2013-12-04 18:11:32 +00:00
/* TRANSLATOR : Ardit Dani (Ard1t) (ardit.dani@gmail.com)
* DATE OF TR: 29-11-2013
2014-10-09 12:56:53 +00:00
STRING_USAGE, "Sintaksa e kësaj komande është:\n\nREG [ ADD | DELETE | QUERY ]\nREG Komandë /?\n"
STRING_ADD_USAGE, "REG ADD emri_çelsit [/v value_name | /ve] [/t tipi] [/s ndares] [/d data] [/f]\n"
STRING_DELETE_USAGE, "REG DELETE emri_çelsit [/v value_name | /ve | /va] [/f]\n"
STRING_QUERY_USAGE, "REG QUERY emri_çelsit [/v value_name | /ve] [/s]\n"
STRING_SUCCESS, "Operacioni përfundoi me sukses\n"
STRING_INVALID_KEY, "Error: Çelsi i pavlerfshem i emrit\n"
STRING_INVALID_CMDLINE, "Error: Parametrat e pavlefshme ne vijën komanduse\n"
STRING_NO_REMOTE, "Error: Në pamundësi për të shtuar çelësat në makinë në distancë\n"
STRING_CANNOT_FIND, "Error: Sistemi nuk ishte në gjendje për të gjetur çelësat të caktuar të regjistrit ose vlerës\n"
2016-02-28 22:53:26 +00:00
STRING_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE, "reg: Unsupported registry data type [%1]\n"
STRING_MISSING_INTEGER, "reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid integer\n"
STRING_MISSING_HEXDATA, "reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid hexadecimal value\n"
STRING_UNHANDLED_TYPE, "reg: Unhandled registry data type [/t 0x%1!x!, /d %2]\n"
STRING_OVERWRITE_VALUE, "The registry value '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
STRING_CANCELLED, "The registry operation was cancelled\n"
STRING_DELETE_VALUE, "Are you sure you want to delete the registry value '%1'?"
STRING_DELETE_VALUEALL, "Are you sure you want to delete all registry values in '%1'?"
STRING_DELETE_SUBKEY, "Are you sure you want to delete the registry key '%1'?"
2016-06-04 17:48:30 +00:00
STRING_INVALID_STRING, "reg: The option [/d] must be followed by a valid string\n"
STRING_VALUEALL_FAILED, "reg: Unable to delete all registry values in '%1'. An unexpected error occurred.\n"
STRING_GENERAL_FAILURE, "reg: Unable to complete the specified operation. An unexpected error occurred.\n"
STRING_MATCHES_FOUND, "Search complete. Number of matches found: %1!d!\n"
STRING_INVALID_SYNTAX, "reg: Invalid syntax. "
STRING_INVALID_OPTION, "reg: Invalid option [%1]. "
STRING_REG_HELP, "Type ""REG /?"" for help.\n"
STRING_FUNC_HELP, "Type ""REG %1 /?"" for help.\n"
2016-08-19 09:52:47 +00:00
STRING_VALUE_NOT_SET, "(value not set)"
2017-09-24 11:33:04 +00:00
STRING_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "reg: The file '%1' was not found.\n"
STRING_OPEN_KEY_FAILED, "reg: Unable to open the registry key '%1'.\n"
STRING_ESCAPE_SEQUENCE, "reg: Unrecognized escape sequence [\\%1!c!]\n"
2018-01-21 21:04:40 +00:00
STRING_EXPORT_USAGE, "REG EXPORT key_name file.reg [/y]\n"
STRING_INVALID_SYSTEM_KEY, "reg: Invalid system key [%1]\n"
STRING_OVERWRITE_FILE, "The file '%1' already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"
2014-10-09 12:56:53 +00:00