the following hooks have been added to the ehci Ctlr structore to handle cache coherency (on arm): void* (*tdalloc)(ulong,int,ulong); void* (*dmaalloc)(ulong); void (*dmafree)(void*); void (*dmaflush)(int,void*,ulong); tdalloc() is used to allocate descriptors and the periodic frame schedule array. on arm, this needs to return uncached memory. tdalloc()ed memory is never freed. dmaalloc()/dmafree() is used for io buffers. this can return cached memory when when hardware maintains cache coherency (pc) or dmaflush() is provided to flush/invalidate the cache (zynq), otherwise needs to return uncached memory. dmaflush() is used to flush/invalidate the cache. the first argument tells us if we need to flush (non zero) or invalidate (zero). uncached.h is gone now. this change makes the handling explicit.
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/* override default macros from ../port/usb.h */
#undef dprint
#undef ddprint
#undef deprint
#undef ddeprint
#define dprint if(ehcidebug)print
#define ddprint if(ehcidebug>1)print
#define deprint if(ehcidebug || ep->debug)print
#define ddeprint if(ehcidebug>1 || ep->debug>1)print
enum {
/* typed links */
Lterm = 1,
Litd = 0<<1,
Lqh = 1<<1,
Lsitd = 2<<1,
Lfstn = 3<<1, /* we don't use these */
/* Cmd reg. */
Cstop = 0x00000, /* stop running */
Crun = 0x00001, /* start operation */
Chcreset = 0x00002, /* host controller reset */
Cflsmask = 0x0000C, /* frame list size bits */
Cfls1024 = 0x00000, /* frame list size 1024 */
Cfls512 = 0x00004, /* frame list size 512 frames */
Cfls256 = 0x00008, /* frame list size 256 frames */
Cpse = 0x00010, /* periodic sched. enable */
Case = 0x00020, /* async sched. enable */
Ciasync = 0x00040, /* interrupt on async advance doorbell */
Citc1 = 0x10000, /* interrupt threshold ctl. 1 µframe */
Citc4 = 0x40000, /* same. 2 µframes */
/* ... */
Citc8 = 0x80000, /* same. 8 µframes (can go up to 64) */
/* Sts reg. */
Sasyncss = 0x08000, /* aync schedule status */
Speriodss = 0x04000, /* periodic schedule status */
Srecl = 0x02000, /* reclamnation (empty async sched.) */
Shalted = 0x01000, /* h.c. is halted */
Sasync = 0x00020, /* interrupt on async advance */
Sherr = 0x00010, /* host system error */
Sfrroll = 0x00008, /* frame list roll over */
Sportchg = 0x00004, /* port change detect */
Serrintr = 0x00002, /* error interrupt */
Sintr = 0x00001, /* interrupt */
Sintrs = 0x0003F, /* interrupts status */
/* Portsc reg. */
Pspresent = 0x00000001, /* device present */
Psstatuschg = 0x00000002, /* Pspresent changed */
Psenable = 0x00000004, /* device enabled */
Pschange = 0x00000008, /* Psenable changed */
Psresume = 0x00000040, /* resume detected */
Pssuspend = 0x00000080, /* port suspended */
Psreset = 0x00000100, /* port reset */
Pspower = 0x00001000, /* port power on */
/* Intr reg. */
Iusb = 0x01, /* intr. on usb */
Ierr = 0x02, /* intr. on usb error */
Iportchg = 0x04, /* intr. on port change */
Ifrroll = 0x08, /* intr. on frlist roll over */
Ihcerr = 0x10, /* intr. on host error */
Iasync = 0x20, /* intr. on async advance enable */
Iall = 0x3F, /* all interrupts */
Callmine = 1,
/* hack to disable port handoff */
Psowner = 0,
Pslinemask = 0,
Pslow = -1
typedef struct Ctlr Ctlr;
typedef void Ecapio;
typedef struct Eopio Eopio;
typedef struct Isoio Isoio;
typedef struct Poll Poll;
typedef struct Qh Qh;
typedef struct Qtree Qtree;
#pragma incomplete Ctlr
struct Eopio
/*140*/ ulong cmd;
/*144*/ ulong sts;
/*148*/ ulong intr;
/*14c*/ ulong frno;
/*150*/ ulong reserved1;
/*154*/ ulong frbase;
/*158*/ ulong link;
/*15c*/ ulong _ttctrl;
/*160*/ ulong _burstsize;
/*164*/ ulong _txfilltuning;
/*168*/ ulong _txttfilltuning;
/*16c*/ ulong _ic_usb;
/*170*/ ulong _ulpi_viewport;
/*174*/ ulong reserved2;
/*178*/ ulong _endptnak;
/*17c*/ ulong _endptnaken;
/*180*/ ulong config;
/*184*/ ulong portsc[1];
struct Poll
int must;
int does;
struct Ctlr
Rendez; /* for waiting to async advance doorbell */
Lock; /* for ilock. qh lists and basic ctlr I/O */
QLock portlck; /* for port resets/enable... (and doorbell) */
int active; /* in use or not */
void* capio; /* base address for debug info */
Eopio* opio; /* Operational i/o regs */
void* (*tdalloc)(ulong,int,ulong);
void* (*dmaalloc)(ulong);
void (*dmafree)(void*);
void (*dmaflush)(int,void*,ulong len);
int nframes; /* 1024, 512, or 256 frames in the list */
ulong* frames; /* periodic frame list (hw) */
Qh* qhs; /* async Qh circular list for bulk/ctl */
Qtree* tree; /* tree of Qhs for the periodic list */
int ntree; /* number of dummy qhs in tree */
Qh* intrqhs; /* list of (not dummy) qhs in tree */
Isoio* iso; /* list of active Iso I/O */
ulong load;
ulong isoload;
int nintr; /* number of interrupts attended */
int ntdintr; /* number of intrs. with something to do */
int nqhintr; /* number of async td intrs. */
int nisointr; /* number of periodic td intrs. */
int nreqs;
Poll poll;
ulong base;
int irq;
ulong* r;
extern int ehcidebug;
void ehcilinkage(Hci *hp);
void ehcimeminit(Ctlr *ctlr);
void ehcirun(Ctlr *ctlr, int on);