2007-04-18 23:49:02 +00:00
* Russian resources for WLDAP32
* Copyright 2005 Dmitry Timoshkov
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
Sync sccbase, slbcsp, usp10, wldap32, wuapi and xinput1_3 to Wine 1.1.40
Theres more, like: comctl32, comdlg32, oleaut32, riched20, sti, version, winemp3.acm, wininet and winhttp which is above my skills or looks strange, like its not really synched (winemp3.acm!!) Feel free to play with them.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=46072
2010-03-10 20:44:19 +00:00
#include "windef.h"
/* UTF-8 */
#pragma code_page(65001)
2007-04-18 23:49:02 +00:00
Wine dll sync commit 1 of 2.
This one syncs all dlls which only have resource file changes.
avifil32, credui, crypt32, cryptdlg, cryptui, iccvid, kernel32, localspl, localui, mapi32, msacm32, msrle32, msvfw32, msvidc32, oleacc, oledlg, pstorec, shdoclc, wldap32
svn path=/trunk/; revision=48269
2010-07-26 00:12:22 +00:00
2007-04-18 23:49:02 +00:00
Sync sccbase, slbcsp, usp10, wldap32, wuapi and xinput1_3 to Wine 1.1.40
Theres more, like: comctl32, comdlg32, oleaut32, riched20, sti, version, winemp3.acm, wininet and winhttp which is above my skills or looks strange, like its not really synched (winemp3.acm!!) Feel free to play with them.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=46072
2010-03-10 20:44:19 +00:00
0 "Успех"
1 "Ошибка операции"
2 "Ошибка протокола"
3 "Превышено ограничение по времени"
4 "Превышено ограничение по размеру"
5 "Сравнение неверно"
6 "Сравнение верно"
7 "Метод авторизации не поддерживается"
8 "Требуется строгая авторизация"
9 "Ссылка (v2)"
10 "Ссылка"
11 "Превышено ограничение администрирования"
12 "Критическое расширение недоступно"
13 "Требуется конфиденциальность"
2007-04-18 23:49:02 +00:00
14 ""
15 ""
Sync sccbase, slbcsp, usp10, wldap32, wuapi and xinput1_3 to Wine 1.1.40
Theres more, like: comctl32, comdlg32, oleaut32, riched20, sti, version, winemp3.acm, wininet and winhttp which is above my skills or looks strange, like its not really synched (winemp3.acm!!) Feel free to play with them.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=46072
2010-03-10 20:44:19 +00:00
16 "Нет такого атрибута"
Sync devenum, atl, comctl32, comdlg32, cryptdlg, cryptui, hhctrl, itss, jscript, mapi32, msacm32, mshtml, msi, msimtf, oleacc, pstorec, shdoclc, shdocvw, shlwapi, snmpapi, urlmon, usp10, uxtheme, windowscodecs, wldap32, wtsapi32, wuapi, xinput1_3
svn path=/trunk/; revision=47961
2010-07-06 23:29:26 +00:00
17 "Неопределённый тип"
Sync sccbase, slbcsp, usp10, wldap32, wuapi and xinput1_3 to Wine 1.1.40
Theres more, like: comctl32, comdlg32, oleaut32, riched20, sti, version, winemp3.acm, wininet and winhttp which is above my skills or looks strange, like its not really synched (winemp3.acm!!) Feel free to play with them.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=46072
2010-03-10 20:44:19 +00:00
18 "Неподходящее соответствие"
19 "Нарушение ограничения"
20 "Атрибут или значение существует"
21 "Неверный синтаксис"
2007-04-18 23:49:02 +00:00
22 ""
23 ""
24 ""
25 ""
26 ""
27 ""
28 ""
29 ""
30 ""
31 ""
Sync sccbase, slbcsp, usp10, wldap32, wuapi and xinput1_3 to Wine 1.1.40
Theres more, like: comctl32, comdlg32, oleaut32, riched20, sti, version, winemp3.acm, wininet and winhttp which is above my skills or looks strange, like its not really synched (winemp3.acm!!) Feel free to play with them.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=46072
2010-03-10 20:44:19 +00:00
32 "Нет такого объекта"
33 "Проблема с псевдонимом"
34 "Неверный DN синтаксис"
