collate_cp, __lc_handle and __lc_codepage. These are not functions, but varuables, implemented as MSVCRT_*
- add ___lc_codepage_func and ___lc_handle_func taken from wine
- Fix msvcrt spec file
- Fixes compilation with gcc 4.5.1
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48473
- MAXIMUM_VOLUME_LABEL_LENGTH is in bytes, not in characters. Fix struct definition and access beyond the buffer. Spotted by Carlo Bramini.
- Trim trailing spaces from the volume label name, instead of stopping at the first encountered space. Fix by Carlo Bramini.
See issue #5505 for more details.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48468
When creating a shortcut icon and we have 32 bpp, use GdiAlphaBlend to create the final bitmap. This is neccessary, since we want to support alpha channels and those are destroyed when using SRCPAINT or any similar ROPs on the alpha bitmap (not a bug, Windows works like that, too). We could use MaskBlt, if it would work correctly, but on reactos it destroys the alpha channel as well (bug!), it's also most likely slower then the current solution.
Fixes broken overlay icons.
See issue #5455 for more details.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48463
- Fixed FsRtlIsNameInExpression to make it properly handle * in expressions
- Fix formatting
- Patch by Pierre Schweitzer
- Fixes everything
See issue #5541 for more details.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48461
- Move generated precompiled headers to binary folders.
- Enable auto image base for ntdll.
- Update the location of generated PCH files for rtl, ntdll and crt.
svn path=/branches/cmake-bringup/; revision=48459
[CMAKE]: Set global linker flags we need for all libraries.
[CMAKE]: Set specific NTDLL linker flag.
Thanks to Amine for some of his help.
svn path=/branches/cmake-bringup/; revision=48457