The new pci code is moved to port/pci.[hc] and shared by all ports. Each port has its own PCI controller implementation, providing the pcicfgrw*() functions for low level pci config space access. The locking for pcicfgrw*() is now done by the caller (only port/pci.c). Device drivers now need to include "../port/pci.h" in addition to "io.h". The new code now checks bridge windows and membars, while enumerating the bus, giving the pc driver a chance to re-assign them. This is needed because some UEFI implementations fail to assign the bars for some devices, so we need to do it outselfs. (See pcireservemem()). While working on this, it was discovered that the pci code assimed the smallest I/O bar size is 16 (pcibarsize()), which is wrong. I/O bars can be as small as 4 bytes. Bit 1 in an I/O bar is also reserved and should be masked off, making the port mask: port = bar & ~3;
1286 lines
29 KiB
1286 lines
29 KiB
* Netgear GA620 Gigabit Ethernet Card.
* Specific for the Alteon Tigon 2 and Intel Pentium or later.
* To Do:
* cache alignment for PCI Write-and-Invalidate
* mini ring (what size)?
* tune coalescing values
* statistics formatting
* don't update Spi if nothing to send
* receive ring alignment
* watchdog for link management?
#include "u.h"
#include "../port/lib.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
#include "io.h"
#include "../port/pci.h"
#include "../port/error.h"
#include "../port/netif.h"
#include "../port/etherif.h"
#define malign(n) xspanalloc((n), 32, 0)
#include "etherga620fw.h"
enum {
Mhc = 0x0040, /* Miscellaneous Host Control */
Mlc = 0x0044, /* Miscellaneous Local Control */
Mc = 0x0050, /* Miscellaneous Configuration */
Ps = 0x005C, /* PCI State */
Wba = 0x0068, /* Window Base Address */
Wd = 0x006C, /* Window Data */
DMAas = 0x011C, /* DMA Assist State */
CPUAstate = 0x0140, /* CPU A State */
CPUApc = 0x0144, /* CPU A Programme Counter */
CPUBstate = 0x0240, /* CPU B State */
Hi = 0x0504, /* Host In Interrupt Handler */
Cpi = 0x050C, /* Command Producer Index */
Spi = 0x0514, /* Send Producer Index */
Rspi = 0x051C, /* Receive Standard Producer Index */
Rjpi = 0x0524, /* Receive Jumbo Producer Index */
Rmpi = 0x052C, /* Receive Mini Producer Index */
Mac = 0x0600, /* MAC Address */
Gip = 0x0608, /* General Information Pointer */
Om = 0x0618, /* Operating Mode */
DMArc = 0x061C, /* DMA Read Configuration */
DMAwc = 0x0620, /* DMA Write Configuration */
Tbr = 0x0624, /* Transmit Buffer Ratio */
Eci = 0x0628, /* Event Consumer Index */
Cci = 0x062C, /* Command Consumer Index */
Rct = 0x0630, /* Receive Coalesced Ticks */
Sct = 0x0634, /* Send Coalesced Ticks */
St = 0x0638, /* Stat Ticks */
SmcBD = 0x063C, /* Send Max. Coalesced BDs */
RmcBD = 0x0640, /* Receive Max. Coalesced BDs */
Nt = 0x0644, /* NIC Tracing */
Gln = 0x0648, /* Gigabit Link Negotiation */
Fln = 0x064C, /* 10/100 Link Negotiation */
Ifx = 0x065C, /* Interface Index */
IfMTU = 0x0660, /* Interface MTU */
Mi = 0x0664, /* Mask Interrupts */
Gls = 0x0668, /* Gigabit Link State */
Fls = 0x066C, /* 10/100 Link State */
Cr = 0x0700, /* Command Ring */
Lmw = 0x0800, /* Local Memory Window */
enum { /* Mhc */
Is = 0x00000001, /* Interrupt State */
Ci = 0x00000002, /* Clear Interrupt */
Hr = 0x00000008, /* Hard Reset */
Eebs = 0x00000010, /* Enable Endian Byte Swap */
Eews = 0x00000020, /* Enable Endian Word (64-bit) swap */
Mpio = 0x00000040, /* Mask PCI Interrupt Output */
enum { /* Mlc */
SRAM512 = 0x00000200, /* SRAM Bank Size of 512KB */
SRAMmask = 0x00000300,
EEclk = 0x00100000, /* Serial EEPROM Clock Output */
EEdoe = 0x00200000, /* Serial EEPROM Data Out Enable */
EEdo = 0x00400000, /* Serial EEPROM Data Out Value */
EEdi = 0x00800000, /* Serial EEPROM Data Input */
enum { /* Mc */
SyncSRAM = 0x00100000, /* Set Synchronous SRAM Timing */
enum { /* Ps */
PCIwm32 = 0x000000C0, /* Write Max DMA 32 */
PCImrm = 0x00020000, /* Use Memory Read Multiple Command */
PCI66 = 0x00080000,
PCI32 = 0x00100000,
PCIrcmd = 0x06000000, /* PCI Read Command */
PCIwcmd = 0x70000000, /* PCI Write Command */
enum { /* CPUAstate */
CPUrf = 0x00000010, /* ROM Fail */
CPUhalt = 0x00010000, /* Halt the internal CPU */
CPUhie = 0x00040000, /* HALT instruction executed */
enum { /* Om */
BswapBD = 0x00000002, /* Byte Swap Buffer Descriptors */
WswapBD = 0x00000004, /* Word Swap Buffer Descriptors */
Warn = 0x00000008,
BswapDMA = 0x00000010, /* Byte Swap DMA Data */
Only1DMA = 0x00000040, /* Only One DMA Active at a time */
NoJFrag = 0x00000200, /* Don't Fragment Jumbo Frames */
Fatal = 0x40000000,
enum { /* Lmw */
Lmwsz = 2*1024, /* Local Memory Window Size */
* legal values are 0x3800 iff Nsr is 128, 0x3000 iff Nsr is 256,
* or 0x2000 iff Nsr is 512.