35 "Это лист дерева"
36 "Проблема обращения по псевдониму"
2007-04-18 23:49:02 +00:00
37 ""
38 ""
39 ""
40 ""
41 ""
42 ""
43 ""
44 ""
45 ""
46 ""
47 ""
Sync sccbase, slbcsp, usp10, wldap32, wuapi and xinput1_3 to Wine 1.1.40
Theres more, like: comctl32, comdlg32, oleaut32, riched20, sti, version, winemp3.acm, wininet and winhttp which is above my skills or looks strange, like its not really synched (winemp3.acm!!) Feel free to play with them.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=46072
2010-03-10 20:44:19 +00:00
48 "Неподходящая авторизация"
49 "Неверное удостоверение личности"
50 "Недостаточно прав"
51 "Занято"
52 "Недоступно"
53 "Не желает выполнить"
54 "Обнаружено зацикливание"
2007-04-18 23:49:02 +00:00
55 ""
56 ""
57 ""
58 ""
59 ""
Sync sccbase, slbcsp, usp10, wldap32, wuapi and xinput1_3 to Wine 1.1.40
Theres more, like: comctl32, comdlg32, oleaut32, riched20, sti, version, winemp3.acm, wininet and winhttp which is above my skills or looks strange, like its not really synched (winemp3.acm!!) Feel free to play with them.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=46072
2010-03-10 20:44:19 +00:00
60 "Отсутствует управление сортировкой"
61 "Ошибка диапазона индекса"
2007-04-18 23:49:02 +00:00
62 ""
63 ""
Sync sccbase, slbcsp, usp10, wldap32, wuapi and xinput1_3 to Wine 1.1.40
Theres more, like: comctl32, comdlg32, oleaut32, riched20, sti, version, winemp3.acm, wininet and winhttp which is above my skills or looks strange, like its not really synched (winemp3.acm!!) Feel free to play with them.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=46072
2010-03-10 20:44:19 +00:00
64 "Нарушение правил наименования"
65 "Нарушение класса объекта"
66 "Не разрешено не на листе дерева"
67 "Не разрешено на RDN"
68 "Уже существует"
69 "Нет режимов класса объекта"
70 "Результаты слишком велики"
71 "Влияет на несколько DSA"
2007-04-18 23:49:02 +00:00
72 ""
73 ""
74 ""
75 ""
76 ""
77 ""
78 ""
79 ""
Sync sccbase, slbcsp, usp10, wldap32, wuapi and xinput1_3 to Wine 1.1.40
Theres more, like: comctl32, comdlg32, oleaut32, riched20, sti, version, winemp3.acm, wininet and winhttp which is above my skills or looks strange, like its not really synched (winemp3.acm!!) Feel free to play with them.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=46072
2010-03-10 20:44:19 +00:00
80 "Другой"
81 "Сервер недоступен"
82 "Локальная ошибка"
83 "Ошибка кодирования"
84 "Ошибка декодирования"
85 "Тайм-аут"
86 "Неизвестная авторизация"
87 "Ошибка фильтра"
88 "Отменено пользователем"
89 "Ошибка параметра"
90 "Нет памяти"
91 "Невозможно подключиться к LDAP серверу"
92 "Операция не поддерживается этой версией протокола LDAP"
93 "Указанный управляющий элемент не найден в сообщении"
94 "Результата нет в сообщении"
Sync devenum, atl, comctl32, comdlg32, cryptdlg, cryptui, hhctrl, itss, jscript, mapi32, msacm32, mshtml, msi, msimtf, oleacc, pstorec, shdoclc, shdocvw, shlwapi, snmpapi, urlmon, usp10, uxtheme, windowscodecs, wldap32, wtsapi32, wuapi, xinput1_3
svn path=/trunk/; revision=47961
2010-07-06 23:29:26 +00:00
95 "Ещё есть результаты"
Sync sccbase, slbcsp, usp10, wldap32, wuapi and xinput1_3 to Wine 1.1.40
Theres more, like: comctl32, comdlg32, oleaut32, riched20, sti, version, winemp3.acm, wininet and winhttp which is above my skills or looks strange, like its not really synched (winemp3.acm!!) Feel free to play with them.
svn path=/trunk/; revision=46072
2010-03-10 20:44:19 +00:00
96 "Зацикливание при обработке ссылок"
97 "Предел числа пересылки ссылок превышен"
2007-04-18 23:49:02 +00:00