.TH TORRENT 1 .SH NAME torrent \- bittorrent client .SH SYNOPSIS .B torrent [ .B -d ] [ .B -v ] [ .B -p ] [ .B -m .I mtpt ] [ .B -s ] [ .I file ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Torrent downloads the files that are specified in the torrent .I file in the current working directory. If no .I file is given, standard-input is used. .PP Normally, .I torrent exits after all files have been downloaded. The .B -s option causes .I torrent to keep seeding. .PP An alternative mountpoint of the .IR webfs (4) filesystem can be given with the .B -m option (defaults to .BR /mnt/web ). .SH DIAGNOSTICS The .B -d option enables debug output to standard-error. .PP The .B -v option causes .I torrent to list the files contained in the content before downloading. .PP To monitor the download progress, the .B -p option can be given to cause .I torrent to print the current and the total number of pieces to download every second. .SH EXAMPLE .EX cd /tmp hget http://r-36.net/9front/9front.iso.bz2.torrent | ip/torrent -pv | aux/statusbar 'download...' .EE .SH SOURCE .B /sys/src/cmd/ip/torrent.c .SH "SEE ALSO .IR hget (1), .IR webfs (4)