Sr = 0x2000, /* Send Ring (accessed via Lmw) */
enum { /* Link */
Lpref = 0x00008000, /* Preferred Link */
L10MB = 0x00010000,
L100MB = 0x00020000,
L1000MB = 0x00040000,
Lfd = 0x00080000, /* Full Duplex */
Lhd = 0x00100000, /* Half Duplex */
Lefc = 0x00200000, /* Emit Flow Control Packets */
Lofc = 0x00800000, /* Obey Flow Control Packets */
Lean = 0x20000000, /* Enable Autonegotiation/Sensing */
Le = 0x40000000, /* Link Enable */
typedef struct Host64 {
uint hi;
uint lo;
} Host64;
typedef struct Ere { /* Event Ring Element */
int event; /* event<<24 | code<<12 | index */
int unused;
} Ere;
typedef int Cmd; /* cmd<<24 | flags<<12 | index */
typedef struct Rbd { /* Receive Buffer Descriptor */
Host64 addr;
int indexlen; /* ring-index<<16 | buffer-length */
int flags; /* only lower 16-bits */
int checksum; /* ip<<16 | tcp/udp */
int error; /* only upper 16-bits */
int reserved;
void* opaque; /* passed to receive return ring */
} Rbd;
typedef struct Sbd { /* Send Buffer Descriptor */
Host64 addr;
int lenflags; /* len<<16 | flags */
int reserved;
} Sbd;
enum { /* Buffer Descriptor Flags */
Fend = 0x00000004, /* Frame Ends in this Buffer */
Frjr = 0x00000010, /* Receive Jumbo Ring Buffer */
Funicast = 0x00000020, /* Unicast packet (2-bit field) */
Fmulticast = 0x00000040, /* Multicast packet */
Fbroadcast = 0x00000060, /* Broadcast packet */
Ferror = 0x00000400, /* Frame Has Error */
Frmr = 0x00001000, /* Receive Mini Ring Buffer */
enum { /* Buffer Error Flags */
Ecrc = 0x00010000, /* bad CRC */
Ecollision = 0x00020000, /* collision */
Elink = 0x00040000, /* link lost */
Ephy = 0x00080000, /* unspecified PHY frame decode error */
Eodd = 0x00100000, /* odd number of nibbles */
Emac = 0x00200000, /* unspecified MAC abort */
Elen64 = 0x00400000, /* short packet */
Eresources = 0x00800000, /* MAC out of internal resources */
Egiant = 0x01000000, /* packet too big */
typedef struct Rcb { /* Ring Control Block */
Host64 addr; /* points to the Rbd ring */
int control; /* max_len<<16 | flags */
int unused;
} Rcb;
enum {
TcpUdpCksum = 0x0001, /* Perform TCP or UDP checksum */
IpCksum = 0x0002, /* Perform IP checksum */
NoPseudoHdrCksum= 0x0008, /* Don't include the pseudo header */
VlanAssist = 0x0010, /* Enable VLAN tagging */
CoalUpdateOnly = 0x0020, /* Coalesce transmit interrupts */
HostRing = 0x0040, /* Sr in host memory */
SnapCksum = 0x0080, /* Parse + offload 802.3 SNAP frames */
UseExtRxBd = 0x0100, /* Extended Rbd for Jumbo frames */
RingDisabled = 0x0200, /* Jumbo or Mini RCB only */
typedef struct Gib { /* General Information Block */
int statistics[256]; /* Statistics */
Rcb ercb; /* Event Ring */
Rcb crcb; /* Command Ring */
Rcb srcb; /* Send Ring */
Rcb rsrcb; /* Receive Standard Ring */
Rcb rjrcb; /* Receive Jumbo Ring */
Rcb rmrcb; /* Receive Mini Ring */
Rcb rrrcb; /* Receive Return Ring */
Host64 epp; /* Event Producer */
Host64 rrrpp; /* Receive Return Ring Producer */
Host64 scp; /* Send Consumer */
Host64 rsp; /* Refresh Stats */
} Gib;
* these sizes are all fixed in the card,
* except for Nsr, which has only 3 valid sizes.
