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I'm so glad i live in europe and not america.
Azns are such shitty drivers, they should all go back to wherever the fuck they came from and smash each others' cars there.
The Wii is actually a pretty technically-advanced console compared to the PS3.
Lighttpd is a great drop-in replacement for Apache.
You shouldn't really run hdd speed tests under Plan 9 because the controller drivers are hacked-together open-source shit, something closed-source but official like Windows would give a more accurate result.
The British empire had the right idea when they enslaved all those damn niggers.
Ken is an idiot, he could have learned C++ instead of inventing Go.
Transparent terminals provide a huge productivity boost.
Cirno is the official 9front mascot and the best you could ever think of.
No woman would voluntarily prostitute themselves.
TODO: recursive userlevel page fault handler, shared libraries and async i/o
Cirno's been our mascot for a while.
We removed private namespaces from Plan 9 to support hotplugging better.
Plan 9 is just a shitty rip-off of GNU/HURD.
How popular is Plan 9 compared to say HURD?
Copyright protects the author.
Communism works.
Free-market capitalism inevitably exploits man and nature.
Hitler was basically right.
Socialism and national socialism are unrelated concepts.
The phallic form of the shell prompt just demonstrates the patriarchic nature of Plan 9.
We live in a society based on Christianity, there is no place for other religions.
XMPP is a great standard.
fossil file system corrupts after a power cut
Survey: Current Fossil+venti Filesystem
can't access fossil dumps anymore
how to mount an inert fossil partition?
Never trust someone from the government or any corporation with personal interests that may conflict with your own safety.
There was this one accident when Uriel got drunk and picked a fist fight with Russ Cox one year on 9 convention.
The 9front shell is written in Flash.
Unlimited Detail is different from existing 3D graphics systems because it can process unlimited point cloud data in real time.
Sexist jokes are the number one way to drive women out of any group, and they are more common than many people realize.
Note: NEVER use the term "feminazi." It discredits all feminists, and trivializes the victims of the Nazi Holocaust. Consider how ridiculous it sounds to call people like Rush Limbaugh "male chauvinazis" and you may understand why "feminazi" is so emotionally loaded.
Don't make sexual advances towards women.
Like any other human being, a woman wants to have friends and be appreciated for who she is.
It's sad and pathetic to talk about the lack of women in computing from the viewpoint of a man who blames his lackluster love life on the lack of women in computing. The best way to annoy and drive away women is to talk about the lack of women in computers in this way.
That howto is full of FUD.
New people are unwelcome. Please do not get involved.
Speaking as a long-time SL resident
Being nice will probably lead to the extinction of the human race.
The 'IE users have lower IQs' story was a hoax.
Do you know anything about vim?
today there were problems with the Fossil FS on my Plan9 test installation.
Epistemology is the most important science.
The problem with all the economists is that they base their theories on empiric observations.
Why would you program in C if you know Lisp anyway?
Dead Island dev apologises for "feminist whore" code.
Why should I boot Plan 9, when I know I can't run a browser, and I already have p9p?
9p (the network filesystem plan9 and inferno are using) is horribly slow. It only works on fast no-latency LANs. Don't even think about using it on any link with more than 20ms latency.
The (9P) protocol has also other glaring mis-features -- it lacks the ability of moving files -- if you want to move a big file on a remote machine from one directory to another, you'll have to copy it back and forth, all the way. This is incredibly dumb.
I doubt plan9 will ever get into a usable system. Everything inside is like high-brow silliness, second-system syndrome and stupid vulnerabilities you only meet with in historic code from 30 years ago.
As to the ideas inspired by plan9 in modern unix systems, they quickly became just encumbering legacy crap -- e.g. the /proc system in linux.
I've installed linux and a full LAMP server remotely. I've compiled and installed dozens of open source libraries from Ogg Vorbis to Freetype.
That's a reason why one of my favorite languages is php. It just works.
Petition to have Obama address occupy wallstreet movement
When Remington first started marketing typewriters, the company assumed the machine would not be used for composing but for transcribing dictation, and that the person typing would be a woman. Flowers were printed on the casing of early models to make the machine seem more comfortable for women to use.
Bigelow & Holmes, Inc. created the screen fonts in the luc, lucm, lucsans, and pelm directories and granted permission to redistribute them with plan9port.
I tested DNS Bench from against Plan 9 running in VirtualBox and fossil died.
venti can store data, but not delete it, fossil can delete data, but not store it, they complement each other perfectly!
[9fans] fossil (again)
[9fans] fossil deadlock
I can easily get fossil to deadlock. It would be great if anyone with fossil internals expertise could comment.
today there were problems with the Fossil FS on my Plan9 test installation.
I can't remember ever having lost data with fossil+venti
I ran dozens of file servers with only Fossil or both Fossil and Venti since 2004, and I never lost any byte of data.
I experienced only few problems with Fossil.
So far, I only succeeded to reproduce data-lost problems on Fossil when running heavy stress testing.
NIX 64-bit kernel is available
Out of curiosity: 9front makes high claims about device drivers, are these compatible with Plan 9 (and NIX)? If so, is there a list?
nix has been dealing with problems due to osx : mangling.
For those using 9vx on OSX: it's really easy to set up your local drive to support a case sensitive file system. Just don't make it the root partition or where /Users resides in case you run any applications out of ~/Applications that come from certain large corporations (aka any that really pushed the Carbon APIs, or applications that originated in Carbon but were only slowly migrated to Cocoa). You can create a case-sensitive disk image, though that has some drawbacks. Partition your drive and then add an entry into /etc/fstab so that it always mounts at a logical place, and not some /Volumes with a potentially variable name.
I bet you're a ranting Friedmanite like the rest of the 9front faggots.
I'm going to port Haskell to 9front.
OT: how do 9fans backup their Mac(book)?
Adapt an existing Javascript implementation of Styx/9P to use HTML5 WebSockets -- or implement one from scratch -- and create a 9P file server that provides a simple draw device using keyboard, mouse event handling and either an SVG or a Canvas element for display.
For some, rio represents a barrier to entry
It would be nice to have an alternative window manager for those people who don't like rio, perhaps something with more traditional title bars, minimize/maximize/close buttons, etc.
Why not as a JS library?
colorize procs, they were monochrome.
a new thought paradigm that realizes just as ancient philosophy and theology were not enough and gave way to existentialism, that modern, post-modern, post-post-modern, neo-post-structuralism, post-subjectivity, etc., thinking is currently insufficient as a guidepost to the different possible flavors of posthuman future, and that a radical Posthuman Principia will be needed which apprehends post-Marxist economics, post-existential metaphysics, and a model-free, assertion-free, wholistic philosophy
fossil tends to be fairly unstable when mixed with sdmylex
its much better to run a real plan9 in a virtual machine
I already found the plan9port is good to work with
[9fans] vim and utf-8
Please do not think I am commenting either way on the existence of the fork or the issues involved.
The project has forked.
what i can understand only is that 9front is better than plan9
The majority of the work up until this point has been decoupling the Nix kernel from plan9 dependencies and separating adding bourne shell equivalents of rc only mkfile code.
geoff has essentually forked ssh.
I am coming back to Plan 9 after a couple of years away from the project -- should I be looking at Plan 9 again or 9 Front?
What's the most sane way of downloading it to 9vx.OSX?
Subject: [nix] current nix doesn't boot
Who is big troll/trouble maker really?
[nix] on the subject of abaco
i notice that there is now conflict b/w nix and plan 9 syscall numbering.