Allink cbbc4937d5
Fix & improve skin command, improve username command (#331)
* Use per-player ratelimit for /username

* Improve the skin system

- Migrates skin getting over to Mojang. I do indeed understand that the Mojang API is more ratelimited and generally harder to use, it should be noted that it has an almost 0% chance of error. Compare that to Ashcon which, on some days, has a 50% chance of actually recognizing your account exists
- Uses CompletableFutures and a ExecutorService for making requests
- Renames SkinDownloader class to SkinManager class
- Makes SkinManager class static
- Limits the /skin command per-player
2022-12-27 19:50:02 +02:00

21 lines
301 B

package pw.kaboom.extras.skin.response;
public class ProfileResponse {
public ProfileResponse(String name, String id) {
this.name = name;
this.id = id;
private final String name;
private final String id;
public String name() {
return name;
public String id() {
return id;