enum { /* Host/NIC Interface ring sizes */
Ner = 256, /* event ring */
Ncr = 64, /* command ring */
Nsr = 512, /* send ring: 128, 256 or 512 */
Nrsr = 512, /* receive standard ring */
Nrjr = 256, /* receive jumbo ring */
Nrmr = 1024, /* receive mini ring, optional */
Nrrr = 2048, /* receive return ring */
enum {
NrsrHI = 72, /* Fill-level of Rsr (m.b. < Nrsr) */
NrsrLO = 54, /* Level at which to top-up ring */
NrjrHI = 0, /* Fill-level of Rjr (m.b. < Nrjr) */
NrjrLO = 0, /* Level at which to top-up ring */
NrmrHI = 0, /* Fill-level of Rmr (m.b. < Nrmr) */
NrmrLO = 0, /* Level at which to top-up ring */
typedef struct Ctlr Ctlr;
struct Ctlr {
uvlong port;
Pcidev* pcidev;
Ctlr* next;
int active;
int id;
uchar ea[Eaddrlen];
int* nic;
Gib* gib;
Ere* er;
Lock srlock;
Sbd* sr;
Block** srb;
int nsr; /* currently in send ring */
Rbd* rsr;
int nrsr; /* currently in Receive Standard Ring */
Rbd* rjr;
int nrjr; /* currently in Receive Jumbo Ring */
Rbd* rmr;
int nrmr; /* currently in Receive Mini Ring */
Rbd* rrr;
int rrrci; /* Receive Return Ring Consumer Index */
int epi[2]; /* Event Producer Index */
int rrrpi[2]; /* Receive Return Ring Producer Index */
int sci[3]; /* Send Consumer Index ([2] is host) */
int interrupts; /* statistics */
int mi;
uvlong ticks;
int coalupdateonly; /* tuning */
int hardwarecksum;
int rct; /* Receive Coalesce Ticks */
int sct; /* Send Coalesce Ticks */
int st; /* Stat Ticks */
int smcbd; /* Send Max. Coalesced BDs */
int rmcbd; /* Receive Max. Coalesced BDs */
static Ctlr* ctlrhead;
static Ctlr* ctlrtail;
#define csr32r(c, r) (*((c)->nic+((r)/4)))
#define csr32w(c, r, v) (*((c)->nic+((r)/4)) = (v))
static void
sethost64(Host64* host64, void* addr)
uvlong uvl;
uvl = PCIWADDR(addr);
host64->hi = uvl>>32;
host64->lo = uvl & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
static void
ga620command(Ctlr* ctlr, int cmd, int flags, int index)
int cpi;
cpi = csr32r(ctlr, Cpi);
csr32w(ctlr, Cr+(cpi*4), cmd<<24 | flags<<12 | index);
cpi = NEXT(cpi, Ncr);
csr32w(ctlr, Cpi, cpi);
static void
ga620attach(Ether* edev)
Ctlr *ctlr;
ctlr = edev->ctlr;
static long
ga620ifstat(Ether* edev, void* a, long n, ulong offset)
char *p;
Ctlr *ctlr;
int i, l, r;
ctlr = edev->ctlr;
if(n == 0)
return 0;
p = smalloc(READSTR);
l = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 256; i++){
if((r = ctlr->gib->statistics[i]) == 0)
l += snprint(p+l, READSTR-l, "%d: %ud\n", i, r);
l += snprint(p+l, READSTR-l, "interrupts: %ud\n", ctlr->interrupts);
l += snprint(p+l, READSTR-l, "mi: %ud\n", ctlr->mi);
l += snprint(p+l, READSTR-l, "ticks: %llud\n", ctlr->ticks);
l += snprint(p+l, READSTR-l, "coalupdateonly: %d\n", ctlr->coalupdateonly);
l += snprint(p+l, READSTR-l, "hardwarecksum: %d\n", ctlr->hardwarecksum);
l += snprint(p+l, READSTR-l, "rct: %d\n", ctlr->rct);
l += snprint(p+l, READSTR-l, "sct: %d\n", ctlr->sct);
l += snprint(p+l, READSTR-l, "smcbd: %d\n", ctlr->smcbd);
snprint(p+l, READSTR-l, "rmcbd: %d\n", ctlr->rmcbd);
n = readstr(offset, a, n, p);
return n;
static long
ga620ctl(Ether* edev, void* buf, long n)
char *p;
Cmdbuf *cb;
Ctlr *ctlr;
int control, i, r;
ctlr = edev->ctlr;
if(ctlr == nil)
r = 0;
cb = parsecmd(buf, n);
if(cb->nf < 2)
r = -1;
else if(cistrcmp(cb->f[0], "coalupdateonly") == 0){
if(cistrcmp(cb->f[1], "off") == 0){
control = ctlr->gib->srcb.control;
