cinap_lenrek 28e9566dc5 spin: Update to most recent version. (thanks Ori_B)
from Ori_B:

There were a small number of changes needed from the tarball

  - The mkfile needed to be updated
  - Memory.h needed to not be included
  - It needed to invoke /bin/cpp instead of gcc -E
  - It depended on `yychar`, which our yacc doesn't

I'm still figuring out how to use spin, but it seems to do
the right thing when testing a few of the examples:

	% cd $home/src/Spin/Examples/
	% spin -a peterson.pml
	% pcc pan.c -D_POSIX_SOURCE
	% ./6.out

	(Spin Version 6.4.7 -- 19 August 2017)
		+ Partial Order Reduction

	Full statespace search for:
		never claim         	- (none specified)
		assertion violations	+
		acceptance   cycles 	- (not selected)
		invalid end states	+

	State-vector 32 byte, depth reached 24, errors: 0
	40 states, stored
	27 states, matched
	67 transitions (= stored+matched)
		0 atomic steps
	hash conflicts:         0 (resolved)

	Stats on memory usage (in Megabytes):
	0.002	equivalent memory usage for states (stored*(State-vector + overhead))
	0.292	actual memory usage for states
	128.000	memory used for hash table (-w24)
	0.534	memory used for DFS stack (-m10000)
	128.730	total actual memory usage

	unreached in proctype user
		/tmp/Spin/Examples/peterson.pml:20, state 10, "-end-"
		(1 of 10 states)

	pan: elapsed time 1.25 seconds
	pan: rate        32 states/second
2017-11-22 21:09:31 +01:00

1504 lines
42 KiB

/***** spin: main.c *****/
* This file is part of the public release of Spin. It is subject to the
* terms in the LICENSE file that is included in this source directory.
* Tool documentation is available at
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "spin.h"
#include "version.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef PC
#include <io.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include ""
extern int DstepStart, lineno, tl_terse;
extern FILE *yyin, *yyout, *tl_out;
extern Symbol *context;
extern char *claimproc;
extern void repro_src(void);
extern void qhide(int);
extern char CurScope[MAXSCOPESZ];
extern short has_provided, has_code, has_ltl, has_accept;
extern int realread, buzzed;
static void add_comptime(char *);
static void add_runtime(char *);
Symbol *Fname, *oFname;
int Etimeouts; /* nr timeouts in program */
int Ntimeouts; /* nr timeouts in never claim */
int analyze, columns, dumptab, has_remote, has_remvar;
int interactive, jumpsteps, m_loss, nr_errs, cutoff;
int s_trail, ntrail, verbose, xspin, notabs, rvopt;
int no_print, no_wrapup, Caccess, limited_vis, like_java;
int separate; /* separate compilation */
int export_ast; /* pangen5.c */
int norecompile; /* main.c */
int old_scope_rules; /* use pre 5.3.0 rules */
int old_priority_rules; /* use pre 6.2.0 rules */
int product, Strict;
short replay;
int merger = 1, deadvar = 1, implied_semis = 1;
int ccache = 0; /* oyvind teig: 5.2.0 case caching off by default */
static int preprocessonly, SeedUsed, itsr, itsr_n;
static int seedy; /* be verbose about chosen seed */
static int inlineonly; /* show inlined code */
static int dataflow = 1;
#if 0
meaning of flags on verbose:
1 -g global variable values
2 -l local variable values
4 -p all process actions
8 -r receives
16 -s sends
32 -v verbose
64 -w very verbose
static char Operator[] = "operator: ";
static char Keyword[] = "keyword: ";
static char Function[] = "function-name: ";
static char **add_ltl = (char **) 0;
static char **ltl_file = (char **) 0;
static char **nvr_file = (char **) 0;
static char *ltl_claims = (char *) 0;
static char *pan_runtime = "";
static char *pan_comptime = "";
static char formula[4096];
static FILE *fd_ltl = (FILE *) 0;
static char *PreArg[64];
static int PreCnt = 0;
static char out1[64];
char **trailfilename; /* new option 'k' */
void explain(int);
#define CPP "/bin/cpp" /* sometimes: "/lib/cpp" */
static char PreProc[512];
extern int depth; /* at least some steps were made */
return SeedUsed;
{ char *has_a, *has_l, *has_f;
/* no -a or -l but has_accept: add -a */
/* no -a or -l in pan_runtime: add -DSAFETY to pan_comptime */
/* -a or -l but no -f then add -DNOFAIR */
has_a = strstr(pan_runtime, "-a");
has_l = strstr(pan_runtime, "-l");
has_f = strstr(pan_runtime, "-f");
if (!has_l && !has_a && strstr(pan_comptime, "-DNP"))
{ add_runtime("-l");
has_l = strstr(pan_runtime, "-l");
if (!has_a && !has_l
&& !strstr(pan_comptime, "-DSAFETY"))
{ if (has_accept
&& !strstr(pan_comptime, "-DBFS")
&& !strstr(pan_comptime, "-DNOCLAIM"))
{ add_runtime("-a");
has_a = pan_runtime;
} else
{ add_comptime("-DSAFETY");
} }
if ((has_a || has_l) && !has_f
&& !strstr(pan_comptime, "-DNOFAIR"))
{ add_comptime("-DNOFAIR");
static int
change_param(char *t, char *what, int range, int bottom)
{ char *ptr;
int v;
assert(range < 1000 && range > 0);
if ((ptr = strstr(t, what)) != NULL)
{ ptr += strlen(what);
if (!isdigit((int) *ptr))
{ return 0;
v = atoi(ptr) + 1; /* was: v = (atoi(ptr)+1)%range */
