.TH IRCRC 1 .SH NAME ircrc \- internet relay chat client .SH SYNOPSIS .B ircrc [ .B -p .I port ] [ .B -r .I realname ] [ .B -t .I target ] [ .B -n .I nick ] [ .B -T ] [ .I server ] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Ircrc is an IRC client. Messages are sent from standard input and received from standard output. The default server is .BR irc.freenode.net . The arguments .B bitlbee and .B oftc are expanded to .B im.bitlbee.org and .BR irc.oftc.net , respectively. The options are: .TP .BI -p " port Change the default port .RB ( 6667 ). .TP .BI -r " realname Change the default name .RB ( ). .TP .BI -t " target Set and join the target channel. If multiple channels are specified, only the last one will be set as .IR target . Messages are sent to .I target unless they are commands. .TP .BI -n " nick Change the default nickname .RB ( $user ). .TP .BI -T .br Use tls through .IR tlssrv (8). .SS Commands .I Ircrc commands begin with a slash. Unrecognized commands result in an error message and send nothing to the server. The commands are: .TP .BI /! " cmd Send the output of the shell command .I cmd to the current target. .TP .B /M .B MODE command. .TP .B /N .B NOTICE command. .TP .B /T .B TOPIC command. .TP .B /W .B WHOIS command. .TP .B /a .B AWAY command. .TP .B /j .B JOIN command. .TP .B /l .B LIST command. .TP .B /m .B PRIVMSG command. .TP .B /n .B NICK command. .TP .B /p .B PART command. .TP .BI /q " cmd Send the raw IRC command .I cmd to the server. .TP .BI /t " target Set .IR target . If .I target is more than one channel, any messages are sent to all of them. .TP .B /u .B USERS command. .TP .B /w .B WHO command. .TP .B /x .B QUIT command. Control-D also sends this command. .PP See RFC 1459 and RFC 2812 for detailed information about IRC commands. .SH EXAMPLES Default usage: .IP .EX % ircrc .EE .PP Join .B irc.oftc.net as a different user: .IP .EX % ircrc -r glenda -n glenda irc.oftc.net .EE .PP Join two channels on login: .IP .EX % ircrc -t '#cat-v,#plan9' .EE .SH SOURCE .B /rc/bin/ircrc .SH SEE ALSO .B http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1459 .br .B http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2812 .SH BUGS .PP .I Auth/userpasswd (which is called by .IR ircrc ) isn't compiled by default. .PP Some fonts do not support the nickname delimiters. .PP If the connection is lost, .I ircrc waits for input before exiting.