control &= ~CoalUpdateOnly;
ctlr->gib->srcb.control = control;
ctlr->coalupdateonly = 0;
else if(cistrcmp(cb->f[1], "on") == 0){
control = ctlr->gib->srcb.control;
control |= CoalUpdateOnly;
ctlr->gib->srcb.control = control;
ctlr->coalupdateonly = 1;
r = -1;
else if(cistrcmp(cb->f[0], "hardwarecksum") == 0){
if(cistrcmp(cb->f[1], "off") == 0){
control = ctlr->gib->srcb.control;
control &= ~(TcpUdpCksum|NoPseudoHdrCksum);
ctlr->gib->srcb.control = control;
control = ctlr->gib->rsrcb.control;
control &= ~(TcpUdpCksum|NoPseudoHdrCksum);
ctlr->gib->rsrcb.control = control;
ctlr->hardwarecksum = 0;
else if(cistrcmp(cb->f[1], "on") == 0){
control = ctlr->gib->srcb.control;
control |= (TcpUdpCksum|NoPseudoHdrCksum);
ctlr->gib->srcb.control = control;
control = ctlr->gib->rsrcb.control;
control |= (TcpUdpCksum|NoPseudoHdrCksum);
ctlr->gib->rsrcb.control = control;
ctlr->hardwarecksum = 1;
r = -1;
else if(cistrcmp(cb->f[0], "rct") == 0){
i = strtol(cb->f[1], &p, 0);
if(i < 0 || p == cb->f[1])
r = -1;
ctlr->rct = i;
csr32w(ctlr, Rct, ctlr->rct);
else if(cistrcmp(cb->f[0], "sct") == 0){
i = strtol(cb->f[1], &p, 0);
if(i < 0 || p == cb->f[1])
r = -1;
ctlr->sct = i;
csr32w(ctlr, Sct, ctlr->sct);
else if(cistrcmp(cb->f[0], "st") == 0){
i = strtol(cb->f[1], &p, 0);
if(i < 0 || p == cb->f[1])
r = -1;
ctlr->st = i;
csr32w(ctlr, St, ctlr->st);
else if(cistrcmp(cb->f[0], "smcbd") == 0){
i = strtol(cb->f[1], &p, 0);
if(i < 0 || p == cb->f[1])
r = -1;
ctlr->smcbd = i;
csr32w(ctlr, SmcBD, ctlr->smcbd);
else if(cistrcmp(cb->f[0], "rmcbd") == 0){
i = strtol(cb->f[1], &p, 0);
if(i < 0 || p == cb->f[1])
r = -1;
ctlr->rmcbd = i;
csr32w(ctlr, RmcBD, ctlr->rmcbd);
r = -1;
if(r == 0)
return n;
return r;
static int
_ga620transmit(Ether* edev)
Sbd *sbd;
Block *bp;
Ctlr *ctlr;
int sci, spi, work;
* For now there are no smarts here, just empty the
* ring and try to fill it back up. Tuning comes later.
ctlr = edev->ctlr;
* Free any completed packets.
* Ctlr->sci[0] is where the NIC has got to consuming the ring.
* Ctlr->sci[2] is where the host has got to tidying up after the
* NIC has done with the packets.
work = 0;
for(sci = ctlr->sci[2]; sci != ctlr->sci[0]; sci = NEXT(sci, Nsr)){
if(ctlr->srb[sci] == nil)
ctlr->srb[sci] = nil;
ctlr->sci[2] = sci;
sci = PREV(sci, Nsr);
for(spi = csr32r(ctlr, Spi); spi != sci; spi = NEXT(spi, Nsr)){
if((bp = qget(edev->oq)) == nil)
sbd = &ctlr->sr[spi];
sethost64(&sbd->addr, bp->rp);
sbd->lenflags = BLEN(bp)<<16 | Fend;
ctlr->srb[spi] = bp;
csr32w(ctlr, Spi, spi);
return work;
static void
ga620transmit(Ether* edev)
static void
ga620replenish(Ctlr* ctlr)
Rbd *rbd;
int rspi;
Block *bp;
rspi = csr32r(ctlr, Rspi);
while(ctlr->nrsr < NrsrHI){
if((bp = iallocb(ETHERMAXTU+4)) == nil)
rbd = &ctlr->rsr[rspi];
sethost64(&rbd->addr, bp->rp);
rbd->indexlen = rspi<<16 | (ETHERMAXTU+4);
rbd->flags = 0;
rbd->opaque = bp;
rspi = NEXT(rspi, Nrsr);
csr32w(ctlr, Rspi, rspi);
static void
ga620event(Ether *edev, int eci, int epi)
unsigned event, code;
Ctlr *ctlr;
ctlr = edev->ctlr;
while(eci != epi){
event = ctlr->er[eci].event;
code = (event >> 12) & ((1<<12)-1);
case 0x01: /* firmware operational */
/* host stack (us) is up. 3rd arg of 2 means down. */
ga620command(ctlr, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00);
* link negotiation: any speed is okay.
