/* * Unix versions of system-specific functions * By convention, exported routines herein have names beginning with an * upper case letter. */ #include "rc.h" #include "exec.h" #include "io.h" #include "fns.h" #include "getflags.h" #include #include #include #include static void execfinit(void); builtin Builtin[] = { "cd", execcd, "whatis", execwhatis, "eval", execeval, "exec", execexec, /* but with popword first */ "exit", execexit, "shift", execshift, "wait", execwait, ".", execdot, "flag", execflag, "finit", execfinit, 0 }; char Rcmain[] = PREFIX "/lib/rcmain"; char Fdprefix[] = "/dev/fd/"; char *Signame[NSIG]; #define SEP '\1' extern char **environ; static char **envp; static void Xrdfn(void) { char *s; int len; for(;*envp;envp++){ for(s=*envp;*s && *s!='(' && *s!='=';s++); switch(*s){ case '(': /* Bourne again */ if(strncmp(s, "()fn ", 5)!=0) continue; s=estrdup(s+2); len=strlen(s); s[len++]='\n'; envp++; runq->pc--; /* re-execute */ execcmds(openiocore(s, len), estrdup("*environ*"), runq->local, runq->redir); runq->lex->qflag = 1; return; default: continue; } } } static void execfinit(void) { static union code rdfns[5]; if(rdfns[0].i==0){ rdfns[0].i = 1; rdfns[1].s = "*rdfns*"; rdfns[2].f = Xrdfn; rdfns[3].f = Xreturn; rdfns[4].f = 0; } poplist(); envp=environ; start(rdfns, 2, runq->local, runq->redir); } static int cmpenv(const void *aa, const void *ab) { return strcmp(*(char**)aa, *(char**)ab); } static char** mkenv(void) { char **env, **ep, *p, *q; struct var **h, *v; struct word *a; int nvar = 0, nchr = 0, sep; /* * Slightly kludgy loops look at locals then globals. * locals no longer exist - geoff */ for(h = gvar-1; h != &gvar[NVAR]; h++) for(v = h >= gvar? *h: runq->local; v ;v = v->next){ if((v==vlook(v->name)) && v->val){ nvar++; nchr+=strlen(v->name)+1; for(a = v->val;a;a = a->next) nchr+=strlen(a->word)+1; } if(v->fn){ nvar++; nchr+=strlen(v->name)+strlen(v->fn[v->pc-1].s)+8; } } env = (char **)emalloc((nvar+1)*sizeof(char *)+nchr); ep = env; p = (char *)&env[nvar+1]; for(h = gvar-1; h != &gvar[NVAR]; h++) for(v = h >= gvar? *h: runq->local;v;v = v->next){ if((v==vlook(v->name)) && v->val){ *ep++=p; q = v->name; while(*q) *p++=*q++; sep='='; for(a = v->val;a;a = a->next){ *p++=sep; sep = SEP; q = a->word; while(*q) *p++=*q++; } *p++='\0'; } if(v->fn){ *ep++=p; *p++='#'; *p++='('; *p++=')'; /* to fool Bourne */ *p++='f'; *p++='n'; *p++=' '; q = v->name; while(*q) *p++=*q++; *p++=' '; q = v->fn[v->pc-1].s; while(*q) *p++=*q++; *p++='\0'; } } *ep = 0; qsort((void *)env, nvar, sizeof ep[0], cmpenv); return env; } static word* envval(char *s) { char *t, c; word *v; for(t=s;*t&&*t!=SEP;t++); c=*t; *t='\0'; v=newword(s, c=='\0'?(word*)0:envval(t+1)); *t=c; return v; } void Vinit(void) { char *s; for(envp=environ;*envp;envp++){ for(s=*envp;*s && *s!='(' && *s!='=';s++); switch(*s){ case '=': *s='\0'; setvar(*envp, envval(s+1)); *s='='; break; default: continue; } } } static void sighandler(int sig) { trap[sig]++; ntrap++; } void Trapinit(void) { int i; Signame[0] = "sigexit"; #ifdef SIGINT Signame[SIGINT] = "sigint"; #endif #ifdef SIGTERM Signame[SIGTERM] = "sigterm"; #endif #ifdef SIGHUP Signame[SIGHUP] = "sighup"; #endif #ifdef SIGQUIT Signame[SIGQUIT] = "sigquit"; #endif #ifdef SIGPIPE Signame[SIGPIPE] = "sigpipe"; #endif #ifdef SIGUSR1 Signame[SIGUSR1] = "sigusr1"; #endif #ifdef SIGUSR2 Signame[SIGUSR2] = "sigusr2"; #endif #ifdef SIGBUS Signame[SIGBUS] = "sigbus"; #endif #ifdef SIGWINCH Signame[SIGWINCH] = "sigwinch"; #endif for(i=1; i= 0 && !havewaitpid(pid)) return 0; while((wpid = wait(&status))!=-1){ delwaitpid(wpid); inttoascii(num, WIFSIGNALED(status)?WTERMSIG(status)+1000:WEXITSTATUS(status)); if(wpid==pid){ setstatus(num); return 0; } for(p = runq->ret;p;p = p->ret) if(p->pid==wpid){ p->pid=-1; p->status = estrdup(num); break; } } if(Eintr()) return -1; return 0; } static char **nextenv; void Updenv(void) { if(nextenv){ free(nextenv); nextenv = NULL; } if(err) flushio(err); } void Exec(char **argv) { if(nextenv==NULL) nextenv=mkenv(); execve(argv[0], argv+1, nextenv); } int Fork(void) { Updenv(); return fork(); } void* Opendir(char *name) { return opendir(name); } char* Readdir(void *arg, int onlydirs) { DIR *rd = arg; struct dirent *ent = readdir(rd); if(ent == NULL) return 0; return ent->d_name; } void Closedir(void *arg) { DIR *rd = arg; closedir(rd); } long Write(int fd, void *buf, long cnt) { return write(fd, buf, cnt); } long Read(int fd, void *buf, long cnt) { return read(fd, buf, cnt); } long Seek(int fd, long cnt, long whence) { return lseek(fd, cnt, whence); } int Executable(char *file) { return access(file, 01)==0; } int Open(char *file, int mode) { static int tab[] = {O_RDONLY,O_WRONLY,O_RDWR,O_RDONLY}; int fd = open(file, tab[mode&3]); if(fd >= 0 && mode == 3) unlink(file); return fd; } void Close(int fd) { close(fd); } int Creat(char *file) { return creat(file, 0666L); } int Dup(int a, int b) { return dup2(a, b); } int Dup1(int a) { return dup(a); } void Exit(void) { Updenv(); exit(truestatus()?0:1); } int Eintr(void) { return errno==EINTR; } void Noerror(void) { errno=0; } int Isatty(int fd) { return isatty(fd); } void Abort(void) { abort(); } int Chdir(char *dir) { return chdir(dir); } void Prompt(char *s) { pstr(err, s); flushio(err); }