2012-09-12 14:37:56 -05:00

131 lines
6 KiB

all right all right all right!
so much for good intentions.
not quite...
It's easy to make serious mistakes in that situation.
I agree with some of the others here that the solution probably lies in external contributions from wise members of the community.
It's still a race.
A program exits when main exits.
That's just an error I will fix.
You could just drop the adjective.
I recommend that you fix your code now and be ready for the next release.
I accept the argument about regularity but not the one about utility.
Every acme user around here uses the plan9port version.
There is no general solution but we are aware of the desire.
I'm not sure how that helps.
It's clumsy, I know, although it could be (and will one day be) done a little better.
I don't know what that means.
But what are you really trying to do?
I thought of a few ways but I refuse to write them down for fear people will use them.
It may be that another approach altogether is better.
Your assurances are incorrect.
When I look at your code I see a lot of unnecessary repetition.
Poor choice. You went wrong at step 1.
Interesting idea, though.
if crypticness is the complaint, remember you're talking about a C compiler.
Thought I'd post this to a DOOM group.
There are no plans for a new release of Plan 9.
there are no pastel paints in the dungeons and dragons world
it's fitting that my first tweet had a typo.
There's nothing in computing that can't be broken by another level of indirection.
It's all happening.
I prefer deskside computers over laptops because they're much harder to throw in frustration when dealing with incompetent web sites.
I hear that C++0x is a substantially upgraded language.
People get annoyed when they must write two lines of code instead of one, but I don't. It's called programming.
localization (n.): the property that a program runs globally.
Fixes welcome.
The first lines of source code were added to Go in 1972.
You can all relax.
It's not my Mac Air's fault that the web is too damn slow.
This discussion isn't pin-headed enough yet.
The name Brazil was chosen because we wanted terminals with Fresnel lenses on goosenecks like the ones in the movie.
I don't see what the fuss is about.
when i was on sabbatical the university installed linux on the PC on my desk.
Apologies for the inconvenience.
Legal terminology is not the best medium for subtlety, so I've asked our lawyers for clarification.
Give us your address and we'll send Ken out to fix it. That's our technique.
This won't work.
Weekends are quiet, good for updating big software packages.
Web access is very important. Web browsers are very useful. But if you stop there, you're missing a lot of opportunity.
I'll send a fix in a while.
Plan 9 is non-standard and proud of it.
Perhaps I should explain better.
Here's a short version: Avoid complexity.
Why not?
Mea culpa.
Sorry, guys, but it's not quite a pure PC world, at least not yet.
True again.
This fixes your example, anyway.
Ptys were old and obsolete the day they were invented.
Kick back, relax. It's the information age.
Speaking as the portraitist, I believe I captured the personality rather well.
That's a little simplistic.
You don't have a user program running when you're trying to boot the kernel.
The last pieces of this design space have not been explored.
Feel free to delete it.
It's surprising what's surprising.
You should delete some mail.
Algorithms everywhere, and not a byte to send.
This is idiocy.
Yes, precisely.
Difficult administration results in incorrect or inadequate installation.
Use something distinctive.
It's easy if you have the spec.
Of course it does.
I've been thinking of sending this information to 9fans for a while.
I'm a little disturbed by these questions.
This question has been answered.
No, there is no solution.
Other systems claim to have solutions but they are exaggerating.
I was trying to tell you the way to do it.
Not exactly.
In this context, I don't feel it's ambiguous.
By tradition, the return value of functions report what they did, not what they considered doing.
Whoops... Incomplete instructions.
I would like to understand this.
I would think mouse chords would be singularly ineffective on the Mac.
Anyone willing to help?
Don't be stupid.
Unnecessary, anyway.
Actually I mistyped.
If it's just between you and your server, go for it.
I'd really like someone to clean the mess up (hint, hint).
Hell has nothing to do with it.
I think you misrepresent the purpose of security. Its role is to prevent us getting work done.
So the rule of security is the following: if you are able to work on something other than security, your system is insecure.
Those days [of "one tool doing one job well"] are dead and gone and the eulogy was delivered by Perl.
I'll alert the media.
Unix never says `please.'
The secretaries don't understand me.
Sometimes when you fill a vacuum, it still sucks.
If you think awk is the perfect programming language for the problem, you don't understand the problem yet.
There's no such thing as a simple cache bug.
A great deal of agonizing and very little decisiveness went into resolving this issue
Caches aren't architecture, they're just optimization.
People admire complexity.
Bite my shiny metal ass.
iOS4.3 lets you decide whether the side switch is mute or rotate lock. Operating system innovations never cease.
If you can't do something right, sometimes it's not worth doing at all.
Once idea that comes to mind is to show us a reproducible example.
The API has indeed changed.
I suppose the documentation should mention this.
I'm a radical here, but I think if a machine is paging, you've lost.
So again, why?
I guess I'm dim.
In the good old days, copyright notices meant something.
It doesn't matter what the bug is, someone will depend on it.
We're still working on it.
Write less code.
Would a Plan 9 user please provide an accurate status report of the state of the Go port to the system?
I wasn't asking about 9front.
Your "why bother?" question is a good one.
Your question is answered by the FAQ entry.
Hip hip hooray.