* 3rd arg of 1 selects gigabit only; 2 10/100 only.
ga620command(ctlr, 0x0B, 0x00, 0x00);
print("#l%d: ga620: port %8.8lluX: firmware is up\n",
edev->ctlrno, ctlr->port);
case 0x04: /* statistics updated */
case 0x06: /* link state changed */
switch (code) {
case 1:
edev->mbps = 1000;
case 2:
print("#l%d: link down\n", edev->ctlrno);
case 3:
edev->mbps = 100; /* it's 10 or 100 */
if (code != 2)
print("#l%d: %dMbps link up\n",
edev->ctlrno, edev->mbps);
case 0x07: /* event error */
print("#l%d: ga620: er[%d] = %8.8uX\n", edev->ctlrno,
eci, event);
eci = NEXT(eci, Ner);
csr32w(ctlr, Eci, eci);
static void
ga620receive(Ether* edev)
int len;
Rbd *rbd;
Block *bp;
Ctlr* ctlr;
ctlr = edev->ctlr;
while(ctlr->rrrci != ctlr->rrrpi[0]){
rbd = &ctlr->rrr[ctlr->rrrci];
* Errors are collected in the statistics block so
* no need to tally them here, let ifstat do the work.
len = rbd->indexlen & 0xFFFF;
if(!(rbd->flags & Ferror) && len != 0){
bp = rbd->opaque;
bp->wp = bp->rp+len;
etheriq(edev, bp);
rbd->opaque = nil;
if(rbd->flags & Frjr)
else if(rbd->flags & Frmr)
ctlr->rrrci = NEXT(ctlr->rrrci, Nrrr);
static void
ga620interrupt(Ureg*, void* arg)
int csr, ie, work;
Ctlr *ctlr;
Ether *edev;
uvlong tsc0, tsc1;
edev = arg;
ctlr = edev->ctlr;
if(!(csr32r(ctlr, Mhc) & Is))
csr32w(ctlr, Hi, 1);
ie = 0;
work = 0;
while(ie < 2){
if(ctlr->rrrci != ctlr->rrrpi[0]){
work = 1;
if(_ga620transmit(edev) != 0)
work = 1;
csr = csr32r(ctlr, Eci);
if(csr != ctlr->epi[0]){
ga620event(edev, csr, ctlr->epi[0]);
work = 1;
if(ctlr->nrsr <= NrsrLO)
if(work == 0){
if(ie == 0)
csr32w(ctlr, Hi, 0);
work = 0;
ctlr->ticks += tsc1-tsc0;
static void
ga620lmw(Ctlr* ctlr, int addr, int* data, int len)
int i, l, lmw, v;
* Write to or clear ('data' == nil) 'len' bytes of the NIC
* local memory at address 'addr'.
* The destination address and count should be 32-bit aligned.
v = 0;
while(len > 0){
* 1) Set the window. The (Lmwsz-1) bits are ignored
* in Wba when accessing through the local memory window;
* 2) Find the minimum of how many bytes still to
* transfer and how many left in this window;
* 3) Create the offset into the local memory window in the
* shared memory space then copy (or zero) the data;
* 4) Bump the counts.
csr32w(ctlr, Wba, addr);
l = ROUNDUP(addr+1, Lmwsz) - addr;
if(l > len)
l = len;
lmw = Lmw + (addr & (Lmwsz-1));
for(i = 0; i < l; i += 4){
if(data != nil)
v = *data++;
csr32w(ctlr, lmw+i, v);
len -= l;
addr += l;
static int
ga620init(Ether* edev)
Ctlr *ctlr;
Host64 host64;
int csr, ea, i, flags;
ctlr = edev->ctlr;
* Load the MAC address.
ea = edev->ea[0]<<8 | edev->ea[1];
csr32w(ctlr, Mac, ea);
ea = edev->ea[2]<<24 | edev->ea[3]<<16 | edev->ea[4]<<8 | edev->ea[5];
csr32w(ctlr, Mac+4, ea);
* General Information Block.
ctlr->gib = malloc(sizeof(Gib));
sethost64(&host64, ctlr->gib);
csr32w(ctlr, Gip, host64.hi);
csr32w(ctlr, Gip+4, host64.lo);
* Event Ring.