if (v >= range)
{ v = bottom;
if (v >= 100)
{ *ptr++ = '0' + (v/100); v %= 100;
*ptr++ = '0' + (v/10);
*ptr = '0' + (v%10);
} else if (v >= 10)
{ *ptr++ = '0' + (v/10);
*ptr++ = '0' + (v%10);
*ptr = ' ';
} else
{ *ptr++ = '0' + v;
*ptr++ = ' ';
*ptr = ' ';
} }
return 1;
static void
change_rs(char *t)
{ char *ptr;
int cnt = 0;
long v;
if ((ptr = strstr(t, "-RS")) != NULL)
{ ptr += 3;
/* room for at least 10 digits */
v = Rand()%1000000000L;
while (v/10 > 0)
{ *ptr++ = '0' + v%10;
v /= 10;
*ptr++ = '0' + v;
while (cnt++ < 10)
{ *ptr++ = ' ';
} }
omit_str(char *in, char *s)
{ char *ptr = strstr(in, s);
int i, nr = -1;
if (ptr)
{ for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(s); i++)
{ *ptr++ = ' ';
if (isdigit((int) *ptr))
{ nr = atoi(ptr);
while (isdigit((int) *ptr))
{ *ptr++ = ' ';
} } }
return nr;
string_trim(char *t)
{ int n = strlen(t) - 1;
while (n > 0 && t[n] == ' ')
{ t[n--] = '\0';
e_system(int v, const char *s)
{ static int count = 1;
/* v == 0 : checks to find non-linked version of gcc */
/* v == 1 : all other commands */
/* v == 2 : preprocessing the promela input */
if (v == 1)
{ if (verbose&(32|64)) /* -v or -w */
{ printf("cmd%02d: %s\n", count++, s);
if (verbose&64) /* only -w */
{ return 0; /* suppress the call to system(s) */
} }
return system(s);
alldone(int estatus)
{ char *ptr;
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN64)
struct _stat x;
struct stat x;
if (preprocessonly == 0 && strlen(out1) > 0)
{ (void) unlink((const char *) out1);
(void) unlink(TMP_FILE1);
(void) unlink(TMP_FILE2);
if (!buzzed && seedy && !analyze && !export_ast
&& !s_trail && !preprocessonly && depth > 0)
{ printf("seed used: %d\n", SeedUsed);
if (!buzzed && xspin && (analyze || s_trail))
{ if (estatus)
{ printf("spin: %d error(s) - aborting\n",
} else
{ printf("Exit-Status 0\n");
} }
if (buzzed && replay && !has_code && !estatus)
{ extern QH *qh;
QH *j;
int i;
char *tmp = (char *) emalloc(strlen("spin -t") +
strlen(pan_runtime) + strlen(Fname->name) + 8);
pan_runtime = (char *) emalloc(2048); /* more than enough */
sprintf(pan_runtime, "-n%d ", SeedUsed);
if (jumpsteps)
{ sprintf(&pan_runtime[strlen(pan_runtime)], "-j%d ", jumpsteps);
if (trailfilename)
{ sprintf(&pan_runtime[strlen(pan_runtime)], "-k%s ", *trailfilename);
if (cutoff)
{ sprintf(&pan_runtime[strlen(pan_runtime)], "-u%d ", cutoff);
for (i = 1; i <= PreCnt; i++)
{ strcat(pan_runtime, PreArg[i]);
strcat(pan_runtime, " ");
for (j = qh; j; j = j->nxt)
{ sprintf(&pan_runtime[strlen(pan_runtime)], "-q%d ", j->n);
if (strcmp(PreProc, CPP) != 0)
{ sprintf(&pan_runtime[strlen(pan_runtime)], "\"-P%s\" ", PreProc);
/* -oN options 1..5 are ignored in simulations */
if (old_priority_rules) strcat(pan_runtime, "-o6 ");
if (!implied_semis) strcat(pan_runtime, "-o7 ");
if (no_print) strcat(pan_runtime, "-b ");
if (no_wrapup) strcat(pan_runtime, "-B ");
if (columns == 1) strcat(pan_runtime, "-c ");
if (columns == 2) strcat(pan_runtime, "-M ");
if (seedy == 1) strcat(pan_runtime, "-h ");
if (like_java == 1) strcat(pan_runtime, "-J ");
if (old_scope_rules) strcat(pan_runtime, "-O ");
if (notabs) strcat(pan_runtime, "-T ");
if (verbose&1) strcat(pan_runtime, "-g ");
if (verbose&2) strcat(pan_runtime, "-l ");
if (verbose&4) strcat(pan_runtime, "-p ");
if (verbose&8) strcat(pan_runtime, "-r ");
if (verbose&16) strcat(pan_runtime, "-s ");
if (verbose&32) strcat(pan_runtime, "-v ");
if (verbose&64) strcat(pan_runtime, "-w ");
if (m_loss) strcat(pan_runtime, "-m ");
sprintf(tmp, "spin -t %s %s", pan_runtime, Fname->name);
estatus = e_system(1, tmp); /* replay */
exit(estatus); /* replay without c_code */
if (buzzed && (!replay || has_code) && !estatus)
{ char *tmp, *tmp2 = NULL, *P_X;
char *C_X = (buzzed == 2) ? "-O" : "";
if (replay && strlen(pan_comptime) == 0)
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN64)
P_X = "pan";
P_X = "./pan";
if (stat(P_X, (struct stat *)&x) < 0)
{ goto recompile; /* no executable pan for replay */
tmp = (char *) emalloc(8 + strlen(P_X) + strlen(pan_runtime) +4);
/* the final +4 is too allow adding " &" in some cases */
sprintf(tmp, "%s %s", P_X, pan_runtime);
goto runit;
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(WIN64)
P_X = "-o pan pan.c && pan";
P_X = "-o pan pan.c && ./pan";
/* swarm and biterate randomization additions */
if (!replay && itsr) /* iterative search refinement */
{ if (!strstr(pan_comptime, "-DBITSTATE"))
{ add_comptime("-DBITSTATE");
if (!strstr(pan_comptime, "-DPUTPID"))
{ add_comptime("-DPUTPID");
if (!strstr(pan_comptime, "-DT_RAND")
&& !strstr(pan_comptime, "-DT_REVERSE"))
{ add_runtime("-T0 "); /* controls t_reverse */
if (!strstr(pan_runtime, "-P") /* runtime flag */
|| pan_runtime[2] < '0'
|| pan_runtime[2] > '1') /* no -P0 or -P1 */
{ add_runtime("-P0 "); /* controls p_reverse */
if (!strstr(pan_runtime, "-w"))
{ add_runtime("-w18 "); /* -w18 = 256K */
} else
{ char nv[32];
int x;
