.TH CPUID 8 .SH NAME cpuid \- print processor identification information .SH SYNOPSIS .B aux/cpuid [ .B -ar ] .SH DESCRIPTION Intel compatible processors since the .SM Pentiumâ„¢ (or late 486), provide the .SM CPUID instruction that returns feature extension information about the chip. The .I cpuid program enumerates and prints this information in a simple textual format. The output consists of multiple lines prefixed with a keyword describing the information that follows. .PP With the .B -r option, the format changes to raw hexadecimal output with the keyword being the .BR AX input register to the .SM CPUID instruction followed by 4 colums with the output registers .BR AX , .BR BX , .BR CX , and .BR DX . .PP The .B -a option prints enumerated items in raw format if no keyword is known instead of omiting it (default). .PP The keywords supported so far are: .TP .B vendor Processor vendor string .TP .B procmodel, extmodel Processor model, hexadecimal model / family id .TP .B features, extfeatures Feature bits, a variable list of feature acronyms .TP .B procname Processor name string .TP .B physbits, virtbits, guestbits Address lines, decimal in bits .SH EXAMPLE .EX term% aux/cpuid vendor GenuineIntel procmodel 000006b4 / 00000006 features fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 features mmx fxsr sse extmodel 00000000 / 00000000 procname Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) III CPU - M 1133MHz .EE .SH SOURCE .B /sys/src/cmd/aux/cpuid.c