* This is located in host memory. Allocate the ring,
* tell the NIC where it is and initialise the indices.
ctlr->er = malign(sizeof(Ere)*Ner);
sethost64(&ctlr->gib->ercb.addr, ctlr->er);
sethost64(&ctlr->gib->epp, ctlr->epi);
csr32w(ctlr, Eci, 0);
* Command Ring.
* This is located in the General Communications Region
* and so the value placed in the Rcb is unused, the NIC
* knows where it is. Stick in the value according to
* the datasheet anyway.
* Initialise the ring and indices.
ctlr->gib->crcb.addr.lo = Cr-0x400;
for(i = 0; i < Ncr*4; i += 4)
csr32w(ctlr, Cr+i, 0);
csr32w(ctlr, Cpi, 0);
csr32w(ctlr, Cci, 0);
* Send Ring.
* This ring is either in NIC memory at a fixed location depending
* on how big the ring is or it is in host memory. If in NIC
* memory it is accessed via the Local Memory Window; with a send
* ring size of 128 the window covers the whole ring and then need
* only be set once:
* ctlr->sr = (uchar*)ctlr->nic+Lmw;
* ga620lmw(ctlr, Sr, nil, sizeof(Sbd)*Nsr);
* ctlr->gib->srcb.addr.lo = Sr;
* There is nowhere in the Sbd to hold the Block* associated
* with this entry so an external array must be kept.
ctlr->sr = malign(sizeof(Sbd)*Nsr);
sethost64(&ctlr->gib->srcb.addr, ctlr->sr);
flags = TcpUdpCksum|NoPseudoHdrCksum|HostRing;
flags = HostRing;
flags |= CoalUpdateOnly;
ctlr->gib->srcb.control = Nsr<<16 | flags;
sethost64(&ctlr->gib->scp, ctlr->sci);
csr32w(ctlr, Spi, 0);
ctlr->srb = malloc(sizeof(Block*)*Nsr);
* Receive Standard Ring.
ctlr->rsr = malign(sizeof(Rbd)*Nrsr);
sethost64(&ctlr->gib->rsrcb.addr, ctlr->rsr);
flags = TcpUdpCksum|NoPseudoHdrCksum;
flags = 0;
ctlr->gib->rsrcb.control = (ETHERMAXTU+4)<<16 | flags;
csr32w(ctlr, Rspi, 0);
* Jumbo and Mini Rings. Unused for now.
ctlr->gib->rjrcb.control = RingDisabled;
ctlr->gib->rmrcb.control = RingDisabled;
* Receive Return Ring.
* This is located in host memory. Allocate the ring,
* tell the NIC where it is and initialise the indices.
ctlr->rrr = malign(sizeof(Rbd)*Nrrr);
sethost64(&ctlr->gib->rrrcb.addr, ctlr->rrr);
ctlr->gib->rrrcb.control = Nrrr<<16 | 0;
sethost64(&ctlr->gib->rrrpp, ctlr->rrrpi);
ctlr->rrrci = 0;
* Refresh Stats Pointer.
* For now just point it at the existing statistics block.
sethost64(&ctlr->gib->rsp, ctlr->gib->statistics);
* DMA configuration.
* Use the recommended values.
csr32w(ctlr, DMArc, 0x80);
csr32w(ctlr, DMAwc, 0x80);
* Transmit Buffer Ratio.
* Set to 1/3 of available buffer space (units are 1/64ths)
* if using Jumbo packets, ~64KB otherwise (assume 1MB on NIC).
if(NrjrHI > 0 || Nsr > 128)
csr32w(ctlr, Tbr, 64/3);
csr32w(ctlr, Tbr, 4);
* Tuneable parameters.
* These defaults are based on the tuning hints in the Alteon
* Host/NIC Software Interface Definition and example software.
ctlr->rct = 1/*100*/;
csr32w(ctlr, Rct, ctlr->rct);
ctlr->sct = 0;
csr32w(ctlr, Sct, ctlr->sct);
ctlr->st = 1000000;
csr32w(ctlr, St, ctlr->st);
ctlr->smcbd = Nsr/4;
csr32w(ctlr, SmcBD, ctlr->smcbd);
ctlr->rmcbd = 4/*6*/;
csr32w(ctlr, RmcBD, ctlr->rmcbd);
* Enable DMA Assist Logic.
csr = csr32r(ctlr, DMAas) & ~0x03;
csr32w(ctlr, DMAas, csr|0x01);
* Link negotiation.
* The bits are set here but the NIC must be given a command
* once it is running to set negotiation in motion.
csr32w(ctlr, Gln, Le|Lean|Lofc|Lfd|L1000MB|Lpref);
csr32w(ctlr, Fln, Le|Lean|Lhd|Lfd|L100MB|L10MB);
* A unique index for this controller and the maximum packet
* length expected.
* For now only standard packets are expected.
csr32w(ctlr, Ifx, 1);
csr32w(ctlr, IfMTU, ETHERMAXTU+4);
* Enable Interrupts.
