- Roel Messiant: Fix NtQueryObject to return the required buffer size if the buffer provided was too small. Unimplemented paths behaviour is preserved.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=50032
- Roel Messiant: Specify proper byte length of a unicode string. Fixes out of bounds access in actctx.c support code. No more half-cut active context stuff in debug logs.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=50031
- Use the new version of NtUserGetMessage and NtUserPeekMessage written by Jim. It is possible to use them now because GetMessage and PeekMessage don't return messages that contain pointers. As a result they don't need to do any extra work to copy the message to user mode. All messages that contain pointers are sent messages and this means that they don't get into the message loop. Instead they are passed directly to the window proc.
- DispatchMessage works only if the target window belongs to the current thread. This lets us remove uneeded copies of lparam to user mode.
- Remove a bunch of uneeded code in GetMessage and PeekMessage that copyied the lparam in a new buffer and did unicode to ansi convertions. It is not needed because they don't receive messages with pointers any more
svn path=/trunk/; revision=50030
- Add GDIINFO from NT4 VGA DDK sample driver
- Set 4BPP prefer DIB format
- No graphics caps set for VGA driver
- Put static palette/color buffer for when VGA IOCTL send later
- Convert almost done, bInitSURF is last
svn path=/trunk/; revision=50029
- Replace the framebuf_new spec rc rbuild with vga_new spec rc rbuild
- Delete pointer.c
- Start make changes, driver.h new fields for VGA, change driver short/long name/tag, add macros and in enable.c remove hw pointer support
svn path=/trunk/; revision=50026
Rewritten FsRtlIsDbcsInExpression() using FsRtlIsNameInExpression() pattern.
This fixes all failing tests from kmtest.sys and make this function definitely tastier to MS fastfat.sys
svn path=/trunk/; revision=50021
- Time has come to get rid of a slightly modified implementation of WINE's heap, which is a hack based on Windows 95's heap implementation, itself a hack of DOS memory management. It supported 3 out of the 18 possible NT Heap Flags, did not support custom allocation/deallocation routines, and was about 50-80x slower with fragmentation rates up to 500x higher when compared to NT's LFH (WINE is lucky because the advanced NT Heap features are used in kernel-mode usually, not in user-mode, and they are crossing their fingers for this being the same). Several high-end SQL/Database applications would significantly benefit from custom heap features provided by NT. Not to say about removing crappy support for a custom Commit routine and crappy support for User-defined flags and the User-defined value.
- So, the glorious moment for a new heap manager, which is (to remind you) a totally new heap manager, resembling real NT heap manager, based on data structures similar to Windows 2003 and Vista+'s heap structures, supporting advanced heap flags (e.g. useful for debugging), having substantially lower fragmentation rates (and thus speed and reliability), having native support for user-defined flags and user-defined values, also native support for a custom commit routine, which is very important for trunk's win32 subsystem. It also reserves, commits, decommits and frees memory on the fly, unlike existing heap manager which prefers to reserve and commit as much as possible, and doesn't decommit when it's no longer necessary. Not to say about support for per process heaps, with a proper lock, and a further support for a special so-called debug heap allocator (to be implemented in heapdbg.c) which will be useful for finding heap corruptions.
Yeah, I'm not a fun person :D
svn path=/trunk/; revision=50000
- Adam Kachwalla: Fix inconsistent formatting.
- Me: to anyone who's gonna try syncing the code with Wine's regedit: Have fun!
See issue #5716 for more details.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49980
- Rafal Harabien: Add support for DELETE key to processes and applications list in taskmgr.
See issue #5646 for more details.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49954
- Remove the old send message API and use NtUserMessageCall.
- Send messages do not pass the Ansi bit. This was evident during the hook changes. User32 knows the caller is Ansi and with a Unicode window user32 can make the apropate switch. Win32k on the other hand, assumes, based on the Unicode window the caller is Unicode. Hook tests enabled in send message, forces the call to win32k, and the Ansi product is Unicode data. Using NtUserMessageCall this bit can be passed forward to allow win32k to make the correct switch going to callback.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49950
- Fail attempts to connect or disconnect a directory or device.
- Fail attempts to connect or disconnect a pipe by the client.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=49948