x = omit_str(pan_runtime, "-w");
if (x >= 0)
{ sprintf(nv, "-w%d ", x);
add_runtime(nv); /* added spaces */
} }
if (!strstr(pan_runtime, "-h"))
{ add_runtime("-h0 "); /* 0..499 */
/* leave 2 spaces for increments up to -h499 */
} else if (!strstr(pan_runtime, "-hash"))
{ char nv[32];
int x;
x = omit_str(pan_runtime, "-h");
if (x >= 0)
{ sprintf(nv, "-h%d ", x%500);
add_runtime(nv); /* added spaces */
} }
if (!strstr(pan_runtime, "-k"))
{ add_runtime("-k1 "); /* 1..3 */
} else
{ char nv[32];
int x;
x = omit_str(pan_runtime, "-k");
if (x >= 0)
{ sprintf(nv, "-k%d ", x%4);
add_runtime(nv); /* added spaces */
} }
if (strstr(pan_runtime, "-p_rotate"))
{ char nv[32];
int x;
x = omit_str(pan_runtime, "-p_rotate");
if (x < 0)
{ x = 0;
sprintf(nv, "-p_rotate%d ", x%256);
add_runtime(nv); /* added spaces */
} else if (strstr(pan_runtime, "-p_permute") == 0)
{ add_runtime("-p_rotate0 ");
if (strstr(pan_runtime, "-RS"))
{ (void) omit_str(pan_runtime, "-RS");
/* need room for at least 10 digits */
add_runtime("-RS1234567890 ");
if (strstr(PreProc, "cpp")) /* unix/linux */
{ strcpy(PreProc, "gcc"); /* need compiler */
} else if ((tmp = strstr(PreProc, "-E")) != NULL)
{ *tmp = '\0'; /* strip preprocessing flags */
tmp = (char *) emalloc(8 + /* account for alignment */
strlen(PreProc) +
strlen(C_X) +
strlen(pan_comptime) +
strlen(P_X) +
strlen(pan_runtime) +
strlen(" -p_reverse & "));
tmp2 = tmp;
/* P_X ends with " && ./pan " */
sprintf(tmp, "%s %s %s %s %s",
PreProc, C_X, pan_comptime, P_X, pan_runtime);
if (!replay)
{ if (itsr < 0) /* swarm only */
{ strcat(tmp, " &"); /* after ./pan */
itsr = -itsr; /* now same as biterate */
/* do compilation first
* split cc command from run command
* leave cc in tmp, and set tmp2 to run
if ((ptr = strstr(tmp, " && ")) != NULL)
{ tmp2 = ptr + 4; /* first run */
*ptr = '\0';
} }
if (has_ltl)
{ (void) unlink("_spin_nvr.tmp");
if (!norecompile)
#ifdef PC
/* make sure that if compilation fails we do not continue */
(void) unlink("./pan.exe");
(void) unlink("./pan");
if (norecompile && tmp != tmp2)
{ estatus = 0;
} else
{ if (itsr > 0) /* else it happens below */
{ estatus = e_system(1, tmp); /* compile or run */
} }
if (replay || estatus < 0)
{ goto skipahead;
/* !replay */
if (itsr == 0) /* single run */
{ estatus = e_system(1, tmp2);
} else if (itsr > 0) /* iterative search refinement */
{ int is_swarm = 0;
if (tmp2 != tmp) /* swarm: did only compilation so far */
{ tmp = tmp2; /* now we point to the run command */
estatus = e_system(1, tmp); /* first run */
itsr--; /* count down */
/* the following are added back randomly later */
(void) omit_str(tmp, "-p_reverse"); /* replaced by spaces */
(void) omit_str(tmp, "-p_normal");
if (strstr(tmp, " &") != NULL)
{ (void) omit_str(tmp, " &");
is_swarm = 1;
/* increase -w every itsr_n-th run */
if ((itsr_n > 0 && (itsr == 0 || (itsr%itsr_n) != 0))
|| (change_param(tmp, "-w", 36, 18) >= 0)) /* max 4G bit statespace */
{ (void) change_param(tmp, "-h", 500, 0); /* hash function 0.499 */
(void) change_param(tmp, "-p_rotate", 256, 0); /* if defined */
(void) change_param(tmp, "-k", 4, 1); /* nr bits per state 0->1,2,3 */
(void) change_param(tmp, "-T", 2, 0); /* with or without t_reverse*/
(void) change_param(tmp, "-P", 2, 0); /* -P 0..1 != p_reverse */
change_rs(tmp); /* change random seed */
if (rand()%5 == 0) /* 20% of all runs */
{ strcat(tmp, " -p_reverse ");
/* at end, so this overrides -p_rotateN, if there */
/* but -P0..1 disable this in 50% of the cases */
/* so its really activated in 10% of all runs */
} else if (rand()%6 == 0) /* override p_rotate and p_reverse */
{ strcat(tmp, " -p_normal ");
if (is_swarm)
{ strcat(tmp, " &");
goto runit;
} }
(void) unlink("pan.b");
(void) unlink("pan.c");
(void) unlink("pan.h");
(void) unlink("pan.m");
(void) unlink("pan.p");
(void) unlink("pan.t");
#if 0
-P0 normal active process creation
-P1 reversed order for *active* process creation != p_reverse
-T0 normal transition exploration
-T1 reversed order of transition exploration
-DP_RAND (random starting point +- -DP_REVERSE)
-DPERMUTED (also enables -p_rotateN and -p_reverse)
-DP_REVERSE (same as -DPERMUTED with -p_reverse, but 7% faster)
-DT_RAND (random starting point -- optionally with -T0..1)
-DT_REVERSE (superseded by -T0..1 options)
-hash generates new hash polynomial for -h0
permutation modes:
-permuted (adds -DPERMUTED) -- this is also the default with -swarm
-t_reverse (same as -T1)
-p_reverse (similar to -P1)
less useful would be (since there is less non-determinism in transitions):
-t_rotateN -- a controlled version of -DT_RAND
compiling with -DPERMUTED enables a number of new runtime options,
that -swarmN,M will also exploit:
-p_permute (default)
preprocess(char *a, char *b, int a_tmp)
{ char precmd[1024], cmd[2048];
int i;
#ifdef PC
/* gcc is sometimes a symbolic link to gcc-4
that does not work well in cygwin, so we try
to use the actual executable that is used.