* There are 3 ways to mask interrupts - a bit in the Mhc (which
* is already cleared), the Mi register and the Hi mailbox.
* Writing to the Hi mailbox has the side-effect of clearing the
* PCI interrupt.
csr32w(ctlr, Mi, 0);
csr32w(ctlr, Hi, 0);
* Start the firmware.
csr32w(ctlr, CPUApc, tigon2FwStartAddr);
csr = csr32r(ctlr, CPUAstate) & ~CPUhalt;
csr32w(ctlr, CPUAstate, csr);
return 0;
static int
at24c32io(Ctlr* ctlr, char* op, int data)
char *lp, *p;
int i, loop, mlc, r;
mlc = csr32r(ctlr, Mlc);
r = 0;
loop = -1;
lp = nil;
for(p = op; *p != '\0'; p++){
return -1;
case ' ':
case ':': /* start of 8-bit loop */
if(lp != nil)
return -1;
lp = p;
loop = 7;
case ';': /* end of 8-bit loop */
if(lp == nil)
return -1;
if(loop >= 0)
p = lp;
lp = nil;
case 'C': /* assert clock */
mlc |= EEclk;
case 'c': /* deassert clock */
mlc &= ~EEclk;
case 'D': /* next bit in 'data' byte */
if(loop < 0)
return -1;
if(data & (1<<loop))
mlc |= EEdo;
mlc &= ~EEdo;
case 'E': /* enable data output */
mlc |= EEdoe;
case 'e': /* disable data output */
mlc &= ~EEdoe;
case 'I': /* input bit */
i = (csr32r(ctlr, Mlc) & EEdi) != 0;
if(loop >= 0)
r |= (i<<loop);
r = i;
case 'O': /* assert data output */
mlc |= EEdo;
case 'o': /* deassert data output */
mlc &= ~EEdo;
csr32w(ctlr, Mlc, mlc);
if(loop >= 0)
return -1;
return r;
static int
at24c32r(Ctlr* ctlr, int addr)
int data;
* Read a byte at address 'addr' from the Atmel AT24C32
* Serial EEPROM. The 2-wire EEPROM access is controlled
* by 4 bits in Mlc. See the AT24C32 datasheet for
* protocol details.
* Start condition - a high to low transition of data
* with the clock high must precede any other command.
at24c32io(ctlr, "OECoc", 0);
* Perform a random read at 'addr'. A dummy byte
* write sequence is performed to clock in the device
* and data word addresses (0 and 'addr' respectively).
data = -1;
if(at24c32io(ctlr, "oE :DCc; oeCIc", 0xA0) != 0)
goto stop;
if(at24c32io(ctlr, "oE :DCc; oeCIc", addr>>8) != 0)
goto stop;
if(at24c32io(ctlr, "oE :DCc; oeCIc", addr) != 0)
goto stop;
* Now send another start condition followed by a
* request to read the device. The EEPROM responds
* by clocking out the data.
at24c32io(ctlr, "OECoc", 0);
if(at24c32io(ctlr, "oE :DCc; oeCIc", 0xA1) != 0)
goto stop;
data = at24c32io(ctlr, ":CIc;", 0xA1);
* Stop condition - a low to high transition of data
* with the clock high is a stop condition. After a read
* sequence, the stop command will place the EEPROM in
* a standby power mode.
at24c32io(ctlr, "oECOc", 0);
return data;
static int
ga620detach(Ctlr* ctlr)
int timeo;
* Hard reset (don't know which endian so catch both);
* enable for little-endian mode;
* wait for code to be loaded from serial EEPROM or flash;
* make sure CPU A is halted.
csr32w(ctlr, Mhc, Hr<<24 | Hr);
csr32w(ctlr, Mhc, (Eews|Ci)<<24 | Eews|Ci);
for(timeo = 0; timeo < 500000; timeo++){
if((csr32r(ctlr, CPUAstate) & (CPUhie|CPUrf)) == CPUhie)
if((csr32r(ctlr, CPUAstate) & (CPUhie|CPUrf)) != CPUhie)
return -1;
csr32w(ctlr, CPUAstate, CPUhalt);
* After reset, CPU B seems to be stuck in 'CPUrf'.
* Worry about it later.
csr32w(ctlr, CPUBstate, CPUhalt);
return 0;
static void
ga620shutdown(Ether* ether)
static int
ga620reset(Ctlr* ctlr)
int csr, i, r;
if(ga620detach(ctlr) < 0)
return -1;
* Tigon 2 PCI NICs have 512KB SRAM per bank.
* Clear out any lingering serial EEPROM state
* bits.
csr = csr32r(ctlr, Mlc) & ~(EEdi|EEdo|EEdoe|EEclk|SRAMmask);
csr32w(ctlr, Mlc, SRAM512|csr);
csr = csr32r(ctlr, Mc);
csr32w(ctlr, Mc, SyncSRAM|csr);
* Initialise PCI State register.
