.TH PAINT 1 .CT 1 graphics .SH NAME paint \- create image files by drawing with a mouse or other pointing device .SH SYNOPSIS .B paint [file] .SH DESCRIPTION .I Paint provides a window upon which can be drawn lines by moving the cursor while holding down mouse button 1 or its equivalent. .PP A number of keyboard commands are recognized: .TP .B b Set the brush size to an ellipse with a horizontal semiaxis of .I n and a vertical semiaxis of .I n (see .IR graphics (2)). Type a number, .I n, in the pop-up box and hit enter. .TP .B c Clear the screen. Any unsaved work will be lost. .TP .B o Open a bitmap image file for editing. .TP .B s Save the current screen as a bitmap image. A pop-up box appears suggesting a default filename of .I out.bit. Hit enter to accept the default, or backspace over the suggested name and type an alternative path and filename. If the path is omitted, a file will be created in the current directory. .TP .B q Quit. .SH SOURCE .B /sys/src/cmd/paint.c .SH "SEE ALSO" .IR graphics (2), .IR image (6) .SH BUGS .I Paint offers a bare minimum of drawing functionality. Popular features such as .B undo have not yet been implemented.