the difficulty is freeing items while parsing because items might already be linked into various linked lists like in docinfo.images or form.fiels. so we link images, tables and formfields to the docinfo as the final step of getitems() pass using the new recursive function linkitems(). as only reachable items get linked theres no danger of dangeling pointers.
633 lines
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633 lines
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#pragma lib "libhtml.a"
#pragma src "/sys/src/libhtml"
/* UTILS */
extern uchar* fromStr(Rune* buf, int n, int chset);
extern Rune* toStr(uchar* buf, int n, int chset);
/* Common LEX and BUILD enums */
/* Media types */
/* HTTP methods */
/* Charsets */
/* Frame Target IDs */
enum {
/* LEX */
typedef struct Token Token;
typedef struct Attr Attr;
#pragma incomplete Token
/* BUILD */
typedef struct Item Item;
typedef struct Itext Itext;
typedef struct Irule Irule;
typedef struct Iimage Iimage;
typedef struct Iformfield Iformfield;
typedef struct Itable Itable;
typedef struct Ifloat Ifloat;
typedef struct Ispacer Ispacer;
typedef struct Genattr Genattr;
typedef struct SEvent SEvent;
typedef struct Formfield Formfield;
typedef struct Option Option;
typedef struct Form Form;
typedef struct Table Table;
typedef struct Tablecol Tablecol;
typedef struct Tablerow Tablerow;
typedef struct Tablecell Tablecell;
typedef struct Align Align;
typedef struct Dimen Dimen;
typedef struct Anchor Anchor;
typedef struct DestAnchor DestAnchor;
typedef struct Map Map;
typedef struct Area Area;
typedef struct Background Background;
typedef struct Kidinfo Kidinfo;
typedef struct Docinfo Docinfo;
typedef struct Stack Stack;
typedef struct Pstate Pstate;
typedef struct ItemSource ItemSource;
typedef struct Lay Lay; /* defined in Layout module */
#pragma incomplete Lay
/* Alignment types */
enum {
ALnone = 0, ALleft, ALcenter, ALright, ALjustify,
ALchar, ALtop, ALmiddle, ALbottom, ALbaseline,
struct Align
uchar halign; /* one of ALnone, ALleft, etc. */
uchar valign; /* one of ALnone, ALtop, etc. */
* A Dimen holds a dimension specification, especially for those
* cases when a number can be followed by a % or a * to indicate
* percentage of total or relative weight.
* Dnone means no dimension was specified
/* To fit in a word, use top bits to identify kind, rest for value */
enum {
Dnone = 0,
Dpixels = (1<<29),
Dpercent = (2<<29),
Drelative = (3<<29),
Dkindmask = (3<<29),
Dspecmask = (~Dkindmask)
struct Dimen
int kindspec; /* kind | spec */
* Background is either an image or a color.
* If both are set, the image has precedence.
struct Background
Rune* image; /* url */
int color;
* There are about a half dozen Item variants.
* The all look like this at the start (using Plan 9 C's
* anonymous structure member mechanism),
* and then the tag field dictates what extra fields there are.
struct Item
Item* next; /* successor in list of items */
int width; /* width in pixels (0 for floating items) */
int height; /* height in pixels */
int ascent; /* ascent (from top to baseline) in pixels */
int anchorid; /* if nonzero, which anchor we're in */
int state; /* flags and values (see below) */
Genattr*genattr; /* generic attributes and events */
int tag; /* variant discriminator: Itexttag, etc. */
/* Item variant tags */
enum {
struct Itext
Item; /* (with tag ==Itexttag) */
Rune* s; /* the characters */
int fnt; /* style*NumSize+size (see font stuff, below) */
int fg; /* Pixel (color) for text */
uchar voff; /* Voffbias+vertical offset from baseline, in pixels (+ve == down) */
uchar ul; /* ULnone, ULunder, or ULmid */
struct Irule
Item; /* (with tag ==Iruletag) */
uchar align; /* alignment spec */
uchar noshade; /* if true, don't shade */
int size; /* size attr (rule height) */
int color; /* color attr */
Dimen wspec; /* width spec */
struct Iimage
Item; /* (with tag ==Iimagetag) */
Rune* imsrc; /* image src url */
int imwidth; /* spec width (actual, if no spec) */
int imheight; /* spec height (actual, if no spec) */
Rune* altrep; /* alternate representation, in absence of image */
Map* map; /* if non-nil, client side map */
int ctlid; /* if animated */
uchar align; /* vertical alignment */
uchar hspace; /* in pixels; buffer space on each side */
uchar vspace; /* in pixels; buffer space on top and bottom */
uchar border; /* in pixels: border width to draw around image */
Iimage* nextimage; /* next in list of document's images */
void* aux;
struct Iformfield
Item; /* (with tag ==Iformfieldtag) */
void* aux;
struct Itable
Item; /* (with tag ==Itabletag) */
Table* table;
struct Ifloat
Item; /* (with tag ==Ifloattag) */
Item* item; /* table or image item that floats */
int x; /* x coord of top (from right, if ALright) */
int y; /* y coord of top */
