#!/bin/sh # - Makes index for repositories in a single directory. # - Makes static pages for each repository directory. # # NOTE, things to do manually (once): # - copy style.css, logo.png and favicon.png manually, a style.css example # is included. # - write clone url, for example "git://git.codemadness.org/dir" to the "url" # file for each repo. # # Usage: # - mkdir -p htmldir && cd htmldir # - sh example.sh repo-dir set -e reposdir="/var/www/domains/git.codemadness.nl/home/src/" curdir=$(pwd) # make index. cd "${reposdir}" find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | grep -v "^.$" | sort | xargs stagit-index > "${curdir}/index.html" # make files per repo. find . -maxdepth 1 -type d | grep -v "^.$" | sort | while read -r dir; do cd "${reposdir}" d=$(basename "${dir}") printf "%s..." "${d}" cd "${curdir}" test -d "${d}" || mkdir -p "${d}" cd "${d}" stagit "${reposdir}${d}" printf " done\n" done