the code below assumes we are on a cygwin-like system
if (strncmp(PreProc, "gcc ", strlen("gcc ")) == 0)
{ if (e_system(0, "gcc-4 --version > pan.pre") == 0)
{ strcpy(PreProc, "gcc-4 -std=gnu99 -E -x c");
} else if (e_system(0, "gcc-3 --version > pan.pre") == 0)
{ strcpy(PreProc, "gcc-3 -std=gnu99 -E -x c");
} }
assert(strlen(PreProc) < sizeof(precmd));
strcpy(precmd, PreProc);
for (i = 1; i <= PreCnt; i++)
{ strcat(precmd, " ");
strcat(precmd, PreArg[i]);
if (strlen(precmd) > sizeof(precmd))
{ fprintf(stdout, "spin: too many -D args, aborting\n");
sprintf(cmd, "%s %s > %s", precmd, a, b);
if (e_system(2, (const char *)cmd)) /* preprocessing */
{ (void) unlink((const char *) b);
if (a_tmp) (void) unlink((const char *) a);
fprintf(stdout, "spin: preprocessing failed\n"); /* 4.1.2 was stderr */
alldone(1); /* no return, error exit */
if (a_tmp) (void) unlink((const char *) a);
printf("use: spin [-option] ... [-option] file\n");
printf("\tNote: file must always be the last argument\n");
printf("\t-A apply slicing algorithm\n");
printf("\t-a generate a verifier in pan.c\n");
printf("\t-B no final state details in simulations\n");
printf("\t-b don't execute printfs in simulation\n");
printf("\t-C print channel access info (combine with -g etc.)\n");
printf("\t-c columnated -s -r simulation output\n");
printf("\t-d produce symbol-table information\n");
printf("\t-Dyyy pass -Dyyy to the preprocessor\n");
printf("\t-Eyyy pass yyy to the preprocessor\n");
printf("\t-e compute synchronous product of multiple never claims (modified by -L)\n");
printf("\t-f \"..formula..\" translate LTL ");
printf("into never claim\n");
printf("\t-F file like -f, but with the LTL formula stored in a 1-line file\n");
printf("\t-g print all global variables\n");
printf("\t-h at end of run, print value of seed for random nr generator used\n");
printf("\t-i interactive (random simulation)\n");
printf("\t-I show result of inlining and preprocessing\n");
printf("\t-J reverse eval order of nested unlesses\n");
printf("\t-jN skip the first N steps ");
printf("in simulation trail\n");
printf("\t-k fname use the trailfile stored in file fname, see also -t\n");
printf("\t-L when using -e, use strict language intersection\n");
printf("\t-l print all local variables\n");
printf("\t-M generate msc-flow in tcl/tk format\n");
printf("\t-m lose msgs sent to full queues\n");
printf("\t-N fname use never claim stored in file fname\n");
printf("\t-nN seed for random nr generator\n");
printf("\t-O use old scope rules (pre 5.3.0)\n");
printf("\t-o1 turn off dataflow-optimizations in verifier\n");
printf("\t-o2 don't hide write-only variables in verifier\n");
printf("\t-o3 turn off statement merging in verifier\n");
printf("\t-o4 turn on rendezvous optiomizations in verifier\n");
printf("\t-o5 turn on case caching (reduces size of pan.m, but affects reachability reports)\n");
printf("\t-o6 revert to the old rules for interpreting priority tags (pre version 6.2)\n");
printf("\t-o7 revert to the old rules for semi-colon usage (pre version 6.3)\n");
printf("\t-Pxxx use xxx for preprocessing\n");
printf("\t-p print all statements\n");
printf("\t-pp pretty-print (reformat) stdin, write stdout\n");
printf("\t-qN suppress io for queue N in printouts\n");
printf("\t-r print receive events\n");
printf("\t-replay replay an error trail-file found earlier\n");
printf("\t if the model contains embedded c-code, the ./pan executable is used\n");
printf("\t otherwise spin itself is used to replay the trailfile\n");
printf("\t note that pan recognizes different runtime options than spin itself\n");
printf("\t-search (or -run) generate a verifier, and compile and run it\n");
printf("\t options before -search are interpreted by spin to parse the input\n");
printf("\t options following a -search are used to compile and run the verifier pan\n");
printf("\t valid options that can follow a -search argument include:\n");
printf("\t -bfs perform a breadth-first search\n");
printf("\t -bfspar perform a parallel breadth-first search\n");
printf("\t -bcs use the bounded-context-switching algorithm\n");
printf("\t -bitstate or -bit, use bitstate storage\n");
printf("\t -biterate use bitstate with iterative search refinement (-w18..-w35)\n");
printf("\t -swarmN,M like -biterate, but running all iterations in parallel\n");
printf("\t perform N parallel runs and increment -w every M runs\n");
printf("\t default value for N is 10, default for M is 1\n");
printf("\t (add -w to see which commands will be executed)\n");
printf("\t (add -W if ./pan exists and need not be recompiled)\n");
printf("\t -link file.c link executable pan to file.c\n");
printf("\t -collapse use collapse state compression\n");
printf("\t -hc use hash-compact storage\n");
printf("\t -noclaim ignore all ltl and never claims\n");
printf("\t -p_permute use process scheduling order random permutation\n");
printf("\t -p_rotateN use process scheduling order rotation by N\n");
printf("\t -p_reverse use process scheduling order reversal\n");
