LTEXT "Për të përdorur Magjistarin Rrjetit Identifikues për t'u futur në një domain dhe për të krijuar një përdorues lokal, klikoni ""ID Rrjetit"".", IDC_STATIC, 7, 113, 172, 24
7 "The domain name ""%1"" does not conform to Internet Domain Name Service specifications, although it is a legal ReactOS name. You must use ReactOS DNS server for non-standard names."
8 "The domain name ""%1"" is not properly formatted. Periods (.) are used to separate domains. Each domain is limited to 63 characters. Example:"
10 "The new computer name ""%1"" is too long. The name may not be longer than 63 characters."
11 "The new computer name entered is not properly formatted. Standard names may contain letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens (-), but no spaces or periods (.). The name may not consist entirely of digits."
1029 "The new computer name ""%1"" is a number. The name may not be a number."
1030 "Emri i ri kompjuterik ""%1"" përmban karaktere të cilat nuk janë të lejuara. Karakterët të cilat nuk janë të lejuar përfshijnë ` ~ ! @ # $ %% ^ & * ( ) = + [ ] { } \\ | ; : ' "" , < > / and ?"
1031 "The first domain of the domain name ""%1"" is a number. The first domain may not be a number."
1032 "The domain name ""%1"" contains characters which are not allowed. Standard DNS names may contain letters (a-z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), and hyphens, but no spaces. Periods (.) are used to separate domains. Example:"