* If PCI Write-and-Invalidate is enabled set the max write DMA
* value to the host cache-line size (32 on Pentium or later).
csr = csr32r(ctlr, Ps) & (PCI32|PCI66);
csr |= PCIwcmd|PCIrcmd|PCImrm;
if(ctlr->pcidev->pcr & 0x0010){
if(ctlr->pcidev->cls != 32/4){
ctlr->pcidev->cls = 32/4;
pcicfgw8(ctlr->pcidev, PciCLS, ctlr->pcidev->cls);
csr |= PCIwm32;
csr32w(ctlr, Ps, csr);
* Operating Mode.
csr32w(ctlr, Om, Fatal|NoJFrag|BswapDMA|WswapBD);
* Snarf the MAC address from the serial EEPROM.
for(i = 0; i < Eaddrlen; i++){
if((r = at24c32r(ctlr, 0x8E+i)) == -1)
return -1;
ctlr->ea[i] = r;
* Load the firmware.
ga620lmw(ctlr, tigon2FwTextAddr, tigon2FwText, tigon2FwTextLen);
ga620lmw(ctlr, tigon2FwRodataAddr, tigon2FwRodata, tigon2FwRodataLen);
ga620lmw(ctlr, tigon2FwDataAddr, tigon2FwData, tigon2FwDataLen);
ga620lmw(ctlr, tigon2FwSbssAddr, nil, tigon2FwSbssLen);
ga620lmw(ctlr, tigon2FwBssAddr, nil, tigon2FwBssLen);
return 0;
static void
void *mem;
Pcidev *p;
Ctlr *ctlr;
p = nil;
while(p = pcimatch(p, 0, 0)){
if(p->ccrb != 0x02 || p->ccru != 0)
if(p->mem[0].bar & 1)
switch(p->did<<16 | p->vid){
case 0x620A<<16 | 0x1385: /* Netgear GA620 fiber */
case 0x630A<<16 | 0x1385: /* Netgear GA620T copper */
case 0x0001<<16 | 0x12AE: /* Alteon Acenic fiber
* and DEC DEGPA-SA */
case 0x0002<<16 | 0x12AE: /* Alteon Acenic copper */
case 0x0009<<16 | 0x10A9: /* SGI Acenic */
mem = vmap(p->mem[0].bar & ~0xF, p->mem[0].size);
if(mem == nil){
print("ga620: can't map %llux\n", p->mem[0].bar & ~0xF);
ctlr = malloc(sizeof(Ctlr));
if(ctlr == nil){
print("ga620: can't allocate memory\n");
ctlr->port = p->mem[0].bar & ~0xF;
ctlr->pcidev = p;
ctlr->id = p->did<<16 | p->vid;
ctlr->nic = mem;
if(ctlrhead != nil)
ctlrtail->next = ctlr;
ctlrhead = ctlr;
ctlrtail = ctlr;
static void
ga620promiscuous(void *arg, int on)
Ether *ether = arg;
/* 3rd arg: 1 enables, 2 disables */
ga620command(ether->ctlr, 0xa, (on? 1: 2), 0);
static void
ga620multicast(void *arg, uchar *addr, int add)
Ether *ether = arg;
if (add)
ga620command(ether->ctlr, 0xe, 1, 0); /* 1 == enable */
static int
ga620pnp(Ether* edev)
Ctlr *ctlr;
uchar ea[Eaddrlen];
if(ctlrhead == nil)
* Any adapter matches if no edev->port is supplied,
* otherwise the ports must match.
for(ctlr = ctlrhead; ctlr != nil; ctlr = ctlr->next){
if(edev->port == 0 || edev->port == ctlr->port){
ctlr->active = 1;
if(ctlr == nil)
return -1;
edev->ctlr = ctlr;
edev->port = ctlr->port;
edev->irq = ctlr->pcidev->intl;
edev->tbdf = ctlr->pcidev->tbdf;
edev->mbps = 1000; /* placeholder */
* Check if the adapter's station address is to be overridden.
* If not, read it from the EEPROM and set in ether->ea prior to
* loading the station address in the hardware.
memset(ea, 0, Eaddrlen);
if(memcmp(ea, edev->ea, Eaddrlen) == 0)
memmove(edev->ea, ctlr->ea, Eaddrlen);
* Linkage to the generic ethernet driver.
edev->attach = ga620attach;
edev->transmit = ga620transmit;
edev->ifstat = ga620ifstat;
edev->ctl = ga620ctl;
edev->arg = edev;
edev->promiscuous = ga620promiscuous;
edev->multicast = ga620multicast;
edev->shutdown = ga620shutdown;
intrenable(edev->irq, ga620interrupt, edev, edev->tbdf, edev->name);
return 0;
addethercard("GA620", ga620pnp);