[UCRT] Fix GCC/Clang compilation of template specializations

This commit is contained in:
Timo Kreuzer 2024-10-13 21:54:37 +03:00
parent c15b618a17
commit dbd58d7666

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@ -17,6 +17,41 @@
#pragma pack(push, _CRT_PACKING)
#if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)
// We have to declare them here, because GCC expects them to be declared,
// when the template specializations below are instanciated!
#include <corecrt_io.h>
extern "C" {
errno_t __cdecl _access_s(char const* const path, int const access_mode);
errno_t __cdecl _waccess_s(wchar_t const* const path, int const access_mode);
__time32_t __cdecl __loctotime32_t(int, int, int, int, int, int, int);
__time64_t __cdecl __loctotime64_t(int, int, int, int, int, int, int);
_Check_return_opt_ long __cdecl _lseek_nolock(_In_ int _FileHandle, _In_ long _Offset, _In_ int _Origin);
_Check_return_opt_ __int64 __cdecl _lseeki64_nolock(_In_ int _FileHandle, _In_ __int64 _Offset, _In_ int _Origin);
_ACRTIMP __time32_t __cdecl _time32(_Out_opt_ __time32_t* _Time);
_ACRTIMP __time64_t __cdecl _time64(_Out_opt_ __time64_t* _Time);
_Success_(return == 0)
errno_t __cdecl _sopen_nolock(
_Out_ int* _UnlockFlag,
_Out_ int* _FileHandle,
_In_z_ char const* _FileName,
_In_ int _OpenFlag,
_In_ int _ShareFlag,
_In_ int _PermissionFlag,
_In_ int _SecureFlag
_Success_(return == 0)
errno_t __cdecl _wsopen_nolock(
_Out_ int* _UnlockFlag,
_Out_ int* _FileHandle,
_In_z_ wchar_t const* _FileName,
_In_ int _OpenFlag,
_In_ int _ShareFlag,
_In_ int _PermissionFlag,
_In_ int _SecureFlag
} // extern "C"
#endif // __GNUC__