[FREELDR] Fix the seg:off values when dumping the extended drive parameters (#7367)
(By the way, it's "EDD": "Enhanced Disk Drive", not "EED"...)
The 13th and 14th USHORTs (at offsets 0x1A-0x1D) in the retrieved buffer
from the INT 13h, AH=48h "Get Extended Drive Parameters" function,
correspond respectively to the offset and the segment of the "EDD
configuration parameters", see http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-0715.htm
Fixes code introduced in commit b3f11cfb38
16 years ago, these values were wrongly stored in the returned buffer
by VirtualBox, see https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/2848 .
This has been fixed since VBox 2.1.0 in commit 15712 (22 Dec. 2008):
This problem was also noticed earlier (07 Mar. 2008) and fixed in Xen:
This bug originated from Bochs, from which the two projects above
adapted their rombios.c code. It was fixed on 08-09 Oct. 2007 by
Myles Watson, see https://sourceforge.net/p/bochs/mailman/message/13777090/
and included in Bochs 1.15x and 1.185+