from Wine, using __REACTOS__ defines to separate the changes.
We note that in effect it completely contains the functionality of
Wine's send_close_messages(), so we keep that latter disabled.
The following SaveAppSettings(), QueryAppSettings() and InitAppRegKey() are helper functions.
This is merely a base Registry skeleton for Utility Manager as more work on it has to come later.
Make the argument process of command utility "taskkill" behave same as what Windows does.
Now options are no longer detected as parameters when placed after options that accept one.
For example, `taskkill /im /f` will no longer regard `/f` as a process name.
If `/?` and `/f` options appear more than once, an error will be reported, telling they are not allowed more than once.
(e.g. `taskkill /f /pid 1000 /f`)
If only one option `/f` is given without `/pid` or `/im`, an eerror will be reported, telling that one must specify `/pid` or `/im`.
(e.g. `taskkill /f`)
Additional changes:
- Combine SendCloseMessages() and TerminateProcesses() functions.
- Protect new written code with `#ifdef __REACTOS__`
Implement a small helper, GetProcessID(), that will be used to return the process ID which we are interested in. This largely removes some duplicated code. The following patch addresses the Jansen's comment on #1608 PR.
Rewrite shell32!SHAddToRecentDocs and use it in some applications.
Wine's SHAddToRecentDocs was not Unicode supported and unusable. I will dare to rewrite.
Rewrite LoadDataFromRegistry() and SaveDataToRegistry() as function helpers. With these, we'll be able to load and save data to registry on our choice.
* [NETSTAT] Restore expected output formats
"Revert" parts of bd3c852012.
* [NETSTAT] Improve default and ICMPv4 output formats
* [NETSTAT] Fix a few typos, in output strings
* [NETSTAT] Output usage to StdErr
* [NETSTAT] Be more explicit about unimplemented -b/-t/-v options
200 ms would mean that the LEDs redraw each 0,2 second and this adds a slight delay. This can be seen if you press the Num lock key (for example) many times in a row and the LED resources won't update instantly. Therefore reducing the value of uElapse should significantly decrease the delay and the LEDs should update in a realistic way. Furthermore, before invalidating the LED resource check the toggle state of the keys.