2022-04-09 00:16:24 -05:00

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id title
permissions Permissions


This page is a comprehensive list of all of Plex's permission nodes.


Command Permission Description
adminchat plex.adminchat Talk privately with other admins
adminworld plex.adminworld Teleport to the adminworld
adventure plex.gamemode.adventure Set your own or another player's gamemode to adventure mode
ban plex.ban Bans a player, offline or online
blockedit plex.blockedit Prevent players from modifying blocks
commandspy plex.commandspy Spy on other player's commands
creative plex.gamemode.creative Set your own or another player's gamemode to creative mode
debug plex.debug Plex's debug command
entitywipe plex.entitywipe Remove various server entities that may cause lag, such as dropped items, minecarts, and boats.
flatlands plex.flatlands Teleport to the flatlands
freeze plex.freeze Freeze a player on the server
kick plex.kick Kicks a player
localspawn plex.localspawn Teleport to the spawnpoint of the world you are in
lockup plex.lockup Lockup a player on the server
masterbuilderworld plex.masterbuilderworld Teleport to the masterbuilderworld
mobpurge plex.mobpurge Purge all mobs.
mute plex.mute Mute a player on the server
namehistory plex.namehistory Get the name history of a player
notes plex.notes Manage notes for a player
plex plex.plex Show information about Plex or reload it
punishments plex.punishments Opens the Punishments GUI
rawsay plex.rawsay Displays a message to everyone
smite plex.smite Someone being a little bitch? Smite them down...
spectator plex.gamemode.spectator Set your own or another player's gamemode to spectator mode
survival plex.gamemode.survival Set your own or another player's gamemode to survival mode
tag plex.tag Set or clear your prefix
tempban plex.tempban Temporarily ban a player
toggledrops plex.toggledrops Toggle immediately removing drops.
unban plex.unban Unbans a player, offline or online
unfreeze plex.unfreeze Unfreeze a player
unmute plex.unmute Unmute a player
world Teleport to a world.

BukkitTelnet Module

Permission Description
plex.telnet.autoconnect Allow automatically connecting to telnet without a password

HTTPD Module

Permission Description
plex.httpd.admins.access Allows seeing IP addresses of admins. Anyone can view the page regardless of permissions
plex.httpd.indefbans.access Allows accessing the indefinite bans. This permission is required to view the page at all.
plex.httpd.punishments.access Allows seeing IP addresses of punishments. Anyone can view the page regardless of permissions

LibsDisguises Module

Command Permission Description
disguisetoggle plex.libsdisguises.disguisetoggle Toggle LibsDisguises
undisguiseall plex.libsdisguises.undisguiseall Undisguise all players
undisguiseall plex.libsdisguises.bypass Bypass being undisguised. This can be overridden regardless of permission with the -a flag.