uchar side; /* margin it floats to: ALleft or ALright */
uchar infloats; /* true if this has been added to a lay.floats */
struct Ispacer
Item; /* (with tag ==Ispacertag) */
int spkind; /* ISPnull, etc. */
/* Item state flags and value fields */
enum {
IFbrk = 0x80000000, /* forced break before this item */
IFbrksp = 0x40000000, /* add 1 line space to break (IFbrk set too) */
IFnobrk = 0x20000000, /* break not allowed before this item */
IFcleft = 0x10000000, /* clear left floats (IFbrk set too) */
IFcright= 0x08000000, /* clear right floats (IFbrk set too) */
IFwrap = 0x04000000, /* in a wrapping (non-pre) line */
IFhang = 0x02000000, /* in a hanging (into left indent) item */
IFrjust = 0x01000000, /* right justify current line */
IFcjust = 0x00800000, /* center justify current line */
IFsmap = 0x00400000, /* image is server-side map */
IFindentshift = 8,
IFindentmask = (255<<IFindentshift), /* current indent, in tab stops */
IFhangmask = 255 /* current hang into left indent, in 1/10th tabstops */
/* Bias added to Itext's voff field */
enum { Voffbias = 128 };
/* Spacer kinds */
enum {
ISPnull, /* 0 height and width */
ISPvline, /* height and ascent of current font */
ISPhspace, /* width of space in current font */
ISPgeneral /* other purposes (e.g., between markers and list) */
/* Generic attributes and events (not many elements will have any of these set) */
struct Genattr
Rune* id;
Rune* class;
Rune* style;
Rune* title;
SEvent* events;
struct SEvent
SEvent* next; /* in list of events */
int type; /* SEonblur, etc. */
Rune* script;
enum {
SEonblur, SEonchange, SEonclick, SEondblclick,
SEonfocus, SEonkeypress, SEonkeyup, SEonload,
SEonmousedown, SEonmousemove, SEonmouseout,
SEonmouseover, SEonmouseup, SEonreset, SEonselect,
SEonsubmit, SEonunload,
/* Form field types */
enum {
/* Information about a field in a form */
struct Formfield
Formfield*next; /* in list of fields for a form */
int ftype; /* Ftext, Fpassword, etc. */
int fieldid; /* serial no. of field within its form */
Form* form; /* containing form */
Rune* name; /* name attr */
Rune* value; /* value attr */
int size; /* size attr */
int maxlength; /* maxlength attr */
int rows; /* rows attr */
int cols; /* cols attr */
uchar flags; /* FFchecked, etc. */
Option* options; /* for Fselect fields */
Item* image; /* image item, for Fimage fields */
int ctlid; /* identifies control for this field in layout */
SEvent* events; /* same as genattr->events of containing item */
enum {
FFchecked = (1<<7),
FFmultiple = (1<<6)
/* Option holds info about an option in a "select" form field */
struct Option
Option* next; /* next in list of options for a field */
int selected; /* true if selected initially */
Rune* value; /* value attr */
Rune* display; /* display string */
/* Form holds info about a form */
struct Form
Form* next; /* in list of forms for document */
int formid; /* serial no. of form within its doc */
Rune* name; /* name or id attr (netscape uses name, HTML 4.0 uses id) */
Rune* action; /* action attr */
int target; /* target attr as targetid */
int method; /* HGet or HPost */
int nfields; /* number of fields */
Formfield*fields; /* field's forms, in input order */
/* Flags used in various table structures */
enum {
TFparsing = (1<<7),
TFnowrap = (1<<6),
TFisth = (1<<5)
/* Information about a table */
struct Table
Table* next; /* next in list of document's tables */
int tableid; /* serial no. of table within its doc */
Tablerow*rows; /* array of row specs (list during parsing) */
int nrow; /* total number of rows */
Tablecol*cols; /* array of column specs */
int ncol; /* total number of columns */
Tablecell*cells; /* list of unique cells */
int ncell; /* total number of cells */
Tablecell***grid; /* 2-D array of cells */
Align align; /* alignment spec for whole table */
Dimen width; /* width spec for whole table */
int border; /* border attr */
int cellspacing; /* cellspacing attr */
int cellpadding; /* cellpadding attr */
Background background; /* table background */
Item* caption; /* linked list of Items, giving caption */
uchar caption_place; /* ALtop or ALbottom */
Lay* caption_lay; /* layout of caption */
int totw; /* total width */
int toth; /* total height */
int caph; /* caption height */
int availw; /* used for previous 3 sizes */
Token* tabletok; /* token that started the table */
uchar flags; /* Lchanged, perhaps */
struct Tablecol
int width;
Align align;
Point pos;
struct Tablerow
Tablerow*next; /* Next in list of rows, during parsing */
Tablecell*cells; /* Cells in row, linked through nextinrow */
int height;
int ascent;
Align align;
Background background;
Point pos;
uchar flags; /* 0 or TFparsing */
* A Tablecell is one cell of a table.
* It may span multiple rows and multiple columns.