printf("\t -ltl p verify the ltl property named p\n");
printf("\t -safety compile for safety properties only\n");
printf("\t -i use the dfs iterative shortening algorithm\n");
printf("\t -a search for acceptance cycles\n");
printf("\t -l search for non-progress cycles\n");
printf("\t similarly, a -D... parameter can be specified to modify the compilation\n");
printf("\t and any valid runtime pan argument can be specified for the verification\n");
printf("\t-S1 and -S2 separate pan source for claim and model\n");
printf("\t-s print send events\n");
printf("\t-T do not indent printf output\n");
printf("\t-t[N] follow [Nth] simulation trail, see also -k\n");
printf("\t-Uyyy pass -Uyyy to the preprocessor\n");
printf("\t-uN stop a simulation run after N steps\n");
printf("\t-v verbose, more warnings\n");
printf("\t-w very verbose (when combined with -l or -g)\n");
printf("\t-[XYZ] reserved for use by xspin interface\n");
printf("\t-V print version number and exit\n");
optimizations(int nr)
switch (nr) {
case '1':
dataflow = 1 - dataflow; /* dataflow */
if (verbose&32)
printf("spin: dataflow optimizations turned %s\n",
case '2':
/* dead variable elimination */
deadvar = 1 - deadvar;
if (verbose&32)
printf("spin: dead variable elimination turned %s\n",
case '3':
/* statement merging */
merger = 1 - merger;
if (verbose&32)
printf("spin: statement merging turned %s\n",
case '4':
/* rv optimization */
rvopt = 1 - rvopt;
if (verbose&32)
printf("spin: rendezvous optimization turned %s\n",
case '5':
/* case caching */
ccache = 1 - ccache;
if (verbose&32)
printf("spin: case caching turned %s\n",
case '6':
old_priority_rules = 1;
if (verbose&32)
printf("spin: using old priority rules (pre version 6.2)\n");
return 0; /* no break */
case '7':
implied_semis = 0;
if (verbose&32)
printf("spin: no implied semi-colons (pre version 6.3)\n");
return 0; /* no break */
printf("spin: bad or missing parameter on -o\n");
return 1;
static void
add_comptime(char *s)
{ char *tmp;
if (!s || strstr(pan_comptime, s))
{ return;
tmp = (char *) emalloc(strlen(pan_comptime)+strlen(s)+2);
sprintf(tmp, "%s %s", pan_comptime, s);
pan_comptime = tmp;
static struct {
char *ifsee, *thendo;
int keeparg;
} pats[] = {
{ "-bfspar", "-DBFS_PAR", 0 },
{ "-bfs", "-DBFS", 0 },
{ "-bcs", "-DBCS", 0 },
{ "-bitstate", "-DBITSTATE", 0 },
{ "-bit", "-DBITSTATE", 0 },
{ "-hc", "-DHC4", 0 },
{ "-collapse", "-DCOLLAPSE", 0 },
{ "-noclaim", "-DNOCLAIM", 0 },
{ "-permuted", "-DPERMUTED", 0 },
{ "-p_permute", "-DPERMUTED", 1 },
{ "-p_rotate", "-DPERMUTED", 1 },
{ "-p_reverse", "-DPERMUTED", 1 },
{ "-safety", "-DSAFETY", 0 },
{ "-i", "-DREACH", 1 },
{ "-l", "-DNP", 1 },
{ 0, 0 }
static void
set_itsr_n(char *s) /* e.g., -swarm12,3 */
{ char *tmp;
if ((tmp = strchr(s, ',')) != NULL)
{ tmp++;
if (*tmp != '\0' && isdigit((int) *tmp))
{ itsr_n = atoi(tmp);
if (itsr_n < 2)
{ itsr_n = 0;
} } }
static void
add_runtime(char *s)
{ char *tmp;
int i;
if (strncmp(s, "-biterate", strlen("-biterate")) == 0)
{ itsr = 10; /* default nr of sequential iterations */
if (isdigit((int) s[9]))
{ itsr = atoi(&s[9]);
if (itsr < 1)
{ itsr = 1;
if (strncmp(s, "-swarm", strlen("-swarm")) == 0)
{ itsr = -10; /* parallel iterations */
if (isdigit((int) s[6]))
{ itsr = atoi(&s[6]);
if (itsr < 1)
{ itsr = 1;
itsr = -itsr;
for (i = 0; pats[i].ifsee; i++)
{ if (strncmp(s, pats[i].ifsee, strlen(pats[i].ifsee)) == 0)
{ add_comptime(pats[i].thendo);
if (pats[i].keeparg)
{ break;
} }
tmp = (char *) emalloc(strlen(pan_runtime)+strlen(s)+2);
sprintf(tmp, "%s %s", pan_runtime, s);
pan_runtime = tmp;
main(int argc, char *argv[])
{ Symbol *s;
int T = (int) time((time_t *)0);
int usedopts = 0;
extern void ana_src(int, int);
yyin = stdin;
yyout = stdout;
tl_out = stdout;
strcpy(CurScope, "_");
assert(strlen(CPP) < sizeof(PreProc));
strcpy(PreProc, CPP);
/* unused flags: y, z, G, L, Q, R, W */
while (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-')
{ switch (argv[1][1]) {
case 'A': export_ast = 1; break;
case 'a': analyze = 1; break;
case 'B': no_wrapup = 1; break;
case 'b': no_print = 1; break;
case 'C': Caccess = 1; break;
case 'c': columns = 1; break;
case 'D': PreArg[++PreCnt] = (char *) &argv[1][0];
break; /* define */
case 'd': dumptab = 1; break;
case 'E': PreArg[++PreCnt] = (char *) &argv[1][2];
case 'e': product++; break; /* see also 'L' */
case 'F': ltl_file = (char **) (argv+2);
argc--; argv++; break;
case 'f': add_ltl = (char **) argv;
argc--; argv++; break;
case 'g': verbose += 1; break;
case 'h': seedy = 1; break;
case 'i': interactive = 1; break;
case 'I': inlineonly = 1; break;
case 'J': like_java = 1; break;
case 'j': jumpsteps = atoi(&argv[1][2]); break;
case 'k': s_trail = 1;
trailfilename = (char **) (argv+2);
argc--; argv++; break;
case 'L': Strict++; break; /* modified -e */
case 'l': verbose += 2; break;
case 'M': columns = 2; break;
case 'm': m_loss = 1; break;
case 'N': nvr_file = (char **) (argv+2);
argc--; argv++; break;
case 'n': T = atoi(&argv[1][2]); tl_terse = 1; break;
