.TH TINC 8 .SH NAME tinc - mash peer to peer VPN .SH SYNOPSIS .B ip/tinc [ .B -d ] [ .B -p .I maxprocs ] [ .B -x .I inside ] [ .B -o .I outside ] [ .B -c .I confdir ] [ .B -n .I myname ] .I localip .I localmask [ .I hosts... ] .SH DESCRIPTION Tinc implements the mash peer to peer VPN protocol from .I https://www.tinc-vpn.org/ as of version 1.0.32. Within a tinc VPN one can reach all the subnets of all hosts within the network even when not directly connected to the owning host of the subnet. .PP Each host that is directly connected to us has its own hostfile under .IR confdir /hosts/ hostname containing its public address, owned subnets, options and RSA public key. The hostfile format is the same as the original tinc implementation. The .I confdir is specified with the .B -c option or defaults to the current working directory. Other hosts might exist behind these directly connected nodes but this information is distributed automatically within the protocol. .PP On startup, .I tinc creates an ip interface with the address .I localip and network mask .I localmask on the .I inside ip stack (specified with .B -x option) and starts listening for incoming connections on the .I outside ip stack (specified with the .B -o option). When optional .I hosts are specified on the command line, then it will also do outgoing connections using the .I outside ip stack. The .I localmask usually is a supernet of all the subnets within the VPN. Our own hostname .I myhost can be specified with .B -n option or is asssumed to be the .I sysname when not specified. This hosts RSA private key needs to be present in factotum and tagged with .BR "service=tinc" and .BI "host=" myhost . .PP The options: .TP .B -d Enable debug outout and do not fork to the background. .TP .B -p Limit the number of client processes to .IR maxprocs . .TP .B -x Specifies the .I inside and .I outside network stack directory where the tinc ip interface it bound. Defaults to .BR /net . .TP .B -o Specifies the .I outside network stack directory where incoming and outgoing tinc connections are made. Defaults to .BR inside . .TP .B -c Specifies the configuration directory .I confdir for the VPN. .TP .B -n Sets our hostname to .IR myhost . .SH "SEE ALSO" .IR rsa (8), .IR ip (3) .br .I https://www.tinc-vpn.org/documentation/ .SH SOURCE .B /sys/src/cmd/ip/tinc.c