Avoid regressions CORE-14955 "Ddraw fullscreen crashes" and CORE-15652
This brings us back to before guilty commit 0.4.10-dev-55-g
and therefore downgrades
to WineStaging 3.3.
Also downgrades related header sdk/include/reactos/wine/wined3d.h
and for the first time also media/doc/README.WINE
Same versions of these dlls we had in every ros rls since 0.4.10rls.
Amine Khaldi agreed to perform this revert also for master now.
Purpose of this revert is to fix crashes when Ddraw apps switch
into fullscreen with VBEMP and inbuilt Mesa.
I tested, before:
DxDiag crashed when switching to fullscreen (CORE-14955),
Diablo II crashed immediately (CORE-15652),
Monster-Truck-Madness 2 demo crashed after main menu
Afterwards all of these apps do run.
DXTN does still work after that, even with VBEMP and inbuilt Mesa.
squashed commit of 0.4.13-RC-2-g
and 0.4.13-RC-3-g
- Replace "Verdana", "Verdana Bold", "Verdana Bold Italic" and "Verdana Italic" fonts by duplicating "DejaVu Sans" fonts and renaming them.
- Replace LICENSE file.
I made these font files by using FontForge. Their family name is "Verdana". Their display names are "Verdana", "Verdana Bold", "Verdana Bold Italic" and "Verdana Italic". Their font filenames are verdana.ttf, verdanab.ttf, verdanaz.ttf and verdanai.ttf. The Underline Positions are hacked by adding an integer value for workaround of FontForge's bug.
- Add "Verdana", "Verdana Bold", "Verdana Bold Italic" and "Verdana Italic" fonts by duplicating "Bitstream Vera Sans" fonts and renaming them.
- Delete some "Verdana" font substitutes.
- Add LICENSE file.
I made these font files by using FontForge. Their family name is "Verdana". Their display names are "Verdana", "Verdana Bold", "Verdana Bold Italic" and "Verdana Italic". Their font filenames are verdana.ttf, verdanab.ttf, verdanaz.ttf and verdanai.ttf. The Underline Positions are hacked by adding an integer value for workaround of FontForge's bug. CORE-16264
Add "Microsoft Sans Serif" fonts. CORE-16264
- Add "Microsoft Sans Serif" font by duplicating "Liberation Sans" font and renaming it.
- Add LICENSE file.
I made these font files by using FontForge. Its family name is "Microsoft Sans Serif". Its display name is "Microsoft Sans Serif". Its font filename is micross.ttf. The Underline Position is hacked by adding an integer value for workaround of FontForge's bug.
Helvetica must be font substitute to Arial font.
- Change some Helvetica substitutes to "Arial" from "Liberation Sans". Not all Helvetica. Some languages are lacking support.
Replace "Georgia" fonts with renamed "Gelasio". CORE-16293
- Replace "Georgia" fonts with renamed "Gelasio" fonts.
- Replace LICENSE file.
I made these font files by using FontForge. Their family name is "Georgia". Their display names are "Georgia", "Georgia Bold", "Georgia Bold Italic" and "Georgia Italic". Their font filenames are georgia.ttf, georgiab.ttf, georgiaz.ttf and georgiai.ttf. The Underline Positions are hacked by adding an integer value for workaround of FontForge's bug.
Gelasio is available at: https://github.com/SorkinType/Gelasio
Add 'Palatino Linotype' fonts with renamed 'TeXGyrePagella'. CORE-16292
- Replace 'Palatino Linotype' fonts with renamed "TeXGyrePagella".
- Replace LICENSE file.
I made these font files by using FontForge. Their family name is "Palatino Linotype". Their display names are "Palatino Linotype", "Palatino Linotype Bold", "Palatino Linotype Bold Italic" and "Palatino Linotype Italic". Their font filenames are pala.ttf, palab.ttf, palabi.ttf and palai.ttf. The Underline Positions are hacked by adding an integer value for workaround of FontForge's bug.
Add "Lucida Console" fonts. CORE-16264
- Add "Lucida Console" font by duplicating "DejaVu Sans Mono" font and renaming it.
- Delete some "Lucida Console" font substitutes.
- Add LICENSE file.
I used FontForge to rename it. Its family name is "Lucida Console". Its display name is "Lucida Console". Its font filename is lucon.ttf. The Underline Positions are hacked by adding an integer value for workaround of FontForge's bug.
Add "Arial Black" font. CORE-16264
- Add "Arial Black" font that is based on "Archivo Black" font of Omnibus-Type.
- Add LICENSE file.
"Archivo Black" is similar to MS "Arial Black" in its metrics. I used FontForge to rename the font. The font filename is ariblk.ttf. The family name is "Arial Black". The display name is "Arial Black". The Underline Position is hacked for workaround of FontForge's bug.
Add "Trebuchet MS" fonts. CORE-16272
- Add "Trebuchet MS", "Trebuchet MS Bold", "Trebuchet MS Bold Italic" and "Trebuchet MS Italic" fonts by duplicating "Open Sans" fonts and renaming them.
- Delete some "Trebuchet MS" font substitutes.
- Add LICENSE file.
I made these font files by using FontForge. Their family name is "Trebuchet MS". Their display names are "Trebuchet MS", "Trebuchet MS Bold", "Trebuchet MS Bold Italic" and "Trebuchet MS Italic". Their font filenames are trebuc.ttf, trebucbd.ttf, trebucbi.ttf and trebucit.ttf. The Underline Positions are hacked by adding an integer value for workaround of FontForge's bug.
Add "Times New Roman" fonts. CORE-16272
- Add "Times New Roman" and "Times New Roman Italic" fonts by duplicating "Liberation Serif" fonts and renaming them.
- Delete some "Times New Roman" font substitutes.
- Add LICENSE file.
I made these font files by using FontForge. Their family name is "Times New Roman". Their display names are "Times New Roman", "Times New Roman Bold", "Times New Roman Bold Italic" and "Times New Roman Italic". Their font filenames are times.ttf, timesbd.ttf, timesbi.ttf and timesi.ttf. The Underline Positions are hacked by adding an integer value for workaround of FontForge's bug.
Add "Franklin Gothic Medium" fonts. CORE-16272
- Add "Franklin Gothic Medium" and "Franklin Gothic Medium Italic" fonts by duplicating Alexei Vanyashin's "Libre Franklin" fonts and renaming them.
- Delete some "Franklin Gothic Medium" font substitutes.
- Add LICENSE file.
I made these font files by using FontForge. Their family name is "Franklin Gothic Medium". Their display names are "Franklin Gothic Medium" and "Franklin Gothic Medium Italic". Their font filenames are framd.ttf and framdit.ttf. The Underline Positions are hacked by adding an integer value for workaround of FontForge's bug.
Alexei Vanyashin's "Libre Franklin" fonts are available at https://github.com/alexeiva/Libre-Franklin .
Add "Palatino Linotype" fonts. CORE-16272
- Add "Palatino Linotype", "Palatino Linotype Bold", "Palatino Linotype Bold Italic" and "Palatino Linotype Italic" fonts by duplicating "DejaVu Serif" fonts and renaming them.
- Delete some "Palatino Linotype" font substitutes.
- Add LICENSE file.
I made these font files by using FontForge. Their family name is "Palatino Linotype". Their display names are "Palatino Linotype", "Palatino Linotype Bold", "Palatino Linotype Bold Italic" and "Palatino Linotype Italic". Their font filenames are pala.ttf, palab.ttf, palabi.ttf and palai.ttf. The Underline Positions are hacked by adding an integer value for workaround of FontForge's bug.