lickthecheese c5583ca963 urxvt
2020-07-11 17:03:41 -04:00

170 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

! xterm color scheme — Make all 16 beautiful.
! Suited for black background, but includes disabled alternative light scheme.
! Use xfontsel and xlsfonts to find other fonts.
! On Ubuntu I have to name this file ~/.Xdefaults-$(hostname)
! xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults-stud is supposed to reload this file, but
! doesnt seem to, so just fire new xterm upon every change.
! Other resources:
! * showrgb — util to dump color db.
! * test-color-words16 — another color-displaying util (worth gist-ing).
!!! urxvt perl modules to load
URxvt.perl-ext-common: clipboard,default,matcher,fullscreen
!!! Fonts
!xterm*font: -*-terminus-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*
!xterm*boldFont: -*-terminus-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*
!xterm*italicFont: -*-terminus-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-*
!xterm*font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-JetBrains Mono-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
!xterm*boldFont: -misc-fixed-medium-r-JetBrains Mono-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
! Very surprising that now neglecting to specify font still renders
! perfect misc-fixed font. Oh, its so lovely.
!xterm*font: -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-60-iso10646-*
!xterm*boldFont: -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-60-iso10646-*
!xterm*italicFont: -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-60-iso10646-*
XTerm.vt100.faceName: Fira Code:size=11:antialias=true
XTerm.vt100.font: 7x13
URxvt.font: xft:Fira Code:size=12
!!! Enable copy/paste.
xterm*VT100.translations: #override <Btn1Up>: select-end(PRIMARY, CLIPBOARD, CUT_BUFFER0)
URxvt.clipboard.autocopy: true
URxvt.keysym.M-c: perl:clipboard:copy
URxvt.keysym.M-v: perl:clipboard:paste
!!! yoink
URxvt.url-launcher: /usr/bin/xdg-open
URxvt.matcher.button: 1
URxvt.perl-ext: default,url-select
URxvt.keysym.C-M-u: perl:url-select:select_next
URxvt.url-select.launcher: /usr/bin/xdg-open
URxvt.url-select.underline: true
Rxvt.keysym.C-M-f: perl:fullscreen:switch
!!! nobody wants to see your scrollbar
URxvt.scrollBar: false
!!! Foreground
xterm*foreground: #d3d3d3
URxvt.foreground: #d3d3d3
!!! Background
xterm*background: #000000
URxvt.background: #000000
xterm*cursorColor: #CC3214
! Blacks
URxvt.color0: #161510
URxvt.color8: #4C4635
! Reds
URxvt.color1: #A32810
URxvt.color9: #CC3214
! Greens
URxvt.color2: #727A18
URxvt.color10: #8E991E
! Yellows
URxvt.color3: #A37720
URxvt.color11: #CC9528
! Blues
URxvt.color4: #3D6266
URxvt.color12: #4C7B7F
! Purples
URxvt.color5: #7A4955
URxvt.color13: #995B6B
! Cyans
URxvt.color6: #557A55
URxvt.color14: #6B996B
! Whites
URxvt.color7: #8E8463
URxvt.color15: #CCBCBE
! Blacks
xterm*color0: #161510
xterm*color8: #4C4635
! Reds
xterm*color1: #A32810
xterm*color9: #CC3214
! Greens
xterm*color2: #727A18
xterm*color10: #8E991E
! Yellows
xterm*color3: #A37720
xterm*color11: #CC9528
! Blues
xterm*color4: #3D6266
xterm*color12: #4C7B7F
! Purples
xterm*color5: #7A4955
xterm*color13: #995B6B
! Cyans
xterm*color6: #557A55
xterm*color14: #6B996B
! Whites
xterm*color7: #8E8463
xterm*color15: #CCBCBE
XTerm.vt100.backarrowKey: false
XTerm.ttyModes: erase ^?
!Ensure that your locale is set up for UTF-8. If you do not use UTF-8, you may need to force xterm to more strictly follow your locale by setting
XTerm.vt100.locale: true
!Make 'Alt' key behave as on other terminal emulators
!The default Alt key behavior in xterm is a modifier to send eight bit input characters e.g. to insert æ by pressing Alt+f. To make Alt instead send a ^[ (escape) key (as in gnome-terminal and konsole), set
XTerm.vt100.metaSendsEscape: true
XTerm.termName: xterm-256color
xscreensaver.splash: false
!font settings
!xscreensaver.Dialog.headingFont: -*-georgia-bold-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
!xscreensaver.Dialog.bodyFont: -*-georgia-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
!xscreensaver.Dialog.labelFont: -*-georgia-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
!xscreensaver.Dialog.unameFont: -*-georgia-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
!xscreensaver.Dialog.buttonFont: -*-georgia-bold-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
!xscreensaver.Dialog.dateFont: -*-georgia-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
!xscreensaver.passwd.passwdFont: -*-georgia-bold-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
!general dialog box (affects main hostname, username, password text)
xscreensaver.Dialog.foreground: #8E8463
xscreensaver.Dialog.background: #161510
xscreensaver.Dialog.topShadowColor: #161510
xscreensaver.Dialog.bottomShadowColor: #161510
xscreensaver.Dialog.Button.foreground: #8E8463
xscreensaver.Dialog.Button.background: #4C4635
!username/password input box and date text colour
xscreensaver.Dialog.text.foreground: #8E8463
xscreensaver.Dialog.text.background: #161510
xscreensaver.Dialog.borderWidth: 0
xscreensaver.Dialog.shadowThickness: 2
!timeout bar (background is actually determined by Dialog.text.background)
xscreensaver.passwd.thermometer.foreground: #727A18
xscreensaver.passwd.thermometer.background: #161510
xscreensaver.passwd.thermometer.width: 10
!datestamp format--see the strftime(3) manual page for details
xscreensaver.dateFormat: %I:%M%p - %a %b %d, %Y