* Remove a hardcoded copyright string and move into localizable resources.
* Remove the PROMPT environment variable from clean installs of ReactOS. By default, the command prompt uses $P$G (path + '>') as its prompt settings and does not require this environment variable. Clean installs of Windows Server 2003 do not include this environment variable either. I documented this environment variable in our wiki if anyone would like to set it on their own ReactOS installs.
* Remove the new line above the copyright notice when the information line is turned off.
CORE-16193, CORE-17031
ReactOS command line interpreter CMD
The ReactOS command line interpreter CMD is derived from FreeCOM, the
FreeDOS command line interpreter.
We are shooting mainly to be just like 2000/XP cmd.exe. They are very close and only a small number(none that i can recall off the top of my head, so maybe 0) differences have been found between those two. It has been reported that ROS cmd.exe does not work on nt4 because of a missing api. I'm hoping to fix this at some point.
ROS cmd used to depend on __REACTOS__ to provide two different ways to build cmd. There is still code left in it for this but... The __REACTOS__ = 0 has not been develped, maintained. And therefore it does not even compile anymore. __REACTOS__ = 1 works fine on both windows(nt). and someday i plan to remove all the __REACTOS__ = 0.
Using rbuild you can compile cmd separately by "make cmd_install". Also you can compile cmd using MSVC 6 and soon 7/8 hopefully.
Current Features
- environment handling with prompt and path support.
- directory utilities.
- command-line history with doskey-like features.
- batch file processing.
- input/output redirection and piping.
- alias support.
- filename completion (use TAB), both Bash and Windows-CMD style.
FreeDOS developers:
normat@rpi.edu (Tim Norman)
mrains@apanix.apana.org.au (Matt Rains)
ejeffrey@iastate.edu (Evan Jeffrey)
Steffen.Kaiser@Informatik.TU-Chemnitz.DE (Steffen Kaiser)
Svante Frey (sfrey@kuai.se)
Oliver Mueller (ogmueller@t-online.de)
Aaron Kaufman (morgan@remarque.berkeley.edu)
Marc Desrochers (bitzero@hotmail.com)
Rob Lake (rlake@cs.mun.ca)
John P. Price <linux-guru@gcfl.net>
Hans B Pufal <hansp@digiweb.com>
ReactOS developers:
Eric Kohl
Emanuele Aliberti <ea@iol.it>
Paolo Pantaleo <paolopan@freemail.it>
Brandon Turner <turnerb7@msu.edu>
There are still many bugs ;)
Please report bugs to ReactOS team <ros-dev@reactos.org> or to JIRA at www.reactos.org