Put an event name into a macro (shared between advapi32.dll and services.exe)
Remove two reactos-specific and unused values in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon : StartLsass and StartServices.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=58520
- Store the session id in WINSTATION_OBJECT when we create a window station.
- Don't allow switching to a desktop that belongs to a different session
This is a modified version of the patch from CORE-5531
svn path=/trunk/; revision=58514
Reorder closing of handles (the service handle then the SCM handle), it clarifies the logic (but not change it dramatically).
Correct a misspelling, no code change.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=58488
Disable enqueuing processes into the SessionGlobal->ProcessList, since it's broken and causes non paged pool corruption. The reason is that sometimes the process is not removed, so a dead allocation stays in the list, causing havoc, when the next or previous process in that list is removed.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=58487
- Implement "!pool" kdbg extension that works like in WinDbg
- Implement ExpCheckPoolAllocation to check a single allocation for sanity
- Rename MEMORY_ARE::PageOpCount (which is unused) to Magic and set it to 'MAre'
- Implement MiRosCheckMemoryAreas, that checks all memory areas for integrity and PspCheckProcessList that checks the process list. The code is not used anywhere, since it can cause a major performance impact, but it proved useful to detect non paged pool corruptions. So I'll commit it in the hope that it will be useful.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=58485
Implement the usage of the STARTF_TITLEISLINKNAME flag (in a STARTUPINFO structure, it signals that the program was started from a shell link, and therefore its lpTitle member holds the path of the link).
What I do is that, in CShellLink::InvokeCommand (called when a shortcut is being executed), I initialize the SHELLEXECUTEINFO structure such that we know that we are starting from a shortcut (use the
SEE_MASK_HASLINKNAME flag), and to hold the path to the flag I use its lpClass member (which is not used for other things in this code path). Then the whole thing is passed to ShellExecuteExW which, in turn,
calls the SHELL_ExecuteW function. This function reads the SHELLEXECUTEINFO structure and, if it has the flag SEE_MASK_HASLINKNAME (or SEE_MASK_HASTITLE too, if somebody also uses lpClass to pass a particular
title for the startup), we use the forementioned lpClass member, holding the link path, as the title (lpTitle member) of a new STARTUPINFO object used when calling CreateProcess (and thus, launching the
new application). So that this application will be aware that she was launched via a link (therefore we become compliant with the STARTF_TITLEISLINKNAME documentation).
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=58480
- Define all the missing STARTF_* flags needed for the STARTUPINFO structure (taken from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms686331(v=vs.85).aspx).
Amongst them is the STARTF_TITLEISLINKNAME flag that I use in the console server to determine whether a console app was started from a shell link, and if so, extract
the name of the link and its icon.
- Define all the missing SEE_MASK_* flags needed for the SHELLEXECUTEINFO structure, but the Windows 8 flag (taken from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb759784(v=vs.85).aspx).
Furthermore I add three undocumented flags, SEE_MASK_HASLINKNAME, SEE_MASK_HASTITLE and SEE_MASK_FLAG_SEPVDM. These three flags are undocumented and even not present in the official Windows SDK.
However they are used in shobjidl.idl to define some CMIC_MASK_* flags, these ones being mentioned in the MSDN documentation of the CMINVOKECOMMANDINFOEX structure (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb773217(v=vs.85).aspx).
So I affect them a range of values which seems to be strangely empty (see the code). Of course their values may differ from the real ones, however I have no way of discovering them. If somebody else
can verify them, it would be great.
svn path=/branches/ros-csrss/; revision=58479