case 'O': old_scope_rules = 1; break;
case 'o': usedopts += optimizations(argv[1][2]); break;
case 'P': assert(strlen((const char *) &argv[1][2]) < sizeof(PreProc));
strcpy(PreProc, (const char *) &argv[1][2]);
case 'p': if (argv[1][2] == 'p')
{ pretty_print();
verbose += 4; break;
case 'q': if (isdigit((int) argv[1][2]))
case 'r':
if (strcmp(&argv[1][1], "run") == 0)
{ Srand((unsigned int) T);
samecase: if (buzzed != 0)
{ fatal("cannot combine -x with -run -replay or -search", (char *)0);
buzzed = 2;
analyze = 1;
argc--; argv++;
/* process all remaining arguments as relating to pan: */
while (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-')
{ switch (argv[1][1]) {
case 'D': /* eg -DNP */
/* case 'E': conflicts with runtime arg */
case 'O': /* eg -O2 */
case 'U': /* to undefine a macro */
case 'l':
if (strcmp(&argv[1][1], "ltl") == 0)
{ add_runtime("-N");
argc--; argv++;
add_runtime(argv[1]); /* prop name */
if (strcmp(&argv[1][1], "link") == 0)
{ argc--; argv++;
/* else fall through */
add_runtime(argv[1]); /* -bfs etc. */
argc--; argv++;
argc++; argv--;
} else if (strcmp(&argv[1][1], "replay") == 0)
{ replay = 1;
goto samecase;
} else
{ verbose += 8;
case 'S': separate = atoi(&argv[1][2]); /* S1 or S2 */
/* generate code for separate compilation */
analyze = 1; break;
case 's':
if (strcmp(&argv[1][1], "simulate") == 0)
{ break; /* ignore */
if (strcmp(&argv[1][1], "search") == 0)
{ goto samecase;
verbose += 16; break;
case 'T': notabs = 1; break;
case 't': s_trail = 1;
if (isdigit((int)argv[1][2]))
{ ntrail = atoi(&argv[1][2]);
case 'U': PreArg[++PreCnt] = (char *) &argv[1][0];
break; /* undefine */
case 'u': cutoff = atoi(&argv[1][2]); break;
case 'v': verbose += 32; break;
case 'V': printf("%s\n", SpinVersion);
case 'w': verbose += 64; break;
case 'W': norecompile = 1; break; /* 6.4.7: for swarm/biterate */
case 'x': /* internal - reserved use */
if (buzzed != 0)
{ fatal("cannot combine -x with -run -search or -replay", (char *)0);
buzzed = 1; /* implies also -a -o3 */
pan_runtime = "-d";
analyze = 1;
usedopts += optimizations('3');
case 'X': xspin = notabs = 1;
#ifndef PC
signal(SIGPIPE, alldone); /* not posix... */
case 'Y': limited_vis = 1; break; /* used by xspin */
case 'Z': preprocessonly = 1; break; /* used by xspin */
default : usage(); break;
argc--; argv++;
if (columns == 2 && !cutoff)
{ cutoff = 1024;
if (usedopts && !analyze)
printf("spin: warning -o[1..5] option ignored in simulations\n");
if (ltl_file)
{ add_ltl = ltl_file-2; add_ltl[1][1] = 'f';
if (!(tl_out = fopen(*ltl_file, "r")))
{ printf("spin: cannot open %s\n", *ltl_file);
if (!fgets(formula, 4096, tl_out))
{ printf("spin: cannot read %s\n", *ltl_file);
tl_out = stdout;
*ltl_file = (char *) formula;
if (argc > 1)
{ FILE *fd = stdout;
char cmd[512], out2[512];
/* must remain in current dir */
strcpy(out1, "pan.pre");
if (add_ltl || nvr_file)
{ assert(strlen(argv[1]) < sizeof(out2));
sprintf(out2, "%s.nvr", argv[1]);
if ((fd = fopen(out2, MFLAGS)) == NULL)
{ printf("spin: cannot create tmp file %s\n",
fprintf(fd, "#include \"%s\"\n", argv[1]);
if (add_ltl)
{ tl_out = fd;
nr_errs = tl_main(2, add_ltl);
preprocess(out2, out1, 1);
} else if (nvr_file)
{ fprintf(fd, "#include \"%s\"\n", *nvr_file);
preprocess(out2, out1, 1);
} else
{ preprocess(argv[1], out1, 0);
if (preprocessonly)
{ alldone(0);
if (!(yyin = fopen(out1, "r")))
{ printf("spin: cannot open %s\n", out1);
assert(strlen(argv[1])+1 < sizeof(cmd));
if (strncmp(argv[1], "progress", (size_t) 8) == 0
|| strncmp(argv[1], "accept", (size_t) 6) == 0)
{ sprintf(cmd, "_%s", argv[1]);
} else
{ strcpy(cmd, argv[1]);
oFname = Fname = lookup(cmd);
if (oFname->name[0] == '\"')
{ int i = (int) strlen(oFname->name);
oFname->name[i-1] = '\0';
oFname = lookup(&oFname->name[1]);
} else
{ oFname = Fname = lookup("<stdin>");
if (add_ltl)
{ if (argc > 0)
exit(tl_main(2, add_ltl));
printf("spin: missing argument to -f\n");
printf("%s\n", SpinVersion);
fprintf(stderr, "spin: error, no filename specified\n");
if (columns == 2)
{ extern void putprelude(void);
if (xspin || (verbose & (1|4|8|16|32)))
{ printf("spin: -c precludes all flags except -t\n");
if (columns && !(verbose&8) && !(verbose&16))
{ verbose += (8+16);
if (columns == 2 && limited_vis)
{ verbose += (1+4);
Srand((unsigned int) T); /* defined in run.c */
SeedUsed = T;
s = lookup("_"); s->type = PREDEF; /* write-only global var */
s = lookup("_p"); s->type = PREDEF;
s = lookup("_pid"); s->type = PREDEF;
s = lookup("_last"); s->type = PREDEF;
s = lookup("_nr_pr"); s->type = PREDEF; /* new 3.3.10 */
s = lookup("_priority"); s->type = PREDEF; /* new 6.2.0 */
if (ltl_claims)
{ Symbol *r;
if (!(yyin = fopen(ltl_claims, "r")))
{ fatal("cannot open %s", ltl_claims);
r = oFname;
oFname = Fname = lookup(ltl_claims);
lineno = 0;
oFname = Fname = r;
if (0)
{ (void) unlink(ltl_claims);
} }
if (inlineonly)
{ repro_src();
return 0;
if (!Caccess)
{ if (has_provided && merger)
{ merger = 0; /* cannot use statement merging in this case */
