.TH IRCRC 1 .SH NAME ircrc \- internet relay chat client .SH SYNOPSIS .B ircrc [ .B -p .I port ] [ .B -r .I realname ] [ .B -t .I target ] [ .B -n .I nick ] [ .I server ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Ircrc is an IRC client. Messages are sent from stdin and received from stdout. The default server is .BR irc.freenode.net . The options are: .TP .BI -p " port Change the default port .RB ( 6667 ). .TP .BI -r " realname Change the default name .RB ( ). .TP .BI -t " target Set the target channel. .TP .BI -n " nick Change the default nickname .RB ( $user ). .SS Commands .I Ircrc understands the following commands: .TP .BI /! " cmd Send the output of the shell command .I cmd to the current target. .TP .B /M .B MODE command. .TP .B /N .B NOTICE command. .TP .B /T .B TOPIC command. .TP .B /W .B WHOIS command. .TP .B /a .B AWAY command. .TP .B /j .B JOIN command. .TP .B /l .B LIST command. .TP .B /m .B PRIVMSG command. .TP .B /n .B NICK command. .TP .B /p .B PART command. .TP .BI /q " cmd Send the raw IRC command .I cmd to the server. .TP .BI /t " target Set the current target. Messages are sent to .I target unless they are commands. .TP .B /u .B USERS command. .TP .B /w .B WHO command. .TP .B /x .B QUIT command. .PP Anything else is sent as a message to the current target. See RFC 1459 and RFC 2812 for detailed information about IRC commands. .SH EXAMPLES Default usage: .IP .EX % ircrc .EE .PP Join .B irc.oftc.net as a different user: .IP .EX % ircrc -r glenda -n glenda irc.oftc.net .EE .SH SOURCE .B /rc/bin/ircrc .SH SEE ALSO .B http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1459 .br .B http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2812 .SH BUGS .I Ircrc cannot join channels upon login (the .B -t flag only sets the target, it doesn't join the channel). .PP .I Ircrc does not filter out the .B ^B character that is sent by nickserv when asking for identification. .PP Some fonts do not support the nickname delimiters. .PP .I Ircrc does not output messages received from the server when .B /net/tcp/[0-9]/status does not match the regular expression .BR /^Established.*/ .