* Cells are linked on two lists: the list for all the cells of
* a document (the next pointers), and the list of all the
* cells that start in a given row (the nextinrow pointers)
struct Tablecell
Tablecell*next; /* next in list of table's cells */
Tablecell*nextinrow; /* next in list of row's cells */
int cellid; /* serial no. of cell within table */
Item* content; /* contents before layout */
Lay* lay; /* layout of cell */
int rowspan; /* number of rows spanned by this cell */
int colspan; /* number of cols spanned by this cell */
Align align; /* alignment spec */
uchar flags; /* TFparsing, TFnowrap, TFisth */
Dimen wspec; /* suggested width */
int hspec; /* suggested height */
Background background; /* cell background */
int minw; /* minimum possible width */
int maxw; /* maximum width */
int ascent; /* cell's ascent */
int row; /* row of upper left corner */
int col; /* col of upper left corner */
Point pos; /* nw corner of cell contents, in cell */
/* Anchor is for info about hyperlinks that go somewhere */
struct Anchor
Anchor* next; /* next in list of document's anchors */
int index; /* serial no. of anchor within its doc */
Rune* name; /* name attr */
Rune* href; /* href attr */
int target; /* target attr as targetid */
/* DestAnchor is for info about hyperlinks that are destinations */
struct DestAnchor
DestAnchor*next; /* next in list of document's destanchors */
int index; /* serial no. of anchor within its doc */
Rune* name; /* name attr */
Item* item; /* the destination */
/* Maps (client side) */
struct Map
Map* next; /* next in list of document's maps */
Rune* name; /* map name */
Area* areas; /* list of map areas */
struct Area
Area* next; /* next in list of a map's areas */
int shape; /* SHrect, etc. */
Rune* href; /* associated hypertext link */
int target; /* associated target frame */
Dimen* coords; /* array of coords for shape */
int ncoords; /* size of coords array */
/* Area shapes */
enum {
SHrect, SHcircle, SHpoly
/* Fonts are represented by integers: style*NumSize + size */
/* Font styles */
enum {
FntR, /* roman */
FntI, /* italic */
FntB, /* bold */
FntT, /* typewriter */
/* Font sizes */
enum {
enum {
NumFnt = NumStyle*NumSize,
DefFnt = FntR*NumSize+Normal,
/* Lines are needed through some text items, for underlining or strikethrough */
enum {
ULnone, ULunder, ULmid
/* Kidinfo flags */
enum {
FRnoresize = (1<<0),
FRnoscroll = (1<<1),
FRhscroll = (1<<2),
FRvscroll = (1<<3),
FRhscrollauto = (1<<4),
FRvscrollauto = (1<<5)
/* Information about child frame or frameset */
struct Kidinfo
Kidinfo*next; /* in list of kidinfos for a frameset */
int isframeset;
/* fields for "frame" */
Rune* src; /* only nil if a "dummy" frame or this is frameset */
Rune* name; /* always non-empty if this isn't frameset */
int marginw;
int marginh;
int framebd;
int flags;
/* fields for "frameset" */
Dimen* rows; /* array of row dimensions */
int nrows; /* length of rows */
Dimen* cols; /* array of col dimensions */
int ncols; /* length of cols */
Kidinfo*nextframeset; /* parsing stack */
/* Document info (global information about HTML page) */
struct Docinfo
/* stuff from HTTP headers, doc head, and body tag */
Rune* src; /* original source of doc */
Rune* base; /* base URL of doc */
Rune* doctitle; /* from <title> element */
Background background; /* background specification */
Iimage* backgrounditem; /* Image Item for doc background image, or nil */
int text; /* doc foreground (text) color */
int link; /* unvisited hyperlink color */
int vlink; /* visited hyperlink color */
int alink; /* highlighting hyperlink color */
int target; /* target frame default */
int chset; /* ISO_8859, etc. */
int mediatype; /* TextHtml, etc. */
int scripttype; /* TextJavascript, etc. */
int hasscripts; /* true if scripts used */
Rune* refresh; /* content of <http-equiv=Refresh ...> */
Kidinfo*kidinfo; /* if a frameset */
int frameid; /* id of document frame */
/* info needed to respond to user actions */
Anchor* anchors; /* list of href anchors */
DestAnchor*dests; /* list of destination anchors */
Form* forms; /* list of forms */
Table* tables; /* list of tables */
Map* maps; /* list of maps */
Iimage* images; /* list of image items (through nextimage links) */
extern int dimenkind(Dimen d);
extern int dimenspec(Dimen d);
extern void freedocinfo(Docinfo* d);
extern void freeitems(Item* ithead);
extern Item* parsehtml(uchar* data, int datalen, Rune* src, int mtype, int chset, Docinfo** pdi);
extern void printitems(Item* items, char* msg);
extern int targetid(Rune* s);
extern Rune* targetname(int targid);
extern int validitems(Item* i);
#pragma varargck type "I" Item*
/* Control print output */
extern int warn;
extern int dbglex;
extern int dbgbuild;
* To be provided by caller
* emalloc and erealloc should not return if can't get memory.
* emalloc should zero its memory.
extern void* emalloc(ulong);
extern void* erealloc(void* p, ulong size);