Timo Kreuzer
[NTOS:KE] Fix calculation of timer expiration
Both due-times and interrupt time are unsigned, but were treated as signed in KiInsertTimerTable, which led to very long (e.g. INFINITE) waits being interpreted as having a negative due-time and being completed instantly.
Mostly fixes kernel32_apitest QueueUserAPC
2024-04-07 09:14:26 +02:00
Victor Perevertkin
[FORMATTING][NTOS][HAL][DRIVERS][SDK] Fix trailing spaces
2021-06-11 15:33:08 +03:00
Timo Kreuzer
[NTOS:KE] Rename some locking functions to reflect the IRQL level changes
* KiAcquireApcLock -> KiAcquireApcLockRaiseToSynch
* KiAcquireApcLockAtDpcLevel -> KiAcquireApcLockAtSynchLevel
* KiReleaseApcLockFromDpcLevel -> KiReleaseApcLockFromSynchLevel
* KiAcquireApcLockAtApcLevel -> KiAcquireApcLockRaiseToDpc
* KiAcquireProcessLock -> KiAcquireProcessLockRaiseToSynch
* KiReleaseProcessLockFromDpcLevel -> KiReleaseProcessLockFromSynchLevel
* KiAcquireDispatcherLockAtDpcLevel -> KiAcquireDispatcherLockAtSynchLevel
* KiReleaseDispatcherLockFromDpcLevel -> KiReleaseDispatcherLockFromSynchLevel
* Add some ASSERTs
2019-12-31 15:30:27 +01:00
Colin Finck
Git conversion: Make reactos the root directory, move rosapps, rostests, wallpapers into modules, and delete rossubsys.
2017-10-03 07:45:34 +00:00