#!/bin/rc rfork ne . /sys/lib/git/common.rc diffpath=/tmp/gitimport.$pid.diff fn sigexit { rm -f $diffpath } fn apply @{ git/fs amail='' aname='' msg='' whoami parents='-p'^`{git/query HEAD} branch=`{git/branch} if(test -e $gitfs/branch/$branch/tree) refpath=.git/refs/$branch if not if(test -e $gitfs/object/$branch/tree) refpath=.git/HEAD if not die 'invalid branch:' $branch awk ' BEGIN{ state="headers" } state=="headers" && /^From:/ { sub(/^From:[ \t]*/, "", $0); aname=$0; amail=$0; sub(/[ \t]*<.*$/, "", aname); sub(/^[^<]*[^>]*$/, "", amail); } state=="headers" && /^Date:/{ sub(/^Date:[ \t]*/, "", $0) date=$0 } state=="headers" && /^Subject:/{ sub(/^Subject:[ \t]*(\[[^\]]*\][ \t]*)*/, "", $0); gotmsg = 1 print > "/env/msg" } state=="headers" && /^$/ { state="body" } (state=="headers" || state=="body") && (/^diff / || /^---( |$)/){ state="diff" } state=="body" && /^[ ]*$/ { empty=1 next } state=="body" { if(empty) printf "\n" > "/env/msg" empty=0 sub(/[ ]+$/, "") print > "/env/msg" } state=="diff" { print > ENVIRON["diffpath"] } END{ if(state != "diff") exit("malformed patch: " state); if(aname == "" || amail == "" || date == "" || gotmsg == "") exit("missing headers"); printf "%s", aname > "/env/aname" printf "%s", amail > "/env/amail" printf "%s", date > "/env/date" } ' || die 'could not import:' $status # force re-reading env rc -c ' echo applying $msg | sed 1q date=`{seconds $date} if(! files=`$nl{patch -p1 < $diffpath}) die ''patch failed'' for(f in $files){ if(test -e $f) git/add $f if not git/add -r $f } git/walk -fRMA $files if(~ $#nocommit 0){ if(hash=`{git/save -n $aname -e $amail -N $name -E $email -m $msg -d $date $parents $files}) echo $hash > $refpath } status='''' ' } gitup flagfmt='n:nocommit'; args='file ...' eval `''{aux/getflags $*} || exec aux/usage patches=(/fd/0) if(! ~ $#* 0) patches=$* for(p in $patches){ # upas serves the decoded header and body separately, # so we cat them together when applying a upas message. # # this allows mime-encoded or line-wrapped patches. if(test -d $p && test -f $p/header && test -f $p/body) {{cat $p/header; echo; cat $p/body} | apply} || die $status if not apply < $p || die $status } exit ''