if (!s_trail && (dataflow || merger) && (!replay || has_code))
{ ana_src(dataflow, merger);
return 0;
ltl_list(char *nm, char *fm)
if (s_trail
|| analyze
|| dumptab) /* when generating pan.c or replaying a trace */
{ if (!ltl_claims)
{ ltl_claims = "_spin_nvr.tmp";
if ((fd_ltl = fopen(ltl_claims, MFLAGS)) == NULL)
{ fatal("cannot open tmp file %s", ltl_claims);
tl_out = fd_ltl;
add_ltl = (char **) emalloc(5 * sizeof(char *));
add_ltl[1] = "-c";
add_ltl[2] = nm;
add_ltl[3] = "-f";
add_ltl[4] = (char *) emalloc(strlen(fm)+4);
strcpy(add_ltl[4], "!(");
strcat(add_ltl[4], fm);
strcat(add_ltl[4], ")");
/* add_ltl[4] = fm; */
nr_errs += tl_main(4, add_ltl);
/* should read this file after the main file is read */
non_fatal(char *s1, char *s2)
{ extern int yychar; extern char yytext[];
printf("spin: %s:%d, Error: ",
Fname?Fname->name:(oFname?oFname->name:"nofilename"), lineno);
#if 1
printf(s1, s2); /* avoids a gcc warning */
if (s2)
printf(s1, s2);
if (yychar > 0)
{ if (yychar == SEMI)
{ printf(" statement separator");
} else
{ printf(" saw '");
} }
if (strlen(yytext)>1)
printf(" near '%s'", yytext);
fatal(char *s1, char *s2)
non_fatal(s1, s2);
(void) unlink("pan.b");
(void) unlink("pan.c");
(void) unlink("pan.h");
(void) unlink("pan.m");
(void) unlink("pan.t");
(void) unlink("pan.p");
(void) unlink("pan.pre");
if (!(verbose&32))
{ (void) unlink("_spin_nvr.tmp");
char *
emalloc(size_t n)
{ char *tmp;
static unsigned long cnt = 0;
if (n == 0)
return NULL; /* robert shelton 10/20/06 */
if (!(tmp = (char *) malloc(n)))
{ printf("spin: allocated %ld Gb, wanted %d bytes more\n",
cnt/(1024*1024*1024), (int) n);
fatal("not enough memory", (char *)0);
cnt += (unsigned long) n;
memset(tmp, 0, n);
return tmp;
trapwonly(Lextok *n /* , char *unused */)
{ short i = (n->sym)?n->sym->type:0;
/* printf("%s realread %d type %d\n", n->sym?n->sym->name:"--", realread, i); */
if (realread
&& (i == MTYPE
|| i == BIT
|| i == BYTE
|| i == SHORT
|| i == INT
|| i == UNSIGNED))
{ n->sym->hidden |= 128; /* var is read at least once */
setaccess(Symbol *sp, Symbol *what, int cnt, int t)
{ Access *a;
for (a = sp->access; a; a = a->lnk)
if (a->who == context
&& a->what == what
&& a->cnt == cnt
&& a->typ == t)
a = (Access *) emalloc(sizeof(Access));
a->who = context;
a->what = what;
a->cnt = cnt;
a->typ = t;
a->lnk = sp->access;
sp->access = a;
Lextok *
nn(Lextok *s, int t, Lextok *ll, Lextok *rl)
{ Lextok *n = (Lextok *) emalloc(sizeof(Lextok));
static int warn_nn = 0;
n->uiid = is_inline(); /* record origin of the statement */
n->ntyp = (unsigned short) t;
if (s && s->fn)
{ n->ln = s->ln;
n->fn = s->fn;
} else if (rl && rl->fn)
{ n->ln = rl->ln;
n->fn = rl->fn;
} else if (ll && ll->fn)
{ n->ln = ll->ln;
n->fn = ll->fn;
} else
{ n->ln = lineno;
n->fn = Fname;
if (s) n->sym = s->sym;
n->lft = ll;
n->rgt = rl;
n->indstep = DstepStart;
if (t == TIMEOUT) Etimeouts++;
if (!context) return n;
if (t == 'r' || t == 's')
setaccess(n->sym, ZS, 0, t);
if (t == 'R')
setaccess(n->sym, ZS, 0, 'P');
if (context->name == claimproc)
{ int forbidden = separate;
switch (t) {
case ASGN:
printf("spin: Warning, never claim has side-effect\n");
case 'r': case 's':
non_fatal("never claim contains i/o stmnts",(char *)0);
/* never claim polls timeout */
if (Ntimeouts && Etimeouts)
forbidden = 0;
Ntimeouts++; Etimeouts--;
case LEN: case EMPTY: case FULL:
case 'R': case NFULL: case NEMPTY:
/* status becomes non-exclusive */
if (n->sym && !(n->sym->xu&XX))
{ n->sym->xu |= XX;
if (separate == 2) {
printf("spin: warning, make sure that the S1 model\n");
printf(" also polls channel '%s' in its claim\n",
} }
forbidden = 0;
case 'c':
AST_track(n, 0); /* register as a slice criterion */
/* fall thru */
forbidden = 0;
if (forbidden)
{ printf("spin: never, saw "); explain(t); printf("\n");
fatal("incompatible with separate compilation",(char *)0);
} else if ((t == ENABLED || t == PC_VAL) && !(warn_nn&t))
{ printf("spin: Warning, using %s outside never claim\n",
(t == ENABLED)?"enabled()":"pc_value()");
warn_nn |= t;
} else if (t == NONPROGRESS)
{ fatal("spin: Error, using np_ outside never claim\n", (char *)0);
return n;
Lextok *
rem_lab(Symbol *a, Lextok *b, Symbol *c) /* proctype name, pid, label name */
{ Lextok *tmp1, *tmp2, *tmp3;
c->type = LABEL; /* refered to in global context here */
fix_dest(c, a); /* in case target of rem_lab is jump */
tmp1 = nn(ZN, '?', b, ZN); tmp1->sym = a;
tmp1 = nn(ZN, 'p', tmp1, ZN);
tmp1->sym = lookup("_p");
tmp2 = nn(ZN, NAME, ZN, ZN); tmp2->sym = a;
tmp3 = nn(ZN, 'q', tmp2, ZN); tmp3->sym = c;
return nn(ZN, EQ, tmp1, tmp3);
#if 0
/ \
'p' -sym-> _p 'q' -sym-> c (label name)
/ /
'?' -sym-> a (proctype) NAME -sym-> a (proctype name)
b (pid expr)
Lextok *
rem_var(Symbol *a, Lextok *b, Symbol *c, Lextok *ndx)
{ Lextok *tmp1;
dataflow = 0; /* turn off dead variable resets 4.2.5 */
tmp1 = nn(ZN, '?', b, ZN); tmp1->sym = a;
tmp1 = nn(ZN, 'p', tmp1, ndx);
tmp1->sym = c;
return tmp1;
#if 0
cannot refer to struct elements
only to scalars and arrays
