2022-07-17 14:10:31 +00:00
grabskkdicts /lib/ktrans: added tools to fetch skk dicts and convert them to ktrans jishos 2022-07-17 14:10:31 +00:00
README /lib/ktrans: added tools to fetch skk dicts and convert them to ktrans jishos 2022-07-17 14:10:31 +00:00
skk2ktrans /lib/ktrans: added tools to fetch skk dicts and convert them to ktrans jishos 2022-07-17 14:10:31 +00:00

# The following are a set of tools to obtain and process dictionaries from the SKK project in order to use them with ktrans(1).
# grabskkdicts pulls the skk kana-kanji conversion dictionaries from the skk-dev/dict repo.
# skk2ktrans takes an skk dictionary and converts it into a kanji jisho suitable to be used with ktrans(1).
# You can fetch and convert all the dictionaries by running this file.

for(d in skkdicts/SKK-JISYO.*)
	<$d skk2ktrans >$d.jisho