.TH CRYPTSETUP 8 .SH NAME cryptsetup \- setup encrypted partition .SH SYNOPSIS .B cryptsetup .B -f .I files ... .br .B cryptsetup .B -o .I files ... .br .B cryptsetup .B -i .I files ... .SH DESCRIPTION .I Cryptsetup prepares an AES-encrypted partition to be used with the .IR fs (3) device. .PP The .B -f flag formats the partition .I files, generating a new encryption key. The user will be prompted for a password that will be used to protect the encryption key. .PP The flags .B -i and .B -o activate a previously formated encrypted partition. The .B -o flag outputs the .IR fs (3) ctl activation commands to standard output, whereas .B -i directly writes them to the .B '/dev/fs/ctl' file. The user will be prompted for the password that was used to protect the encryption key. .PP Once activated, the new partition appears under .BI /dev/fs/ name where .I name is the last path element of the .I files argument. .SH SEE ALSO .IR fs (3)