'p' -sym-> c (variable name)
/ \______ possible arrayindex on c
'?' -sym-> a (proctype)
b (pid expr)
explain(int n)
{ FILE *fd = stdout;
switch (n) {
default: if (n > 0 && n < 256)
fprintf(fd, "'%c' = ", n);
fprintf(fd, "%d", n);
case '\b': fprintf(fd, "\\b"); break;
case '\t': fprintf(fd, "\\t"); break;
case '\f': fprintf(fd, "\\f"); break;
case '\n': fprintf(fd, "\\n"); break;
case '\r': fprintf(fd, "\\r"); break;
case 'c': fprintf(fd, "condition"); break;
case 's': fprintf(fd, "send"); break;
case 'r': fprintf(fd, "recv"); break;
case 'R': fprintf(fd, "recv poll %s", Operator); break;
case '@': fprintf(fd, "@"); break;
case '?': fprintf(fd, "(x->y:z)"); break;
#if 1
case NEXT: fprintf(fd, "X"); break;
case ALWAYS: fprintf(fd, "[]"); break;
case EVENTUALLY: fprintf(fd, "<>"); break;
case IMPLIES: fprintf(fd, "->"); break;
case EQUIV: fprintf(fd, "<->"); break;
case UNTIL: fprintf(fd, "U"); break;
case WEAK_UNTIL: fprintf(fd, "W"); break;
case IN: fprintf(fd, "%sin", Keyword); break;
case ACTIVE: fprintf(fd, "%sactive", Keyword); break;
case AND: fprintf(fd, "%s&&", Operator); break;
case ASGN: fprintf(fd, "%s=", Operator); break;
case ASSERT: fprintf(fd, "%sassert", Function); break;
case ATOMIC: fprintf(fd, "%satomic", Keyword); break;
case BREAK: fprintf(fd, "%sbreak", Keyword); break;
case C_CODE: fprintf(fd, "%sc_code", Keyword); break;
case C_DECL: fprintf(fd, "%sc_decl", Keyword); break;
case C_EXPR: fprintf(fd, "%sc_expr", Keyword); break;
case C_STATE: fprintf(fd, "%sc_state",Keyword); break;
case C_TRACK: fprintf(fd, "%sc_track",Keyword); break;
case CLAIM: fprintf(fd, "%snever", Keyword); break;
case CONST: fprintf(fd, "a constant"); break;
case DECR: fprintf(fd, "%s--", Operator); break;
case D_STEP: fprintf(fd, "%sd_step", Keyword); break;
case D_PROCTYPE: fprintf(fd, "%sd_proctype", Keyword); break;
case DO: fprintf(fd, "%sdo", Keyword); break;
case DOT: fprintf(fd, "."); break;
case ELSE: fprintf(fd, "%selse", Keyword); break;
case EMPTY: fprintf(fd, "%sempty", Function); break;
case ENABLED: fprintf(fd, "%senabled",Function); break;
case EQ: fprintf(fd, "%s==", Operator); break;
case EVAL: fprintf(fd, "%seval", Function); break;
case FI: fprintf(fd, "%sfi", Keyword); break;
case FULL: fprintf(fd, "%sfull", Function); break;
case GE: fprintf(fd, "%s>=", Operator); break;
case GET_P: fprintf(fd, "%sget_priority",Function); break;
case GOTO: fprintf(fd, "%sgoto", Keyword); break;
case GT: fprintf(fd, "%s>", Operator); break;
case HIDDEN: fprintf(fd, "%shidden", Keyword); break;
case IF: fprintf(fd, "%sif", Keyword); break;
case INCR: fprintf(fd, "%s++", Operator); break;
case INAME: fprintf(fd, "inline name"); break;
case INLINE: fprintf(fd, "%sinline", Keyword); break;
case INIT: fprintf(fd, "%sinit", Keyword); break;
case ISLOCAL: fprintf(fd, "%slocal", Keyword); break;
case LABEL: fprintf(fd, "a label-name"); break;
case LE: fprintf(fd, "%s<=", Operator); break;
case LEN: fprintf(fd, "%slen", Function); break;
case LSHIFT: fprintf(fd, "%s<<", Operator); break;
case LT: fprintf(fd, "%s<", Operator); break;
case MTYPE: fprintf(fd, "%smtype", Keyword); break;
case NAME: fprintf(fd, "an identifier"); break;
case NE: fprintf(fd, "%s!=", Operator); break;
case NEG: fprintf(fd, "%s! (not)",Operator); break;
case NEMPTY: fprintf(fd, "%snempty", Function); break;
case NFULL: fprintf(fd, "%snfull", Function); break;
case NON_ATOMIC: fprintf(fd, "sub-sequence"); break;
case NONPROGRESS: fprintf(fd, "%snp_", Function); break;
case OD: fprintf(fd, "%sod", Keyword); break;
case OF: fprintf(fd, "%sof", Keyword); break;
case OR: fprintf(fd, "%s||", Operator); break;
case O_SND: fprintf(fd, "%s!!", Operator); break;
case PC_VAL: fprintf(fd, "%spc_value",Function); break;
case PNAME: fprintf(fd, "process name"); break;
case PRINT: fprintf(fd, "%sprintf", Function); break;
case PRINTM: fprintf(fd, "%sprintm", Function); break;
case PRIORITY: fprintf(fd, "%spriority", Keyword); break;
case PROCTYPE: fprintf(fd, "%sproctype",Keyword); break;
case PROVIDED: fprintf(fd, "%sprovided",Keyword); break;
case RCV: fprintf(fd, "%s?", Operator); break;
case R_RCV: fprintf(fd, "%s??", Operator); break;
case RSHIFT: fprintf(fd, "%s>>", Operator); break;
case RUN: fprintf(fd, "%srun", Operator); break;
case SEP: fprintf(fd, "token: ::"); break;
case SEMI: fprintf(fd, ";"); break;
case ARROW: fprintf(fd, "->"); break;
case SET_P: fprintf(fd, "%sset_priority",Function); break;
case SHOW: fprintf(fd, "%sshow", Keyword); break;
case SND: fprintf(fd, "%s!", Operator); break;
case STRING: fprintf(fd, "a string"); break;
case TRACE: fprintf(fd, "%strace", Keyword); break;
case TIMEOUT: fprintf(fd, "%stimeout",Keyword); break;
case TYPE: fprintf(fd, "data typename"); break;
case TYPEDEF: fprintf(fd, "%stypedef",Keyword); break;
case XU: fprintf(fd, "%sx[rs]", Keyword); break;
case UMIN: fprintf(fd, "%s- (unary minus)", Operator); break;
case UNAME: fprintf(fd, "a typename"); break;
case UNLESS: fprintf(fd, "%sunless", Keyword); break;