.TH NUSBRC 8 .SH NAME nusbrc - Universal Serial Bus startup script .SH SYNOPSIS .B nusbrc .SH DESCRIPTION Started by .I bootrc (see .IR boot (8)), .I termrc or .I cpurc (see .IR cpurc (8)), .I nusbrc handles the startup and shutdown of usb drivers on physical device attach and detach events by reading .B /dev/usbevent file. .SH SOURCE .B /rc/bin/nusbrc .B /sys/src/9/boot/nusbrc .SH "SEE ALSO" .IR nusb (4) .SH BUGS Usb devices appear as files under .B /dev and .B /shr identified by the devices unique name assigned by usbd. When the environment variable .I nousbhname is defined, devices are named by their dynamically assigned usb device address instead. This emulates the old behaviour.