CF_BITMAP is not recommended format for copying. In fact, Win10 won't accept it.
- Use CF_DIB clipboard format instead of CF_BITMAP in copying.
- Use CF_ENHMETAFILE, CF_DIB, or CF_BITMAP in pasting.
- Add BitmapToClipboardDIB, BitmapFromClipboardDIB, and BitmapFromHEMF helper functions to dib.cpp.
- Re-enable paste by fixing the bug that is embugged in the previous commit.
- Enable Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete on text editing box by modifying OnInitMenuPopup.
- Add IDS_CANTPASTE resource string to show message on paste failure.
Our paint program used the pixels per meter (PPM)
unit but this unit is hardly used in the world.
Let's use DPI (dots per inch) and/or pixels per
centimeter (PPCM). CORE-18867
- Add DoCreate methods to CFullscreenWindow, CMiniatureWindow, and CMainWindow classes.
- Do encapsulation around mainWindow and _tWinMain.
- Add GetOpenFileName, GetSaveFileName, and ChooseColor helper methods to CMainWindow class.
- Move some code in WinMain into CMainWindow::OnCreate.
- Delay creation of CFullscreenWindow and CMiniatureWindow.
- Extend ATL CImage class as CImageDx in newly-created atlimagedx.h of mspaint.
- Add SkewDIB helper function in dib.cpp.
- Implement Stretch and Skew feature by SelectionModel::StretchSkew and ImageModel::StretchSkew.
- Move ColorKeyedMaskBlt function.
- Add Rotate90DegreeBlt function to dib.cpp.
- Implement ImageModel::RotateNTimes90Degrees and SelectionModel::RotateNTimes90Degrees.
- Improve ToolsModel::SetBackgroundTransparent.
- Extend and improve SelectionModel::InsertFromHBITMAP.