cinap_lenrek 14685d6595 ape: return plan9 error strings from strerror()
when _syserrno() fails to map a plan9 error string to
a unix error number, we copy the plan9 error string
to the per process error buffer "plan9err" and set
errno = EPLAN9.

when strerror() is called with EPLAN9, it returns
a pointer to the plan9err buffer.
2016-05-04 00:23:48 +02:00

45 lines
734 B

#define NPRIVATES 16
GLOBL _tos(SB), $4
GLOBL _errnoloc(SB), $4
GLOBL _plan9err(SB), $4
GLOBL _privates(SB), $4
GLOBL _nprivates(SB), $4
TEXT _main(SB), 1, $(12+4+128+NPRIVATES*4)
MOVW $setSB(SB), R2
/* _tos = arg */
MOVW R7, _tos(SB)
MOVW _fpsr+0(SB), FSR
FMOVD $0.5, F26
FSUBD F26, F26, F24
FADDD F26, F26, F28
FADDD F28, F28, F30
MOVW $12(R1), R7
MOVW R7, _errnoloc(SB)
ADD $4, R7
MOVW R7, _plan9err(SB)
ADD $128, R7
MOVW R7, _privates(SB)
MOVW R7, _nprivates(SB)
JMPL _envsetup(SB)
MOVW inargc-4(FP), R7
MOVW $inargv+0(FP), R8
MOVW environ(SB), R9
MOVW R7, 4(R1)
MOVW R8, 8(R1)
MOVW R9, 12(R1)
JMPL main(SB)
MOVW R7, 4(R1)
JMPL exit(SB)
MOVW $_mul(SB),R7
JMP loop