This is because GCC will generate errors for both const_cast and static_cast depending on the template parameter:
- With const_cast: error: invalid 'const_cast' from type 'std::nullptr_t' to type 'const wchar_t**'
- With static_cast: error: invalid 'static_cast' from type 'wchar_t** const' to type 'const wchar_t**'
On GCC the code using extended ISA cannot be inlined and must either be marked with a function attribute or compiled with the proper target options ('-mavx2' on the command line or '#pragma GCC target("avx2")' inside the code)
This is used with Clang, which does have native SEH, but it's broken and can cause the compiler to crash. Previously some code was not handling this and instead used native SEH for clang. Fix this by always using _SEH2_* macros instead of relying on __USE_PSEH2__ to be defined.
Improve consistency of code management.
JIRA issue: CORE-19278
- Move SHOpenPropSheetA from
utils.cpp into propsheet.cpp that
contains SHOpenPropSheetW.
PAGE_ROUND_DOWN macro seems to not work correctly with LONGLONG values. It creates some random freezes in the 1st-stage setup after commit 69bf140506.
It's fixed by creating PAGE_ROUND_UP_64 and PAGE_ROUND_DOWN_64 macros for 64-bit only data types.
Co-authored-by: Thamatip Chitpong <>
This is used with Clang, which does have native SEH, but it's broken and can cause the compiler to crash. Previously some code was not handling this and instead used native SEH for clang. Fix this by always using _SEH2_* macros instead of relying on __USE_PSEH2__ to be defined.
Try to improve things
For some unknow reason some intrinsics fail to get inlined. Using extern inline results in a linker error. Change it to static inline, so that there is a static implementation in case it doesn't get inlined
#pragma function(llabs) causes an error: "error: no_builtin attribute has no effect on defaulted or deleted functions"
This is probably a bug in clang, see