Consistent behavior of the application.
- Add ShiftPtStack and BuildMaskFromPtStack
helper functions.
- Move some codes of selectionModel to
Refactoring and arrangement for selection handling.
- Move some selection-related codes in canvas.cpp to mouse.cpp.
- Add SelectionBaseTool structure for FreeSelTool and RectSelTool.
- Delete global zoomTo function.
- Add CCanvasWindow::zoomTo and
CCanvasWindow::getNewZoomRect functions.
- Rename CCanvasWindow::updateScrollInfo as
- Rename CCanvasWindow::resetScrollPos as
- Draw the proper zoom rectangle on mouse move.
- Revert the active tool on click when the tool
was Zoom.
In some situations, the scroll position should be reset.
- Add CCanvasWindow::resetScrollPos method.
- Reset the scroll position on loading a file.
- Reset the scroll position on mirroring/rotating
the image.
- Delete CCanvasWindow::drawZoomFrame.
- Invalidate the canvas on mouse move when
the active tool is Zoom tool.
- Add ZoomTool::OnDrawOverlayOnCanvas to
draw the zoom rectangle without flickering.
- Improve the zoom trackbar position.
- Display the zoom rate on changing the value
of the zoom trackbar.
- Reverse the direction of the zoom trackbar.
- Don't draw the focus rectangle.
CORE-19215, CORE-19216
The scroll info was not updated when the file is loading.
- Rename CCanvasWindow::Update as CCanvasWindow::updateScrollInfo.
- Update scroll info on ImageModel::NotifyImageChanged.
- Improve ImageModel::ClearHistory.
- Painting the canvas is done by overlaying the multiple layers.
- Drawing each overlay is implemented as polymorphism of OOP.
- Refine the Undo/Redo mechanism.
- Some adjustments.
Improve keyboard usability.
- Add CCanvasWindow::MoveSelection.
- Modify CMainWindow::OnKeyDown.
- If Esc key is pressed, then the selection will land to canvas.
- If any arrow key is pressed, then the selection will move a bit.
- Move imageArea code into canvasWindow.
- Delete imgarea.cpp, imgarea.h, and imageArea.
- Add CCanvasWindow::ImageToCanvas and CCanvasWindow::CanvasToImage to convert the coordinates.
- Realize drawing of resizing image area.
Reduce window controls and integrate to the canvas window.
- The sizeboxes are absorbed by canvasWindow.
- class CSizeboxWindow is deleted.
- Add getSizeBoxRect, getSizeBoxHitTest, and drawSizeBoxes helper functions in sizebox.cpp.